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About notananti

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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    Franklin, TN
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  1. He set a bad precedence with the bump stocks after Vegas. Biden followed suit with binary triggers and pistol braces. Also, the HPA was slated to pass until Vegas happened. The idiots like Hilldog immediately used it as a way to kill that bill. Even the ATF supported getting suppressors deregulated.
  2. Sorry to hear bud but I would get it fixed right even if it means filing a claim. The insurance company is supposed to be the one to recover the money from the at fault party but unless the amount is high enough they won’t even try. This has happened to me three times since moving to Tennessee 20 years ago. All three times, we were rear ended by uninsured motorists. I had to file on Insurace for all three repairs because none of them came out of pocket with cash. Thought about suing but they probably didn’t have anything to take. One of them had a fresh sleeve of tattoos and three pit bulls in the car but no insurance. Pisses me off how people set their priorities.
  3. I got a Mako USA several years ago. I recently replaced the bezel with an SKX bezel and a Pepsi ceramic insert. The original bezel was beat up. Looks brand new again.
  4. They must have really unique and aggressive knives up there. They can jump out of drawers, pockets, etc and inflict bodily harm without requiring the actions from a human. That is incredible. Buck knives and those with locking blades are really scary too. We are so screwed.
  5. Chuy's for good Tex-Mex Sapphire at the Factory Royal Thai and/or Coi Thai Bonefish Grill
  6. fivestring63, 18 U.S.C. 922(d)(1) and 922(g)(1) should answer your question. 18 U.S.C. 922(d)(1) - It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year (i.e. a felon). In the situation you described, I would bet "otherwise dispose" would get you. Either way, the felon friend would be in violation of 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(1) which bascially says that any person covicted of a felony can't be in possession of a firearm or ammunition.
  7. I've got a p220 single action only with a five inch match grade barrel. I will not part with this gun. It's my first .45 and I love this thing. I can drive nails with it. I bought it on a whim and it really surprised me how much I like it. I've also got a 226 in .40 and a 239 in .40. All of them shoot really well but the 220 and 239 really stand out against all my other handguns.
  8. I bet the Brown Pride gang members that live within walking distance of Pinkerton Park and frequent it regularly will leave their guns at home too.
  9. I have a complete Stag and a complete Colt. Stag shoots as good and as accurate as the Colt.
  10. Sounds more like an internet connection issue to me. Are you connected through a wireless network? What type of internet connection do you have (cable, dsl, etc.)?
  11. In college (1997) I was in a hurry to get home (5 hr drive) due to a family emergency. About an hour into the drive, I got behind a car I felt was going extremely too slow and decided to pass it in the left turn lane. As I inched by the blue crown vic in my 2.3 liter isuzu truck (painfully slow) mean mugging the driver, I realized I was passing an unmarked police car. Needless to say I got pulled over. I was nervous as hell because I was caught red handed doing something stupid. The officer became suspicious about my nervousnessn and didn't buy my story of why I was in a hurry. He noticed I didn't have any luggage, which I didn't because I was planning on returning for an exam the following morning, and suspected I was trafficking drugs. Backup showed up and he asked for consent to search to which I granted since I had nothing to hide. They searched my truck up and down. After they found nothing, I was let go without a ticket. I was extremely grateful for that because I had less than 100 bucks in the bank at the time. However, my truck was a mess and my 118 piece craftsman toolset was accidently spilled by one of the officers so I had sockets and crap everywhere. I can't imagine what that ticket would have cost.
  12. How about just leaving it the way I posted? I'm not speaking for you. I was answering a question.
  13. Everyone seems to think the ATF is bad guy. I don't get it. Their job is often misunderstood. I've only met one ATF agent that was anti-gun and it was a wack job female out in AZ. According to the agents that worked with her they couldn't stand her and she does not represent the norm in the agency. I'm in law enforcement and work with the ATF. They aren't after law abiding citizens' guns. In fact, all the ones I've met are mostly pro-gun. Some wished the NFA laws were re-considered because a lot of them make no sense. They usually only go after the real thugs (i.e. gang members, straw purchasers for gang members, drug dealers, multple convicted violent felons, etc). Yeah you may read about some 70 yr old going to jail for dealing without a license but guess what? That 70 yr old probably had a bunch of guns turn up in crimes and was warned to stop dealing without a license. Most agents I know were former police officers that got sick of watching the dangerous, multiple convicted violent felons get slapped on the wrist by the "state" because of "overcrowding bs" only to be allowed to victimize some more. With a fed charge, they don't get out for a long time. The US Attorneys Office for the various districts aren't going to waist their time going after cases that don't merit federal prosecution. Sometimes to the public when you read about a case it looks that way but there is always more to the story than what you can read about in the paper. A lot of federal cases are under seal and the information that gets out is limited. I know the point of this thread and others like it is to argue states rights but I don't get the ATF bashing all the time. A lot of them are really good people doing a hard job. I usually try to refrain mentioning that I'm in law enforcement because I only come on here to enjoy my hobby just like all of you. However, I have a hard time sitting back while good friends of mine are being called "thugs."
  14. The P226 I carry has a long reset. I guess it's just the way Sigs are. I too prefer the feel of the Glock triggers.


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