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Everything posted by 141FE

  1. 141FE

    922r confusion

    Saiga has 15 parts that count. The link above to Gunwiki did not count the pistol grip because the stock Saiga does not have one. Regular AK has 16. Saiga muzzle is not threaded, so no muzzle device. In order to use a magazine of greater than 10 rounds - no more than 10 of those parts can be made outside of the US. That's 922r in a nutshell. Easiest and quickest is to us a US made magazine (3 parts) and the Tapco Intrafuse T6 Stock set - (2 parts). I have used the Tapco mags and they work fine. The stock can be changed in about 10 minutes. Better, in my opinion, is to convert with Tapco fire control group (3 parts), US made pistol grip and stock (2 parts) and use surplus magazines. I have done several conversions - it's not hard. Just do a search for "Saiga conversion" and you will find a step by step instruction. Either way takes your non US parts count down to 10 and you'll be OK under 922r.
  2. 141FE

    AR Hype

    My guess would be the government did not give you the privilege of training with one or you did not avail yourself of the opportunity.
  3. 141FE

    Stirrin' the pot!

    The 870 is a great shotgun! I believe it rates up there with the M1 Garand, 1911 Colt, 03 Springfield and any good 22. One of each is all you need. OK, maybe an AR, AK, etc, etc. I got my first Wingmaster 32 years ago and decided it was all the shotgun I would ever need.
  4. Another AR !
  5. The Garand is the best value (from CMP) and is more "collectable". The 308 AR platform is the easiest to be made accurate. Both Garand and M1A are proven, rugged design. It's easy, get at least one of each!
  6. You can always buy a Saiga and do the conversion.
  7. Ironwood designs http://www.ironwooddesigns.com
  8. I'd go with the 870. Great shotgun!
  9. I'm in Maynardville, you can use mine. PM me for phone.
  10. I've done quite a bit of it. Most important is the prep. Degrease, glassbead. Brownell's has a product is very user friendly and reuseable. I do small items in a stainless steel pot on a hotplate. I have been very happy with the results. A friend that owns a gun shop asked me to do a 45 slide - he said it looked like a factory job. Your results may vary. Shoot me a PM if you want to try it.
  11. The receivers are the same. They accept the normal AK parts once the transfer bar trigger is removed. Do a search for Saiga conversion, you will find most of the answers you need.
  12. Here is a link to Gun Parts Corp. complete 03A3 bolt. Springfield 1903A3 Bolt Complete | e-GunParts.com= $46.25 + shipping If you need anything else for one - PM me.
  13. He said it ! +1
  14. 141FE

    Knob Creek

    We will be there camping Thursday through Sunday. Went in April, it's a hoot !
  15. 141FE

    Remington 788

    PM sent.
  16. +1 on everything Hidalgo said. Voice of experience. I try to keep it simple, never had a battery go dead on a peep sight.
  17. When you put a standard scope on a flat top you will have trouble getting your eye down to it without extra tall rings or a riser. Once the scope is high enough to be comfortable you won't notice the front sight. The sky is the limit on that stuff. I can recommend the Leupold Mark 4 CQT. It's a 1 to 3 circle/dot. 1 power as a reflex sight then turn it to 3 power to punch something further out. Illuminated reticle scopes like the Truglo pro diamond are pretty cool for less money.
  18. Lock the bolt back before inserting the magazine then close with the bolt release. That's how I was trained and it avoids short stroking it with the charging handle. Glad to hear everything worked out.
  19. Saiga or Yugo. The Saiga comes in a sporting configuration but can be easily converted to a 922R compliant pistol grip configuration. Stick with the 7.62x39. Be aware any AK47 must be 922R compliant to use a magazine over 10 rounds. No trouble really, it just means no more than 10 parts can be made overseas. The Yugo has a thicker receiver but the barrels are not chrome lined. Most you see have the underfolding stock.
  20. I would say clean and lube for the failure to chamber. Check the recoil spring and buffer for freedom of travel. Disassemble the bolt from the carrier - clean any carbon and lube. Check your hammer and hammer spring with the top half off - do not allow the hammer to strike the lower - use your thumb or a block of wood. So you have anything other than standard trigger group parts? You can bring to me and swap parts until we find the problem.
  21. Here in East Tennessee, I go to the local Farmer's CO-OP. Is there one in your area?
  22. PM sent
  23. Check my post in the WTS Gear section.
  24. Sounds like an extractor problem to me. I have 2 PLR 16's - never used anything but 30 round mags in them and never a problem. 20 round mags are better of the bench or prone (for the young guys)
  25. Find a good used 870 and remember to pull on that forend after you pull the trigger!


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