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Everything posted by jmecklen

  1. Need any help on Friday? I may be able to sneak out if the wifes not watching! If not, I'll be there Saturday for sure.
  2. Thanks Robert. Fun match and no procedurals! Good turn-out. Somehow I got put into ESP instead of SSP/ SS, but no worries mate. I had fun. See you at Dickson.
  3. Green River Gun Club, Bowling Green KY. will hold a double elimination, man vs man, 3-gun match on Sunday June 10th. One stage with 2 shooters at one time. After 2 losses you are eliminated. Minimum round count is 10 rifle, 10 shotgun (birdshot) and 10 pistol. If you keep winning the round count could be very high, depending on the attendence. The stage will be posted on the GRGC website soon. http://www.bggrgc.com/index.html
  4. That's right! I'm bad! Glad you guys enjoyed it. I was happy with the attendence. John and I are both whipped! It was a long hot day starting at 8:00am and leaving at 6:00pm. John did a great job of getting the scores posted quickly. Next match will be in the second Sunday in June. Set-up at noon, shoot at 1:00pm. I think it will be man vs man, but stay tuned for more details.
  5. We will have 5 stages. Minimum round count is 56 pistol, 28 rifle and 10 shotgun (all birdshot, no slugs or buck). Sorry, no shoot house this match.
  6. OK, "Them" is John Humkey. He is designing the stages. I haven't seen them yet. To be safe, 100 rounds of each (rifle, pistol, shotgun) will be more than enough.I will be helping John run the match. I'll update here when I know more. We are using IDPA multi-gun rules this year (with a few minor variations). There are only 4 divisions: Stock Service Gun (SSG), Enhanced Service Gun (ESG) and Stock and Enhanced Pistol Caliber Carbine (SPCC & EPCC). Unfortunitly the GRGC website has not yet been updated to reflect the IDPA rules except for the link titled "3Gun Divisions". http://www.bggrgc.com/html/3GunDivisions.jpg. Sorry Matt. However, we are pretty flexible, so if you want to shoot Heavy Metal, I'm sure we can accomadate. Also note one other item of contention. Magazine capacity is 20+1 rifle, 5 +1 shotgun and 10+1 or 8+1 pistol (IDPA division capacity) For more info concerning IDPA Multi-Gun rules got to : http://www.idpa.com/Documents/IDPA_DMG_rules_07062010.pdf
  7. THIS NEXT Sunday (May 6th) will be the first 3 Gun of the year at Green River Gun Club, in Bowling Green KY. Set-up at Noon, Start shooting around 1:00 PM. Have the 5 stages, but not "drawn up nice" yet . . . For more info check the GRGC website: http://www.bggrgc.com/index.html
  8. It was a great turn-out . Another bunch of new shooters! Very encouraging ! Denny and Dan put on a good match. I always enjoy the shoot house. Thanks to all Music City Tactical shooters that made it. See you guys in May.
  9. This Saturday, April 28th IDPA Match at Green River Gun Club, Bowling Green KY. We'll have five pistol stages, one of which will be in the shoot house and a two stage rifle side match. Pistol minimum round count 76 and 40-50 for the rifle. Set up at 8am, registration and new shooter orientation at 9am, match begins at 9:30am (CST). For more info check the website: http://www.bggrgc.com/index.html
  10. OK Michael, I'm now registered to shoot and I'll work the match at least on Saturday. Sunday is a maybe. See you in May.
  11. We had almost the whole BG crew there (Carl wimped out). We knew you were wearing out some perspective SO's. Hope you weren't too hard on them. We thought about you, and talked about you, and bad mouthed you. Too bad you missed it! Most of us will be at our open house next Saturday. We'll miss your "Run n Gun".
  12. Good match Robert. Wish I could have stayed for the rifle side match. I also wish I had doubled up on the "Focus Factor" ! My head was not on my shoulders! It was in a dark, stinky place! Thanks Mark for running our squad, great job! BTW, Flannigan wants you email address.
  13. My bad!!!! The open house is Saturday APRIL 21'ST!!!!! AGAIN, THE GRGC NEW SHOOTER OPEN HOUSE IS SATURDAY APRIL 21 (not the 25'th) !!!!!!! Thanks HOGNUT.
  14. There will be a New Shooter Open House at Green River Gun Club on Saturday, April 25, 2012 in Bowling Green KY. If you have wanted to try some of the action shooting sports without the pressure of competition, here is your chance. There will be demo stages for IDPA, 3-Gun, and Steel Challange (not sure if there will be a Cowboy Action stage). Bring whatever guns/ammo/magazines you have and we will find something for you to try. Open to any shooters, member or non-members. 9:00 AM to Noon. If your not ready to shoot, come out and watch. Check for updates and additional information at : http://www.bggrgc.com/index.html
  15. Ditto on the stage designs, senerios, and fast score turn around John. You did a great job. PS: Tennis balls for the next Honey Badger stage.
  16. This Saturday March 31st will be an IDPA BUG (Back Up Gun) matchat the Green River Gun Club (GRGC) in Bowling Green, KY. It's is a good match for beginners and new CCW permit holders. It's also good for the experienced shooters to put some rounds through that gun "you carry a lot but shoot very little". I think there will be 8 stages (maybe more), of 5 rounds each, no magazine changes . Everything is shot from "low ready", so you don't even need a holster. You need a .32 caliber or larger Pistol or Revolver and ammo ( 50-75 rounds ) and of course eye and ear protection. You don't "have" to bring a small BackUp Gun, you "can" bring your .45 1911, or whatever, but even with that, you'll still only be loading to 5 rounds. So you, and everyone else, will be "on par" with each other. It's open to everyone and we welcome new shooters and spectators. For more information click the link for GRGC. http://www.bggrgc.co...BUG_Events.html
  17. Same here. Jim and Dan both shot really well. Wish I could say the same, but a have a bunch of excuses! Denny has a match regular IDPA scheduled next week and then a BUG match on the 31'st. Are you going to make them?
  18. Hey Robert, Are you going to post the shotgun match scores?
  19. Robert, Great match. Loved the "Starsky and Hutch" SUV. I want one for Green River Gun Club!
  20. No Dennis or Gerry. Dan S and Jim B were going and they need to make sure they have someone they can beat, so they're taking me. I'll be looking for you.
  21. I too will have to pass. Going to shoot the Wounded Warrior Match. Have fun.
  22. The IDPA 2012 season at Green River Gun Club of Bowling Green, KY. starts this month with two matches. Our first match this season is March 24th, a regular IDPA match with 5 stages. March 31st will be a BUG (Back Up Gun) match, which is a good match for beginners and new CCW permit holders. Five rounds per stage and shot from low ready with no reloads. We welcome new shooters and spectators. For more information click on "matches" on the GRGC web page. http://www.bggrgc.com/index.html
  23. Glad you enjoyed it. Denny and Dan put on a good match. See you at Gallatin.


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