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Everything posted by safeandsecure

  1. Appreciate the sentiment, ab, but my eyes are no good anymore. I'd have to go with a scattergun.   Gettin' older bites big time - but it's better than the alternative ...
  2. Usually CC, and have never been asked/approached while doing so.   Have only been asked once while OC'ing ... Stopped at a gun-friendly restaurant with a S&W 5906 on my belt (and yeah, I know, they's HEAVY!).  This guy at the table next to mine asked, "You expecting trouble?"  I just said, "Naw, not with 16 rounds of 9mm on me.  Besides, the owner probably would take care of any trouble with his .45 before I could draw."   End of conversation.   For what it's worth, I think the best answer is the truth, given in a friendly manner.  I won't become confrontational unless I have to.
  3. Welcome.  As others have noted, try several, and pick what works for you.  Pleasant View is a good distance from me, and I have none of the pieces you listed.  Otherwise, I, like others, would offer you a chance to try them.  Give it a little time, 'cause I suspect that someone from your neck of the woods will have one or more of your preferences.  And, while you are at it, you mgiht give a few other makes/calibers a try as well.  Learned from by better half ... ... I can't pick and choose for her, and her choices sure aren't mine.  But she shoots better than I do, so I ain't arguing with her.  Good luck!
  4. Only way I'd care to take possession of it would be if I was paid to burn it.  Nah, wait.  I'd do that for free.
  5. Please add my congratulations to the list.  A child is a life-changing event.  You will find that you have an infinite capacity for love, you will get the highest of highs and the lowest of lows from a child.  When they are happy, YOU are happy.  When they hurt, YOU hurt.  And now, I'm finding that the love I have for my child is matched and maybe even exceeded by my love for the grandkids.  If you think you're busting with pride now, just wait 'til the grandkids come along!   All my best to you and yours -- and may the Good Lord bless your family.
  6. Have owned both, and a couple of Mini's.  Still have one of them: later model stainless Mini.  Has gone "bang" each and every time I've pulled the trigger, is more accurate than I am, and it works with any of the half-dozen after market mags I have and with any ammo I've tried, including the "cheap" stuff.  And, I've never had a problem or a broken part.  But to each his own ... I just happen to like the wood, and I'm not willing to pony up the extra for a gussied-up version of that same caliber.  But again, to each his own ... while I wouldn't trade my Mini for an AR, my son is the exact opposite. 
  7. Well, that 'splains it.  I was wondering how he found a razor tough enough to shave with ...
  8. Closer to you than Don, but if we're going to Don, I'm gonna need some directions (or a seeing eye dog or something.)  It'd be easier for you to just pick me up on your way through. ;)
  9. Prayers for your friend here, as well.  After reading ochretoe's post, and your note above about his needing his spirits lifted, the thought went through my mind that we might need to form a "posse" and look for the culprit or culprits that were the root cause of all this trouble.  Then it dawned on me that he probably wants to take care of that little problem his OWN self.  I'm a right smart east of ya'll, but I'd sign on if he wants to go the "posse" route.  'Course, I'd need a seeing-eye dog if anything was needed besides a shotgun ... but I gots one of them, too!   All joking aside, a friend of mine shot himself in the lower leg with a .38 wadcutter many, many years ago.  Scared the crap out of both of us.  He was "practicing" his "fast draw," but had failed to unload his revolver first.  So I understand his spirits being low, and I understand your concern.  Again, thoughts and prayers for both of you and your families.
  10. One other suggestion: rather than increasing your auto liability coverages, look into an "umbrella" liability policy. That way, if you need liability insurance for some reason other than automotive liability, you will have coverage.  (Don't know if you are a home-owner, but it provides coverage over and above other policy limits, including coverage for auto accidents and anyone getting hurt on your property.)  I have one, simply because society has become "sue-crazy."  'Course, it may not be right for you, but that might be a way (depending on what the policy covers) to get that extra coverage for injuries or damages that have low limits on your auto policy.   I also know how bad premiums are on young men.  My son just came off my policy, got his own (got married), and while HE is moaning and groaning, my premiums dropped substantially.  (Might be cause I'm an old fart and drive like an old fart, which is to say slow and no more than is absolutely necessary.)
  11. +1 on dogs and motion-activated flood lights.
  12. Sounds like you have your priorities in order. Glad it was nothing.   Years ago - before our boy came along - had a home invasion. Verbal warning scared him off. Never caught the culprit. Since then, have added a security system and an extra handgun for the wife, just in case, along with an extra loaded mag for both pistols.   Boy is now grown and gone.  And unless grandkids are over, I keep one beside my chair in the den as well (sometimes go to sleep trying to watch the 10 o'clock news and don't make it to the bedroom til a pee call wakes me up). Also keep my EDC on me at home until I get ready for bed.   Don't want anyone taking my stuff, but I will not allow my most precious possessions (family) to be threatened.
