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Everything posted by safeandsecure

  1. I believe that gasoline is a class 1B flammable liquid ... ... not sure, but IIRC, that is the case. If so, IFC limits storage to 120 gallons in approved container(s), with dikes, etc., in non-sprinklered buildings. If you can get a copy of the IFC (International Fire Code), you can start with 3404.3.3 ... ... references there will direct you to the proper sections. That being said, I don't think I could ever be convinced to store that much gasoline anywhere in any building on my property. The potential for leaks or fumes could be a monumental "ka-boom" in the making. Note: local codes may call for a lesser storage. We have an ordinance (somewhere) that limits any flammable liquid to < 100 gallons in a residential neighborhood.
  2. Welcome ... appreciate your service.
  3. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
  4. Awesome ... and awe-inspiring vid. Thanks for posting link.
  5. The wife got one -- or rather, the wife had me get one for her. Same story. Took her to a few gun shows so that she could pick out "her" gun. She liked the 709's "feel" and size. Long story short is that she's pretty good with it. No problems at all. No malfunctions at all. Me? I don't care too much for it. The grip doesn't fit me, but then again, I didn't get it for me. She alternates carry with a S&W 637, depending on what she's wearing. And for the record, she's pretty good with the Smith as well. I musta done a really good job teaching her to shoot, cause she outshoots me. And I'd guess that the 709 has had about 500 +/- rounds down it so far, and again, all without a single hiccup.
  6. Amen and Amen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Now that there's funny; I don't care who you are ...
  8. Done and done. And will continue to remember you and yours for as long as you need it. Keep us posted, bro.
  9. Went through the big "C" scare with the wife almost 8 years ago. Hard for your girlfriend, but hard for you, as well ... I know, from first-hand experience. You and she (and your families and her physicians) will be in my thoughts and prayers for as long as you need them. Keep us posted, and as noted above, just be there for her. It's hard when we can't "fix" things, but this is above your pay grade (and mine, as well). Stay strong and optimistic for both your sakes. It ain't easy, but it can be done. That's your job, son. I'll say an extra prayer for you, for strength and peace through this. I needed that, and I'm sure you will too. J.
  10. Truth. She don't look tough, but she's shot every handgun I own, except the 1911's and the little NAA mini's. She thinks one is too big and the other is too little. And I'm awfully proud that I'm such a great "teacher" ... ... she puts the lead on the paper pretty well. By the way, to the OP: I asked the wife about pink grips for her EDC. She said no thanks, if I need to defend myself, I want it to look as intimidating as possible. Still, I recommend letting your gal pick out what she wants. Cause if she don't like it, you might be stuck with something you don't want either. (Speaking from 1st hand experience here.)
  11. My better half took my S&W 637 (with Crimson Trace grips) away from me -- she liked the thought of the laser. She gave me back her "nightstand" S&W Model 10 and replaced that with her Taurus 709. Now truthfully, the first time she fired the S&W airweight, her eyes got big and she said, "Boy, that's got some kick!" Then she went through a box of 50 before she decided that she'd had enough for the day. Don't know about all females, but my little gal can outshoot me with that little snub-nose. Best advice I can give: find a range, rent (or borrow) an airweight, and let her decide for herself.
  12. I've been married for 35 years to a (reasonably) sane woman. Even with her being (reasonably) sane, it ain't been easy. Never easy to live with someone else, no matter what anyone might say. I have friends who have been married to INSANE women, jealous women, conniving women, controlling women, etc. Most are divorced. The rest are miserable. I don't profess to know all the answers, but I am in total agreement with most of the above posts. If you are not POSITIVELY, ABSOLUTELY, SURE that you want to spend the rest of your life this way ... ... ... then DON'T. She's as good now as she'll ever be. Best I can tell, there ain't no "fixing" this kind of problem, other than distance. The farther away, the better. PS. I don't know you, but I suspect that you deserve better than this ... ...
