Just wanted to spread the word to all who have Fleischmann as their rep. I like the response, but I wanted to get the word out so that if he does not act as promised we can all hold him accountable in the ballot box.
Dear Jeremy :
Thank you for contacting me about the recent heartbreaking tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this horrendous attack on our children, and I remain honored to represent you in Congress.
On December 14, 2012 a deranged young man attacked the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, brutally murdering 20 first graders and 6 adults. This unspeakable attack shook the town of Newtown to its core and forced many of us to question how anyone could be so evil as to murder children.
In the wake of this shooting there are no easy answers. I have heard suggestions for limiting 2 ndAmendment rights to increasing resources for mental health issues to putting armed school resource o fficers in every school. I oppose limiting gun rights , however I do believe that there is merit in the other two suggestions, although these solutions may be better implemented at the state or local level than at the federallevel. School resources and needs are no doubt very different in a small Tennessee town than in New York City or in rural Alaska.
This horrific act leads me to hug my children a little bit tighter, but ultimately the search for answers to this shooting yields few clues. We know little about the shooter and what could have driven him to kill.
I urge you to join me in keeping the victims and their families in your prayers in the wake of this horrible crime. Thank you again for your concern and please do not hesitate to let me know if I may be of additional assistance.
Chuck Fleischmann
Member of Congress