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About ShamGlock

  • Birthday 11/12/1979

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Common Sense

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  1. Could not appreciate LSU more for taking Kelly off our hands!
  2. In early just to say Go Irish!!!!!!!! An no, we will not be joining a conference.
  3. I own an Ed Brown Executive Elite, 2 of the Les Baer PII, a Nighthawk TRS Custom, a Dan Wesson Valor, and a Staccato P. I have also shot several Wilsons. I'll say that all of these are great guns and you won't go wrong with any of them, it kind of depends on what you are looking for. The Dan Wesson is certainly the best value of the bunch, in terms of price to performance and finish. The Ed Brown and Nighthawk are just outright fun to shoot with, and the fit and finish of those two are amazing. But when I want a gun that I can take out and absolutely drive nails with I grab my Baer with the 1 1/2" guarantee and let it rip. The gun itself isn't a classic 1911 beauty, and it comes from the factory in a cardboard box, but man does that thing just run. It's incredibly tight, well built, and I have never had the first issue with it on the range. They have a few idiosyncrasies but they are just great guns overall.
  4. I have a P with several thousand rounds through it by now. I love it, great gun but definitely not a good carry option for me. I have a friend that carries his though, it can be done. I have shot a CS several times and loved it as well. Fairly strong contender for replacing my 43X as my daily. I am also looking at the new sig macro for that role.
  5. Solid advise, always. Hoping for the best news possible for you and yours.
  6. Mickey Swafford is doing a defensive handgun class this Saturday, the 13th, at a local range. I've done this class twice. It's a great class and he is an outstanding instructor.
  7. "Does anyone know where the love of god goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?" Man, no one is writing music like that anymore.
  8. Having grown up as the son of a huge Bill Elliott fan I can confirm to you that he has a museum and shop down there. I spent many weekends there as a youth with my Dad. There is also a pretty decent lodge in Amicalola Falls State Park.
  9. Username absolutely seems to checkout here!!!!!
  10. Treat everyone you come across with respect and dignity as everyone you will ever meet has at least one thing you could learn from them. There is no more powerful force in the world than consistency. And that communism has failed miserably every where in the world that it was ever implemented.
  11. So, we are all TCU fans for the next week. Right?!!!!
  12. Anyone else catch the ND v SC game? Was a great one, and I can say that since we walked away with the win!
  13. Welcome to TN, and especially Chattanooga!
  14. You can buy right in the store now, there is a separate room for TN residents that is just across the state line. They do accept the GSSF card and the last time I was in they had some stock.
  15. So, who do y'all have winning it all now and why is it Georgia?!!!!


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