I have a new Glock 23 RTF2 purchased in December '09. In about 500 rounds, I have had 7-10 Failure to Feeds. This gun is brand new, and I have run WallyWorld Federal, Winchester White Box, S&B, Remington UMC, and PMC through it. I have had FTF/FTL with the federal, winchester, and UMC. I've had a gunsmith look at it briefly. . . not really finding anything. I'm not getting stove-pipes or anything so I don't think it is limp-wristing. I had been suspecting the ammo - as others have told me a lot of ammo is just "bad stuff" right now, but I am starting to suspect the magazines. I disassembled one tonight and took a picture of the spring (below).
Isn't the spring supposed to stick out further? (this is a 13rd factory mag that came with the gun)
Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I'll probably make a call to Glock on Monday. This amount of failure renders this gun absolutely useless for its intended purpose.