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Everything posted by safeandsecure

  1. 6.8 ... ... you are right. Too many HAVE forgotten that sad day. But many of us will NEVER forget ... 343 FDNY LODDs in addition to the thousands of others ... For about two months after 9/11, we had people we'd never met stopping by the station to speak to us, or even shake our hand. But after a couple of months, it tailed off, and now ... ... it's never mentioned by the general public. I believe that it's an unfortunate truth that a great majority of us have short memories. Thanks, Sgt. Joe, for the posting ...
  2. Welcome
  3. Never shot at, but stared down the barrel of what was probably a .38 snubbie pointed between my eyes from a distance of about 2 feet. On a different occasion, had a feller who wanted to get into a “pi**ing contest” and pulled a .22, pointed it at me. In the first case, I only had a pocket knife, and it was in my pocket. Talked my way out of that one. In the second case, I “pi**ed” back by leveling my .45, and told him to go ahead. I guess I won that one, as he gently laid his .22 down and stepped away. I will say that the hole in the end of that snubbie looked to be about a foot in diameter. If my bladder hadn’t locked up, then pi**ing would have taken on its normal meaning. I have been cut. Long story short: In a bar, fight broke out. I got in the way. Burned more than it hurt, and scared the dickens out of me. Have a beauty of a scar about 7 inches long. I don’t recommend any of the above experiences if at all avoidable. Edit: Didn't realize until I'd posted that in the first case, I just referenced the "don't bring a knife to a gunfight" argument.
  4. Welcome
  5. Welcome
  6. Welcome
  7. Thanks, HexHead ... Didn't know about the Cheetah. That'd be a big improvement over the .22 ... (just my opinion). Welp, my better half made it through her carry class. Breezed through the classroom and made a 96 on the written test, and scored a 90 on the range. Here's the big thing, though. She got to shoot that Walther P22, and DID NOT like it. Matter of fact, liked that big ol' 9mm Taurus well enough that she kept every round in the 8-ring or better after the class. Also talked her into trying my little Colt Gov't Pocketlite, and she STILL liked the 9 better. Hands-on makes a difference. Now it's back to shops and ranges to find the little woman her own handgun.
  8. Welcome
  9. Welcome
  10. Welcome
  11. Welcome
  12. My better half is (hopefully) heading for her permit class tomorrow. We've been married too long for me to even think about choosing a hadgun for her, so we've been hitting the shops for the past few weeks. She likes the "feel" of the Walther P22, but hasn't fired one yet (but the class instructor is letting her borrow one for the class). Her problem is that she can't rack a slide ... ... let me rephrase that: she can only work the slide on (my) 9-mm Taurus PT99. She can and has shot well with a S&W 38, SA 45 compact, Colt .380 Gov't Pocketlite, and a Beretta 21A in .22LR. Her shooting isn't her problem. It's a weak grip when it comes to racking a slide. The P22 she looked at in the store, she racked with no trouble. And she has informed me (in no uncertain terms) that a revolver is not an option. I'm not real happy with the idea of her carrying a 22, but ... ... first things first. My suggestion: Find what SHE likes (++ on rentals), and get 'er started. Then hope she decides to "move on up" to something a little more substantial. Just my opinion. It only took me about 30 years to figure out that we're both a lot happier when she gets what she wants. So in our case, if that P22 is what puts the smile on her face, then that's what she'll get ... ... at least to begin with.
  13. Welcome. New here myself.
  14. Welcome. New here, too.
  15. Welcome. New here as well.
  16. Welcome. I'm new here, too. I've found this to be both informative and entertaining; believe you will, as well.
  17. safeandsecure

    New "toy"

    Got one. You can carry this is a shirt pocket and no one will know. IMHO, they aren't fun to shoot, and again, IMHO, they aren't that accurate. But they are better than a sharp stick or a rock, and that's the beauty of one of these. I'd prefer my 45. In a pinch, I'd much rather have my 380. But when I simply can't get by with one of these, I'll have that little 22. At close distances, I can hit what I'm shooting at, and that's all that matters. I don't even try to aim, but with practice, I've learned to "point and shoot" well enough to fill a BG's face full of those little 22's. As for the safety grooves, the earliest models didn't have those (if my memory serves), but NAA will upgrade (again, if memory serves -- without a charge).
  18. Newbie here, and introducing myself ... ... Joe from Carthage. Been around guns all my life, but I'm certainly no expert on anything. I've been checking the site out for the past few days and enjoyed reading many of the forums ... especially the Handgun posts. Picked up a couple of good ideas / lessons already. Hopefully, finally got the missus interested in a carry class, and the young'un (who ain't so young anymore) loves this stuff as much as I do. Be nice to have a family activity that I actually enjoy. BTW, I carry a Springfield 45 and a Colt Gov't Pocketlite. Appreciate the site ... and the posts.


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