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Clod Stomper

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Everything posted by Clod Stomper

  1. M2 Browning at the front door. Mk 19 at the back. Mother-in-law guarding the side door with a BB gun.
  2. I KNOW the Redhawk can take a beating. You can feed it loads that would kill a Mod 29. I do not, however, recommend doing that.
  3. Even match bullets can vary from ogive to tip. I'm guessing that your seating depth is consistent. If they shoot fine, I wouldn't worry about it.
  4. Sheesh.  I gotta start keeping up.  I thought hipsters were still were wearing mini-skirts and monocles.
  5.   Throw in the tailgaters, lane-weavers, left-lane bandits, failers-to-yield, and other assorted blind, stupid, and oblivious morons and I'm right there with you.
  6. Yep, sort of two different stories with similar plots and characters is the way I look at it too.   Just FYI, I heard a rumor that the original script was almost identical to the comics.  Then it was rewritten.  Here are some scenes from the original script.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR4lLJu_-wE       Edit:  Not funny?   Sorry about that.  I thought that video was hilarious.   I like most of those Bad Lip Reading videos.  I have a warped sense of humor.
  7. Thanks for the opinions. Sounds like it's moving down the list. At this point, I'm leaning heavily toward a Kahr CM9.
  8.   Hmmm...   pondering.... pondering...
  9.   Good info.  Thanks.
  10. I haven't seen anyone mention this one.  It's adjustable.  Don't know about their buffer tubes, but I've bought an Odin Works barrel.  Haven't fired it, but it looks good so far.   http://www.primaryarms.com/Odin_Works_Stabilizing_Brace_Pistol_Tube_p/acc-spbt-kit.htm?   BTW, when they were in stock the price was much less.  Don't remember exactly.  But it seemed like a good deal.
  11. Has anyone here used one of these?  I'm still researching 9mm pocket/crotch pistols.  This one is a Sig for 3 bills.  Sounds like a pretty good deal.   http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/18651/s/sig-sauer-p290rs-9mm-every-day-carry-xtreme/   It also looks more ergonomic than the P938.  Haven't handled either, though.
  12.   Yah.  Apparently OP isn't a tinkerer.     To paraphrase an old cliche...  "It's a Tinkerer thing.  You wouldn't understand."   I like building my own stuff.  Simple as that.   It's not cheaper, it's not easier.  But it is funner and more rewarding.     Edit:  My first 80% lower was finished without the benefit of a jig.  Only an unfinished lower and some obscure measurements.  It ain't perfect, but it does function.  Even took it to an Appleseed.  I didn't make Rifleman that time, but it was my own fault, not that of the machine.
  13. Eff' im.  I'm sick and tired of people like that.  100 years ago he would have been dragged out of his buggy and taught a lesson.  Now, he would be the "victim" and the one who bruised him would be the "perp".  The a-holes are protected and the good folks are afraid to stand up to them.  This isn't an isolated incident.  This society can't last long.         Edit:  Yes, my chronic misanthropy is really acting up today.
  14.   And THIS, my friends, is why the federal government should be involved in neither alcohol, tobacco, nor firearms.           Oh yeah...  and explosives.
  15. So much good advice here.  
  16.   Yeah, that was a pretty big gaffe.  Worse than rifles with no rear sight.
  17.   What he said.  But I will add...    Don't neglect resistance training.  Free weights are preferable to machines.  Multi-joint movements.  When you start to get in better shape, ramp up the intensity of your lifting routine.  A high-intensity  weight workout will replace a low intensity cardio workout, will get you in better shape faster and the results will last longer.     For example, when I follow a Crossfit style routine for a while and then slack off, going back is much easier than when just doing cardio and static lifting.   For an example of the principle I'm trying to describe, go to crossfit.com and read up on the workouts there.  Very few people can do all the activities they prescribe, but there are always substitutions.   Disclaimer:  I used to be a certified personal trainer, but I'm not at the moment.  I'm also not a doctor, so you should talk to one before doing any exercise that you're not accustomed to.
  18. I think I may have a .303 no-go. Give me a day or two to check. Most of my tools are at my Dad's.
  19. I don't disagree. But this is on a pistol. Which is another reason I should have put this thread in Gunsmithing instead of Long Guns. D'oh! But you're right. For accurate shooting (with a sling), the front sight on the barrel and the sling on the free float handguard.
  20. Definitely not cross threaded. I've taken it off and put it back on several times.
  21.   I could do that, but I already have a receiver face truing tool.  It accomplishes the same thing.  I just remove a bit of material until the gas tube holes line up without too much torque.     I've never seen those before.  If they're cheap, they could be handy to keep around as a quick fix.     It may be a couple days before I'm able to do that, but just picture looking down the rails over your receiver and railed handguard.  At the receiver/handguard junction, the rails start to angle to the left and the barrel is not centered in the handguard.  
  22. I must be doing something wrong. I don't know WHAT I could possibly be doing wrong when threading on a handguard, but this is the third time. A couple years ago, I bought a Midwest HG from Brownell's. When I installed it, it was noticeably misaligned side-to-side. I tried it on 3 different uppers, all made by LAR. Same deal. So I sent it back. When I got the replacement, it was exactly the same. At that point, I figure it must be something I'm doing wrong. So I took it to Predator Arms to let them look at it. They come up with the same result. I tried truing the receiver face. No luck. At the last gun show I picked up an unknown brand HG. Its attachment is nearly identical to the Midwest Ind. Also like Yankee Hill for those unfamiliar with MI. So for the third time, I have the same exact problem. This one is a mid-length, so it's not as critical as the rifle length I was using before. But since I do install the front sight on the HG, It kinda needs to be straight. Only thing that I can think may be wrong is that I may be over torquing. I don't have a torque wrench. They line up fine before being tightened, but when everything is tightened down, it gets crooked. I'm going to try facing the receiver to where I don't need to use as much torque to align the gas tube hole. Just need to get some lapping compound. Anyone else have this issue? Edit: Well, crap. I meant to put this in the Gunsmithing forum.
  23. That was my first thought. Might have to turn the necks, but 308/7.62 brass is a lot cheaper.
  24. I'll take it easy on him.  Sometimes mistakes do happen.     I've accidentally pulled out in front of another vehicle, TWICE, after looking both ways several times.  Not excusing it, because any one of these mistakes could have resulted in injuries or death.  But saying that it's really difficult to be "tuned in" 100% ALL THE TIME.  I do try, and STILL make mistakes.  I do learn from each and every mistake.  They rarely happen more than once.  Just as in this case, I suspect.
  25. Maybe you're never fired a .308 out of a carbine barrel. The muzzle blast and flash are impressive. Perhaps even disorientating. On a range with ear protection and eye protection, it ain't a big deal.


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