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Everything posted by piper266

  1. I've never owned a 30, but I've carried a 29sf for just over a year now. Dimmensionaly they're the same, however. Ive always used the cheap Glock Sport Combat holster to carry. It's cheap, very durable, and keeps the pistol tight on your hip and high enough on your belt to keep it out of sight with an untucked shirt. As far as holsters go, you have dozens of options, but that's my 2 cents. Otherwise, I left the pistol as it came from the factory. The only change I may consider in the near future are a set of big dot sights.
  2. I have to admit that I watched it. However, I couldn't hear most of it due to all my dry-heaving.
  3. And yes, they do multiply. 19, 17, 26, 29sf
  4. A little over a year ago, I bought the 29sf in 10mm. Excellent round. Great pistol for carrying concealed as well as carrying in the bush. One advantage of carrying the 10 is the wide range of ammunition loads and options. I have 180 grain Speer Gold dots for defensive carry here and wide flat nose 220 grain Double Tap rounds for the bush of Alaska. Excellent penetration for run ins with unfriendly bear. Just depends on what the mission requires, but you can't go wrong with the 29.
  5. I couldn't agree more. Great rifles. I bought one for my son and we've taken dozens of rabbits out to 150 yards. Worth every penny.
  6. I'd have to go with a nice Winchester Model of 1894. For 500 to 600 you could pick up a sharp pre-64 in good shape in 30 WCF/. 30/30. You'd have a great American-made shooter and a piece of history. They were used in everything from the old west to the Klondike Gold Rush. Most popular lever gun ever made....probably for good reason.
  7. Merry Christmas! Nice pics. Just bought my wife the 442. She loves it.
  8. ....and why our President went to his funeral? Read the history books folks! By definition, He was a terrorist!
  9. piper266

    Glock 19C

    I agree with some of the others above. The 19 is such a soft shooter,I don't think compensation is necessarily needed either. However, if you're getting a good deal on this particular Glock, I'd go buy it. If you find you don't like the compensation, you could always drop in a lone wolf barrel or stock Glock barrel and then you have the option to fire either way.
  10. Well, I'm a little disappointed.  I'm still wishing for some kind of Glock carbine to compete with the Tavor.
  11. Piper266 is short for N43266...the first airplane I ever soloed when I was 17. Last I heard, it's wings were torn off during a crash. Pilot walked away from it, but airplane didn't come out so well.
  12. And I thought my XTerra was cool. Nice Duece!
  13. Im considering another 10/22. But before buying, I thought I'd ask if any of you had any experience with it. Have you had any issues with the attachment point loosening up over time or usage? Is the whole rifle fairly rigid when assembled...no wobble? And if you've ever had the camo versions, is it a tough finish or should it be avoided? Thanks in advance for the info!
  14. Ive owned a 19 and a 26 before I bought my 29sf about 8 months ago. I bought the 10mm because of the wide range of loadings offered. With specialty loads from Double Tap, you can sling 200 grain rounds at 1300 fps...between .357 mag and .41 mag ballistics. Works great as a woods carry gun. In addition, you can load it with standard self defense rounds and hit harder than a .45 acp. All that being said, my Gen 4 17 is still my favorite at the range :)
  15. piper266

    Snake guns

    .....and all his friends too.
  16. piper266

    Snake guns

    Come on guys. Really?! Shoot the stupid snake and keep your family safe. Common sense dictates.
  17. My father in law gave me my first pistol. It's a Raven M25 with a chrome finish. He used to keep it under his floor mat in his VW Beetle convertible he had restored. I only shot one box through it and put it away in the safe deposit box with some extra ammo. However, that little pistol started my chronic gun-buying addiction and many more have followed!
  18. Be careful! Accuracy and reliability right out of the box are hard to beat. They tend to multiply!
  19. Nice!!
  20. I'm on the trail for another .22 rifle. I've got a great little 10-22 target model but now I'm looking for a good plinker. Wondering if any of you guys have one, and if so, how would you rate it? Reliability, durability, ammo preferences, and over-all quality. There are dozens of options out there in the .22 market, just curious how you've liked yours. Thanks in advance.
  21. M&P 15 T Glock 17 (with weapon light attached) zombies never sleep Gerber camp hatchet (light weight for some fast swingin')
  22. My dad has had a gen 2 19 for 2 decades with no issues. Carry it in confidence. Great pistols.
  23. Buy with confidence. I've had my 17 for almost a year now with about 1000 rounds through and it runs great no matter what type ammo you run through it. Great pistols.
  24. A lot of good ideas here. The only thing I'd add is something to fly low and slow like a Piper Super Cub. I'd sit it the back seat and have fun picking' them off from the back seat with my AR.
  25. I'm jealous. I'd go FDE. Second choice would be a combat grey. Either way, great lookin build.


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