  13. Remembering you, your grandfather, and the rest of the family in prayer.
  14. Been absent a good while, but had to respond to this topic:   Been through this with my wife.  Let her shoot everything I had (from .22s - revolver and semi-auto, up to and including .38s and 9mms.  She refused to try my .45).   Hate to dispute anyone here, but she CAN NOT rack a slide on a semi-auto.  Neck surgery and resulting nerve damage has left her with diminished ability to firmly grip a slide, even with the "push the gun forward" technique. Several folks who are a lot better with guns, and a lot better teachers than I am, have tried and failed ...   Agree with those who suggest SHE select the firearm, and TRIES it prior to purchase.   In the wife's case, she picked a S&W 637 .38 for home defence, but routinely (make that "religiously") carries a Beretta Tomcat in .32 ACP.  That little lever on the side allows her to "pop up" the barrel for loading that first round (and clearing any feeding/firing issues).  She absolutely loves it.  Also added some Crimson Trace grips for her.  Not that she needs them; she's a better shot than I am.  But that little red dot adds immensely to here confidence.  The .38 is just about all she can handle, but she CAN handle it.  And the .32 isn't my first choice of a self-defense round, but it is HER first choice.   And as noted earlier, practice, practice, practice.  (If you like the Tomcat option, a Bobcat in .22 LR will allow her to practice with virtually the same weapon all day with no sore hand or wallet.)   Just my experience.  Hope it helps.
  15. Seems like pretty much everyone who has a 238, loves the 238. Add me to that list. So far, no hickups, burps, or problems with any factory ammo I've tried - Just be sure to get a decent pocket holster. Keeps it in the right position for draw, plus protects your investment.. Oh yeah ... it is FUN at the range !!! Not my first choice for SD stopping power, but as has been noted, a .380 in your pocket is better than a .45 back home in the safe, for those times or occasions when something bigger just isn't an option.
  16. Sorry for your loss ... proud of your friend. Your post makes me wish I had known him.
  17. Been gone a while, but like what I'm seein' -- Thanks for all the work you put into this thing ...
  18. Know how you feel, but crooks and idiots aren't just limited to the gun business. There are a lot of folks who know everything about everything ... ... or at least feign to ... and I've always heard that you can't fix stupid. My guess is that you can't fix crooked, either. Then there's folks like me, who don't know diddly squat about much of anything. But they say that "ignorance is bliss." Guess that's why I'm in my happy place most of the time.
  19. Haven't tried a Rough Rider, but when my son, his girlfriend, or my wife goes with me to shoot, either (or both) a Colt Frontier Scout / Ruger Single Six ususally makes the trip. The little .22 single actions are just plain fun. Hope yours makes you smile. Look forward to the range report.
  20. Depends. If I'm doing well, it may just be a couple mags/cylinders of 9mm, .45, .38 Special, and/or .380. I'll usually take anything that I might carry for SD (which includes all the above calibers). If I'm not punching those paper plates the way I'd like to, I'll usually put at least 50 - 100 downrange. If I'm still "off," might run that many more. Now .22s are another matter. The Ruger MKs may get 200 - 300 rounds (or more). Depends on how much time I have. But the little NAA .22 mag will usually just get 5 or 10 rounds. To tell the truth, that lil thing just plain ain't much fun to shoot, IMHO. So I just make sure I can hit up close. If I can keep a cylinder on a paper plate at 3 - 5 yards, I switch to something else pretty quick.
  21. Great story ... great horse. Thanks for sharing this, barewolf.
  22. I'm with ya'll ... ... "hot" just doesn't do justice to what we're having. But for what it's worth, try it with about 40 - 45 pounds of bunker gear and SCBA, nomex hood and helmet. Then head into a burning building. It's almost literally jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Glad I'm too old for that, and that the young(er) guys are taking up the slack ...
  23. I don't worry about "grouping" so much. My practice sessions are mostly for self-defense purposes, and I try to work strong hand and weak hand equally. My target is a paper plate, roughly 9" diameter. (Cheapest I can find) I figure if I can keep my shots on that plate, it'll work on two-legged snakes. And I seldom practice at distances longer than 15 yards. Figure that maybe I can outrun any threat at distances longer than that. (After watching a couple of news reports, maybe I need to up that distance to 25 yards ... )
  24. Hope you enjoy "life after." You've earned it.
  25. 24% increase for me. Guess I shouldn't have installed hardwood flooring and an upgraded central unit ... ...


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