  13. Thoughts and prayers for all of you.
  14. Appreciate this. You handled yourself well.
  15. You're probably right in the larger sense. But in MY world, back then, everyone farmed. White, black, didn't matter. We helped our neighbors. Nobody locked their doors at night. I said "Mr." and "Miz" to anyone older than me, regardless of their race or color. If I didn't, I got a lick up side the head from my Dad. Respect for others and for other's property was instilled in all of us. And I personally didn't know anyone who we could consider "rich." Everybody was in pretty much the same boat, and if someone needed a helping hand they got one -- -- but nobody expected a hand-out. I know that was only in my little part of the world, but I DID say that it was simpler and better for MOST of us. I'll stick with my statement.
  16. Pretty much the way it was ... ... and is. Life was simpler back in the '50s and '60s for most of us. Better, too.
  17. Done and done.
  18. Good stuff there, letereat ... I can't take credit for these, but always liked them as well ... ... and they fit with the above. My favorite rule of gunfighting has always been Rule #1, "Have a gun." For the big-bore guys I like Corollary #1, "A .22 in your pocket is worth three .45s back at the house." Corollary #2 is "Better tried by 12 than carried by six."
  19. Greg ... ... That just ain't so. Why, I know for a fact that Lafayette is pert near to Pumpkintown and Goose Horn. Enon and Siloam ain't that far away. Then you got the metropolis of Red Boiling Springs (pronounced "Red Bawlin'") ... 'Course, if you're just ashamed to claim being a neighbor to any of them places, I could lend you some of mine ... let's see ... ... there's Difficult or Defeated or Hoggtown down one road from you, or Pleasant Shade or Monoville down another road ... ... Sorry. Just funnin' you. I ain't close to no big city, neither, less you count Rome. Not the one in Italy; the one just down the road from Punch and Rock City ...
  20. I often wear shoulder holsters, depending on what I'm wearing. With a sport coat, suit, jacket or coat, they hide pretty well, once adjusted. Just remember that if you're wearing a heavy coat due to the weather, once inside, you may need to shed the coat ... and thereby expose the holster and weapon. I've tried the nylon models, and just don't like them as well as the leather (Jackass nee Miami Classic, etc.). I use the horizontal models with a SA 3" 1911, but like the vertical type with a full-size 1911 or S&W 5906. Again, depends on where I'm going and what I'll be doing once I get there. On my build, it just seems to hide those larger frame weapons if they are carried vertical. Might just be me, though. And I don't tie them down. Proper adjustment is necessary, but in my case, a tie-down is not. 'Course, you can't wear a shoulder rig just anywhere, or just any time. But they are comfortable and again, depending on attire, easy to conceal. Guess I'd better add "in my opinion" to the above post.
  21. I never knew Dick Winters. But after watching "Band of Brothers," and reading about this gentleman (and gentle man) and the men of Easy Company, I wish I had. May he receive the rest and reward to which he is entitled, and his family and friends be comforted. RIP, Dick Winters.
  22. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry for your loss ... ...
  23. Dralarms, Hipower ... ... I never have the right words, but will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers. My experience is that the loss never heals, but the hurt does ease with time ... ... ... makes me appreciate who I still have all the more. Jamie, you did good. I've buried a couple of great four-legged friends over the years, but thinking of the good times we had hunting, playing, or just sitting around still brings me a smile. FWIW, I still visit the last resting place of my unassuming friends at least a couple times a year, and still talk to them. So if you made a "meaningless gesture," I guess I'm certifiable. Understand your feelings, my friend. As for my Christmas, we had family over on Christmas eve, and visited family on Christmas day. I ate too much, laughed a lot, got emotional a couple times, ate too much, got hugs for gifts that my better half picked out and gave, ate too much, and rested well. Pretty sure I'll be eating too much for a couple more days on leftovers. Oh, and gave my son what he'd been asking for: a Henry lever action .22. Looking forward to trying it out with him. All in all, it was good. I'm thankful.


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