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Everything posted by safeandsecure
+1 ... ... in my case, the little woman ended up with BOTH a .38 and 9mm. Still can't get her to try my SA .45, though.
The original post AND the following posts are all good. I agree with hipower that it is most refreshing to see these attitudes on raising children. I also am well aware that not all children are "raised," period. There are too many who have been left to "raise" themselves. I feared my Dad before I learned to respect him, and made a concerted effort to raise my son the same way --- --- I was satisfied to be feared before, hopefully, I earned his respect. He is grown now, 28 years old, and he has made me proud, never caused me undue worry or shame. And I WAS hard on him. It didn't hurt me, and it doesn't appear to have done him any lasting harm, either. That being said, some kids just seem to head down the wrong road, no matter their raising; the best we can do is drag them in the direction we know they need to go, and hope that momentum will keep them on that right path. Keep up the good work, you young(er) Dads.
Garufa, if you haven't checked out "Guns of the South" by Harry Turtledove, I highly recommend it. Not M1's but AK's. Fictional, yes, but a very entertaining book. Makes you wonder what might have been, had 1863 ended as it began, with Southern successes. I don't hold with slavery, but States Rights were certainly a part, and a large part, of the Second War of Independence. Thanks, greenego, for posting the link.
bluedog, are you saying that you think Letereat is really Tiny Tim? ... ...
tnmom, my better half has been through the same thing ... ... except she was the one who decided to "upgrade." Long story, but basically a "scare" caused her to retire her Beretta Bobcat .22 for a bigger "punch." She picked her own pistol, a Taurus 709 Slim (9mm), and is pretty good with it. Matter of fact, better than I am. She also has problems "racking" a slide, but with a little practice, became pretty proficient at it with the Taurus. The secret seems to be to hold the slide with one hand and "push" the frame with the other hand, rather than trying to work (pull) the slide while holding the frame steady. May take a little practice, but it works for her. That being said, I came home with a S&W 637 airweight with Crimson Trace grips, and she promptly confiscated it. Claims it's hers now. And after a wide-eyed first round, put another 49 rounds into a target (paper plate). That first 38 Special round had, she said, a little more "kick" than she expected. She's good for 50 rounds during practice, and after that, she's pretty tired. But if things get bad enough to need that many rounds, you've got more trouble than most of us expect to face. Oh ... and I think the laser grips give her a little more confidence. She also has a belly band, along with an IWB, for both the .38 and the 9mm, with her clothing for the day determining which she wears. I would encourage you to try anything and everything you think you are interested in, to determine what suits you. It doesn't have to suit anyone else. Either borrow someone else's or go to the range with someone who has something you like, or rent them at a range. It will be time well spent. And while I am not a fan of the .25, if you can't find something you like and trust (and can hit your target with) as well as you can with the Beretta, then by all means keep it until you find what suits you. Just my two cents. And best wishes in finding what you like. (The shopping and try outs are tons of fun.)
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. - John F. Kennedy Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein What this country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds. - Will Rogers It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. – D. Ibarruri You don’t manage people; you manage things. You lead people. - Admiral Grace Hooper He who knows everything has a lot to learn. — Jim Lusk Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. - Will Rogers There is nothing more uncommon than common sense. - Frank Lloyd Wright Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. – Unknown Any fool can criticize, and most fools do. — Captain Phillip L. Queen Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. - Plato
Thoughts and prayers, Mr. Brooks, for you and your family, and all the others who suffered loss in Joplin. A friend of mine has a son who lives in Joplin. He's okay, but lost everything except his "keys, wallet, cell phone, and the clothes on his back," according to my friend. I've dealt with other folks' loss for more than 30 years now, and it just doesn't seem to get any easier. Loss of life is the hardest, but loss of a home is pretty close second. Hope and pray the good Lord spares all here on TGO during this current round of storms.
Anybody wanting some can contact me. I've got enough for EVERYBODY here on TGO. Don't mind them. But the "crop" this year seems to exceed anything I've seen in the past.
I can only say ... ... ... ... honestly, I don't know WHAT to say ... ... ... I got a few good tales, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that compares with some of these !!!!!!!!! Keep it up, fellers. I am flat enjoying this thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way ... Grunt ... and others who are serving / have served ... please accept my "thanks" as well ...
