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Everything posted by Dad03

  1. True. When do you need to start counting your parts? When you change the stock, when you change the mags, ?????????
  2. That worksheet posted early has an SKS checklist. A Tapco T6 has a pistol grip and could be construed as no longer being a sporting rifle. Add a 30 rnd mag and its even more deviation from a sporting rifle. Probably not off to jail, probably never get checked but if it is a violation you could be subjected to whatever penalty is associated with 922r violations. Thats how I interpretate the reg. Like I said i could be wrong.
  3. My understanding is you can't change a thing on a post pan gun without being required to follow the 922r regs. Put a tapco T6 stock & remove the 10 rnd fixed for a 30 rnd mag on a SKS and it better be 922r compliant. I could be wrong, won't be the first time.
  4. Get some blue painters tape and some hard backing (plastic, cardboard, etc) lay the hooks down on the backing and lay the tape over it. You could also just sandwich the hooks between 2 pieces of painters tape (more of a throw away method) They easily can be cut or pulled out one at a time. You can carry a dozen this way with little space and they won't get tangled, spill or stick you.
  5. From what I recall on the animal planet, animals have an adrenaline like substance that eliminates the pain. Much like humans in shock. It only kicks in when they feel threatened (like a chase). Thats why when you watch those wildlife shows where a pack of predators catch an animal and they are half way up its azz eating it before its dead the animal is just lying there not making a sound. I am sure walking up cutting one sets off pain.
  6. This reminds me of an incident I heard about many years ago. Deer was hit be a car. Cops were called, deer was suffering on the road but cop would not put it down. State road crew was nearby, comes over and starts to beat the deer with shovels trying to end it. After a large crowd, news crew etc shows up the cop was asked why he did not intervene. His response was because the paperwork he would have to do if he discharged his firearm was not worth it.
  7. Thats a good read. Comparing the old stock and the ATI there is no functional difference. Just wood vs composite. I hear its pretty accurate for an AK. What ammo works best in yours?
  8. Muzzle nut is still there. I will look again at the trigger maybe it is a double.
  9. Thats a good worksheet. I think it offers 1 less credit on the items than other sites I have seen. My understnding of the 922r regs (I could be wrong): If you take a post ban AK and attempt to change it to preban assembly then you need to meet 922r. According to the definition changing a post ban design to pre ban design is "building a gun". In other words if you had a post ban and did not change anything on the gun then 922r does not apply. So the question needs to be is changing the stock considered building a gun. I can see adding a pistol grip & folding stock but does the ATI stock assembly trip this requirement. (see gun in avatar) The ATI stock has the hand grip integrated in the stock not a true pistol grip. (a regular stock with the center part removed). This stock does not change to overall length of the gun as a folding stock would. From what I read from internet reviews it came with a 30 rnd clip. Where would be a reliable source to check? Did any post ban AK's come with pistol grips? I thought that was part of the 'evil' parts and reason for the ban. Anyone ever been checked?
  10. I just got a post ban Norinco AK 47 nhm 91 (with original bi pod) & 4 30 rnd clips. The wooden thumb hole stock has been changed to a composite ATI AK handguard, forearm and buttstock. Since it has the ATI gear do I need to make sure its inline with 922r? It has the single hook FCG but not sure if its Tapco or stock? Is there a good way to tell who made the FCG? From what I understand of the 922 regs if I need it changing the FCG to a Tapco will give me the required 6 (including the ATI stock) If I can pull the $$ together he also has a 100 rnd drum for sale. Should grab this or pass? Thanks
  11. Best sub shop at the beach!! The owner rocks. More people there need to stand up like this. IMO Jax is becoming a sh*t hole. I lived there for 30 years. Never again until ....well it will never happen so never again.
  12. Been killing 2 or 3 a day. More show up. Do they have hives or nests in the wood. Them suckers just won't go away.
  13. x2 Buck n does on ebay. I got it in 2 days with free shipping. Just to be sure I asked Crimson Trace if they honor warranties from ebay sales and they said yes no matter where it was purchased their warrenty is good.
  14. You needed 2 shots really??? J/K Hitting on the second with it moving is pretty good.
  15. My HCP instructor was a LEO training officer. He was asked about this situation. This may be how he would handle it but he said as long as it is not an actual BAR. If its a Chilis or such and you are not consuming he did not see any offense. In these places the primary service is food not drink. (Don't sit in the bar area) He was a cool guy and maybe he would not give any crap in that situation. Seems like a gray area. So I just avoid it all together.
  16. I put a CT 619 on my Glock 19. Love it! I got it mainly for my wife but damn its fun to shoot.
  17. Just gone mine today. About 4 weeks.


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