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Everything posted by eastenn

  1. hey jason that sounds like a good setup i will have to check around here for something along those lines. i looked through the lighting at lowe's but didn't see anything there. check weights sound like a good idea. i hadn't thought of them, but it had crossed my mind on how i would verify the accuracy of the scale. i talked to a guy that lives down the road from me and he was telling me the importance of taking good records on different loads. maybe tomorrow after work i can try working with it some. thanks again everyone.
  2. glockster, do you chamfer the inside of all your first time reloaded rounds (handgun and long gun) or just long guns? cjr, howdy neighbor.. LngRng, those are helpful tips. I have thought about what to do for lighting, and i'm thinking some kind of flourescent desk lamp that i can attach to the desk or work bench. also, i have two loading blocks, haven't checked to see what size rounds fit in them though. and for a scale cover, do i just need something to keep dust off of it? do you have a particular manual in mind? I wouldn't mind to purchase a newer one, seeing how I basically got all this equipment at no cost to me, I don't mind to spend a little to update or obtain other components i need. last question, so handgun cases don't need lubed? i'm guessing since they are shorter it isn't required. i haven't read where it says to use it, but i haven't read chapters on reloading rifle rounds yet. thanks guys, great help
  3. sasquatch....suitable name
  4. thanks arko for the welcome. greg, i think this is what you are talking about, at least this is what i have.
  5. you may find this wedge spacer useful for just $6. If you go with ghost ring sights or a red dot, the normal configuration should be fine, but for me it was hard to get down on the small beads without pushing my cheek into the knoxx stock which is uncomfortable when shooting. ATI Collapsible Stock Drop Spacer 1/2 " Lower - MOSSBERG by Combathunting.com
  6. I have the Pet Safe brand in ground system for two boxers. My 3 year old does great and never tests it at all, the 10 month old boy who isn't fixed still manages to get into the neighbors back yard sometimes. One thing about the Pet Safe brand is I think they are out of Knoxville, TN. One other thing to note, with the in ground system the collars use 9v batteries, which last at least 6 months (I don't remember the last time I had to change one, and I keep them checked) while the wireless systems use the CR2032 (I think) batteries and those are more expensive, a little harder to find, and they don't seem to last any time at all. The reason I know about both systems is my dad has the wireless one for his jack russell terrier, who leaves the yard all the time because he wears out the batteries fast.
  7. Hm thanks for the info. I don't plan on doing the 30-06's anytime soon, but is the deburring tool the same thing as the beveling tool you are talking about? If so, I do have the deburrinig tool. AFAIK, I do not have the case trimmer though.
  8. We rescued our boxer from a lady near knoxville, someone had dropped him off and didn't want him anymore and I have no idea why. He is almost 1 year old now and is already bigger than our 3 year old girl. Here is her web site Home
  9. nothing fancy for me..i have verizon and the app on there is WeatherBug
  10. here's my two clowns..
  11. that thing is neat, i'm constantly checking the weather on my phone. luckily i live just a couple miles from the TRI airport
  12. i have a xd 9 sc and find it somewhat uncomfortable for concealed carry. over on xdtalk.com there is very high praise for the Crossbreed Holsters Supertuck, you could give that a try before giving up on the xdm. i'm new to cc, but since getting a j-frame i think i've found what i'll be carrying.
  13. so i should be able to get this 4 turret ring which would accept the 4 hole turrets? if that's the case i guess I would also have to order an extra 4 hole turret for the 3 38 special dies i have now
  14. Thanks for all the friendly responses and welcomes. I was pretty excited when I found this forum for a couple reasons, for one it appears to have a lot of active members and topics, and two, those members are localized. I just bought my first handgun this past october and it really sparked an interest. Since, I have purchased a rifle, shotgun, and two more handguns. Thanks for any tips on reloading. As stated, I've been mostly reading about it and the only hands on I have with it has got as far as seating a new primer. I'm sure I'll have some more questions and issues come up shortly. I've also been looking at ordering a set of 9mm dies. Would you suggest buying an extra turret for each set of dies, that way I can just swap the turrets with dies already in place?
  15. Hello everyone, I recently found TGO and registered about a week ago but just got the moderator approval yesterday. I live in Blountville and recently obtained my HCP. I've also taken a recent interest in reloading. I was talking to my father about it and he reminded me about all the reloading equipment he used to use (18-20 years ago) and told me it should still be over in a storage shed on a piece of property we lived on in SW VA when I was younger. He said go get it, that someone needed to be using it. So a friend of mine helped me gather all we could find in that old building and I brought it all back out to my house. I don't know all the appropriate terms for the items so bear with me, but the press and the powder dispenser were both a little rusty and mostly locked up. After cleaning them with gun cleaner and wd-40 they both loosened up nicely. We found #1,2,3 dies for 38 special, and #1,2 dies for 30-06. Also a scale and a micrometer that appear brand new in the box. He homemade a tumbler using pvc and some kind of motor, which still works but the motor is a little weak if loaded with too much weight. There were lots of miscellaneous casings, some primers for small pistol, large pistol, and large rifle. 3 containers of gun powder, some case lube and pads, and several other small things. The press is a Lee precision with the turret on top. There were also 4 books on reloading and I have read through the relevant chapters in each. The ABC's was the hardest to read through, while the Lyman was the easiest, simplest, and most informative for what a beginner would need. Well, after getting everything out here I made a little section of table next to my work bench to mount my reloading hardware. Seeing that he had the dies for 38 special, and I had been wanting to purchase a revolver I went to the gun show yesterday and picked up a S&W 442. I went and shot a few rounds through it and kept the casings to bring home. I tried a couple in the press and got through the first couple steps of resizing the case, popping the primer, resizing the mouth and seating a new primer. That's where I stopped, but I noticed after seating the new primer it didn't protrude from the case (as warned not to in the books), but it also wasn't recessed into the case at all (as suggested). The small T shaped piece on the press that seats the primer doesn't appear to be adjustable, and I was dropping the lever as far as it would go to try and seat it farther. I also noticed that some of the 38 special bullets that dad seated (from almost 20 years ago) also had the primer as I described, nearly flush with the bottom of the case. Can anyone direct me as to how to adjust how far the primer gets seated? I haven't purchased any new gun powder yet, but I may try a few with the old powder just to practice with the press. Would there be any danger in shooting the old stuff? I figure it may just not fire, and to be safe just wait and make sure it doesn't hang fire. Sorry for the long first post, but I appreciate any information provided. Here are a few pics of my reloading setup as well as my new, first revolver.


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