Got a 5906. LOVE to shoot it. Don't so much love to carry it IWB or OWB ... ... makes me lean to one side. Shoulder holster ain't so bad (with a good quality rig).
I'm also sorry for your loss, but I got to add ... ... you must be a heckuva friend. Not many friendships like that, so my compliments go along with the condolences.
Something a little more mundane than black panthers and odd snakes...
safeandsecure replied to a topic in General Chat
Jamie, you've probably already thought about it, but its possible that your local UT Ag agent (or a local logger) could identify it for you. -
Something a little more mundane than black panthers and odd snakes...
safeandsecure replied to a topic in General Chat
I think you're right about the leaflets. I was also thinking that Ash bark was smooth when young, then a kind of diamond-pattern showed up as it ages. Bark can be a variety of colors, if memory serves. And seems that the leaflets were in sevens. That's about all I can recall. Sorry, bro. Actually, I was kinda hoping that it was an Ash, since you mentioned walking sticks. Anything used for baseball bats and boat paddles ought to make a good walking stick ... right? (Not that I've ever whittled one out) -
Something a little more mundane than black panthers and odd snakes...
safeandsecure replied to a topic in General Chat
Jamie, I'm probably dead wrong, but from the pix, my first thought was an ash ... maybe a white ash? or could be a green ash? Ah, been a while since I was in the woods (like about 30 years), so my "rememberer" ain't what it used to be. But it seems like with an ash, you can slice through the outer bark, and find a lighter colored inner bark. If you think it might could be an ash, that might help confirm it. -
Got one. Love it. So far, flawless ... maybe three hundred rounds so far, both ball and HP. For me, at least, no break in problems at all. Really surprised with how accurate it is. I got a Colt Gov't Pocketlite, and the Sig outshoots it. As noted above, the 380 isn't my first choice for SD, but this thing is so slim, I can usually get away with packing it when the bigger calibers aren't possible. This is my fist Sig, but if all Sigs are as much fun as this one, it won't be my last.
I have a couple of the Bobcats / 21A's. No problems whatsoever over the past few years other than the fact that they can be finickly on ammo. Also had a Jetfire / 950. Never had a problem with it, either. But someone wanted it more than I did ... I haven't put a ton of ammo thru the little 22s, but I'd hazard a guess that between me, the little woman, and my son, we've run several hundred rounds in each of ours. They surely aren't range guns, nor is the lowly .22 my first choice in defensive ammo, but they are certainly better than a rock. They fit in a shirt or pants pocket when larger calibers won't, so you'd be more apt to conceal one of these in just about any kind of clothing (except maybe a speedo, and I sure ain't wearing one of them things). And IMHO, anything you have with you is better than something you have to leave at home. And they're a lot of fun to boot. Someone else on here may have more pertinent info for you.
Been to NYC --- once. Hope I never have a reason to go back. 'Course, I don't even like going to Nashville, so I probably shouldn't offer you advice.
Great news! Hopes and prayers for continued healing ... Continue to keep us posted, please.
Congrats. Our 36th coming up this year, if the little woman don't kill me or leave between now and August. Hope you have double the time and blessings of your first 20.
Best wishes and prayers go with you, along with my thanks. Take care, and stay safe.
Outstanding news ... ... still offering prayers ... ... keep us posted, please ...
How close is your home to a nuclear power plant?
safeandsecure replied to vontar's topic in Survival and Preparedness
Not that I'd want to be in Japan right now, but I have more concern with tornados/high wind, floods, and varmits (the two-legged kind) than I have over the nuclear thing. In the past 35 years, I've had trees twisted apart or uprooted on numerous occasions, been flooded once and helped others escape flood waters on multiple occasions. So far, only a couple of "varmit" problems ... and so far, no personal losses from fire, but I've seen plenty of trouble from that ... Oh yeah. 86 miles for me. Don't think I'll get worry lines yet. -
Praying for David, you, and your family. As has been noted, doctors are not the final authority in this matter, so including them in prayer as well, that God may guide them in their treatment of David.