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Everything posted by safeandsecure
Can't help with your question, but welcome to the forum ...
Welcome ...
Welcome ...
Welcome ...
What TargetShooter84 said. The shop I used to deal with expected some dickering on price. The last two I bought came from two different shops. One "wiggled" a little on price, the other was firm. (Guess that was no help at all. But it might be worth shopping around ... )
The original question was: "Why do some hide the serial number of their guns in a photo and others do not?" It would seem that some hide the serial number due to the possibility that it could cause a problem and / or they choose not to divulge any more personal data than they have to or need to. You can count me in this group. Probability has nothing to do with it. It would also seem that some choose NOT to hide the serial number because they either see no possibility that it could be a problem, or they choose to make that information public. Others fall into this group. Again, it would seem that probability is not necessarily part of the equation. Personal choice. I ain't paranoid, but I don't see a reason to provide any of my personal information in a public venue unless it is an absolute necessity. If you choose to provide personal information that is not a necessity, the probability may be extremely low that it could be mis-used. But the possibility exists.
Something a little different
safeandsecure replied to Major Kong's topic in Knives, Lights, EDC Gear
for the knife ... and for your lady ... ... handy to have a good knife, and even handier to have someone with the craftmanship skills to make it. -
So had a strange "happening" the other day!
safeandsecure replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Sounds like you handled it better than I would have. And the situation you described sounded clear to me. I'd say he's lucky you didn't, at the very least, call LE ... ... or at the worst, that he wouldn't have had to worry about who complained about him. 'Course, if he's in the habit of beating on doors in the middle of the night, half-nekked, he ain't the most stable person, and someone else may end his worries for him. My opinion? You did good. -
That's my whole point. Until they work for US, rather than themselves or their respective parties, we're going to continue to be screwed. And as for voting for individuals rather than parties, we're limited, pretty much, to the two "individuals" that the major parties provide and promote. And there's very little "individual' left at that point. If the "individual" fails to toe the party line, they lose party support and money. So we're back to our elected representatives doing what's going to please the party, rather than what's best for us ... ... It may take a while, but if these "party-liners" keep getting voted out of office each term, they may ... might ... eventually get the message that most of us are tired of "agendas" coming before what is right and best for the state and country. My , for what it's worth ... and again, not that anyone cares what I think. Most especially our elected "representatives."
Not that they (or anyone else) cares, but I don't like EITHER party. I am so sick and tired of party agendas ... ... and comments about not "needing" democratic votes reminds me too much of Pelosi and her attitude of not "needing" republican votes. Guess I'm a mugwump, but I'd really like to see our elected officials work TOGETHER for Tennesseans and Americans, rather than "democrats" or "republicans." Rant over.
Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but Jim Hightower has a track named "Snipe Song." And for sure, it's country.
I"m a little late finding this thread, but I'll add my two cents: I bought a 637, used, with the full-sized Crimson Trace grips. Didn't really need it, but thought it was priced right. Anyway, the better half took it away from me. She likes it. I mean, she REALLY likes it. Now I haven't bought her any +P ammo, but she's put about 200 - 300 rounds of target and SD ammo through it. She'll run through about 50 rounds at a time on the range, and then she'll decide that "that's about enough for today." For what it's worth, getting a set of grips that covers the backstrap helps on perceived recoil. And it's my opinion that the laser (out to about 15 feet, further if it's overcast) has done wonders for her confidence and her aim. And remember that the J-frame is NOT a "target" model. It is, simply, a self-defense weapon. Just my experience, but nearly anything with any "punch" in an easy-to-carry size will be much less pleasant on the range than a larger gun. But if she's plain unable to handle a SD caliber, let her start out with a .22 --- at least until she builds confidence and gets some time with a pistol or revolver. Beretta and Taurus make a neat little .22 with a pop-up barrel that allows for chambering without having to work a slide. Worked with the wife, and now she's put the Beretta 21A back in the safe and carries the 637 --- IWB or in a belly band. I wouldn't recommend purse carry - check out Packin Mama's threads, and read her experience with having her purse stolen, with her gun in it ... Again, just my .
Has the jury come to a verdict on the officers compact 1911?
safeandsecure replied to kesava's topic in Handguns
I have a Springfield Armory Ultra Compact. So far (about 3 years and several hundreds -- if not thousands -- of rounds from various manufacturers), and not so much as a hic-up, burp, or FTF. As has been noted above, that's just my own experience. Maybe I got an exceptional weapon. But it has been flawless, right out of the box up til now. I have a full-size Colt, and I'm not one whit better with it than I am with the compact model (SA's "Officers" model). That probably has more to do with my own limitations than the firearms themselves. For what it's worth, I traded a Colt 1911 for the Springfield because the Colt wouldn't feed self-defense ammo. It liked hardball just fine, but I couldn't get a mag worth of rounds through that Colt without a jam. The Colt I now have has digested anything I've fed it. So it would seem that, like most anything else, you can find a lemon -- or a gem -- in just about any manufacturer's line. Again, just my own experience. I wouldn't ask for a more accurate, more reliable, less troublesome pistol than my SA Ultra Compact model, or the full-size Colt I now have. And the compact model is a little easier to carry concealed. Just my . -
That's pretty good. The only one I'd have a problem with is: "Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days." I can't remember what I said 7 hours ago, much less 7 days. Heck, I can't quote myself 7 MINUTES later ... ...
I ain't smart enough to know who's right and who's wrong. I will say that I don't trust much of anything the politicians (from either party) tell us. Mark, I liked the vid. The fact that it was a take-off of a Monkee's tune, a band that was "put together" for TV (and not for their musical genius) wasn't lost on me, either. Trouble now is that I've got that tune stuck in my head ... ...
Just for peace of mind, I'd take what I was most comfortable with to qualify. That said, you won't have any problems, no matter what you choose to shoot. Wish you were closer; I have the little Taurus .22 in stainless, and would be glad for you to take it for a "test run." Never had any problems with it, or with the Beretta 21A that it's patterned after. It ain't a target pistol, but so far, it has always gone "bang" when the trigger is pulled.
Welcome ...
I agree on the "keeper" / "keep her" comment. Sounds like her head's on right. Congrats on the new "addition" to the family ...
Welcome ...
David, if the new software is easier / better for you, then I'm good with it. To echo some of the other replies, I like to use the "new posts" icon, and I like to see where folks are from; these two items would be my only suggestions. I'm here for the content, but I also want to thank you for the quality and presentation of this site. Appreciate the site, and appreciate you for all the work and effort.
Mark, I've never missed voting in any election since I got old enough to vote. Unfortunately, there's been too many elections where I didn't like any of the choices we were offered. Guess that's probably my fault. I ought to get active in the primary process, if I don't like the ones that go on to the general election. I used to get excited, too, figuring that I was exercising my constitutional right to choose who represented me. But for the past while, it just seems that I've had to pick between the devil and the deep blue sea. So thanks for reminding me that even with everything that's wrong with this country, it's still the greatest one on the planet.
OUTSTANDING news!!! Now what was that old adage? "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"