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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Welcome!!
  2. Though I don't think I can put words to the kinship that we all share here on TGO (thanks David), from my family to all of yours, we wish you the most peace-filled Christmas - full of kindness both given and received. Merry Christmas everybody!
  3. TNSovereignty -- good thoughts. Glad to be "here" with you all.
  4. First off. What happened at Sandy Hook was an atrocity. It was among the worst things I have heard about in American history. To any and all who may have been affected by it who read this: I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry. Piers Morgan is hosting a panel and a "national conversation" on TV right now. ugh. a British Citizen and a panel that includes good people - some of whom were not raised in America... The whole of CNN should be sacked for letting a non-US Citizen lead a "national conversation" about the Bill of Rights of our constitution! Have a conversation - great, I'm all in. This.. I don't even know what to call this. Are we the United States of America? It is time for us all to stand up and be heard. Period. ugh.... It seems to me like the very ownership by citizens of functional, strategic and tactical arms have been (over the life of this nation) the very essence of a "well regulated militia" - and by being so, have been a great check and balance on our government. It is the mass, the gravity of arms ownership that is our security against tyranny. Just because we have rarely had to mobilze, does not mean that it has not been working. I understand that our american society has, by and large, become one of leasure, pleasure, and plenty. Because many have not lived through hard times, have not had great need, because (through medicine) early death does not visit us as often and in as many ways as it has in generations past, many among us are being sold a false bill of goods! They are being told that the government is able (and charged!) with legislating danger and evil out of our lives. They are being told that it is ok (and wise) to surrender to being a disarmed citizenry. Helping our nation buy into this is the work of innocent ignorance. There are literally thousands upon thousands around the world who have suffered at the hands of cruel, oppressive governments (in this century alone) because they did not have the recognized right (the mass of owners and operators of militia-ready arms) that we have. yet it seems that we as a country are ready to give this right up. Our publicly elected servants telling us that, as a government, they need to ban any kind of arms - or further limit our arms capability is like a lion saying to a mouse, "Hey, is it cold out there? It's ok, come be warmed up in my comfy mouth." and us saying, "It [i]is[/i] cold out here... hmm it sure looks nice in there." I have questions: 1) How do people not recognize the quiet work of the 2nd Ammendment all these years? - and how to we illustrate it for them? 2) How can we be most effective at protecting our Constitution and our nation? Really... we can post here all day and night, but how can we make our voices known - from a place of strength - in an intelligent, caring way? Go for it...
  5. [quote name='DaddyO' timestamp='1354062615' post='851647']And what is up with people who speed up when you are passing them?? [/quote] My wife and I always chuckle when that happens... It's a universal human truth - "Nobody likes to be passed." Irritating on the road, but hilarious how true it is.
  6. Peace

    got laid off

    Sorry. Hoping you can keep your chin up & head down. - hope you find the right next thing sooner than you can imagine.
  7. So is the there anyone who thinks there will NOT be a run on ammo or ARs? If so, It'd be great to hear your thoughts.
  8. Plantronics Voyager HD: Grrreat with my wife's Evo, ... Awful with my iPhone 4S.
  9. Reloading for me as we'll... I was looking at a SCAR heavy last week... Just didn't want to plunk down the cash....
  10. So,.... Will there be a run on ammo and ARs again? Man, I hope not... Thoughts?
  11. Peace

    Your First Car!

    1991 Pontiac Grand Prix. It was an all-terrain coupe! New to 136,000 wasn't bad for an early 90s GM product.
  12. Congrats on a great day!
  13. Huh? Did I miss something? If I inferred anything about who I think you are referring to, please forgive me. . . didn't mean to.
  14. Aside: laktrash - the avatar pic is on the Tennessee River - downstream from Concord/Northshore Drive. Those are the Smoky Mountains in the Background. . . quite a treat to be on the water AND be able to see the mountains. Resume thread.
  15. I could see it if it were a sub-category to the hunting forum or a Home-Defense forum topic. You know, hunting dogs or "peace of mind" dogs. I would hate to call them "security" or "guard" dogs because of our overly-litigious brethren and sistren around the world. ie. lawsuit . . . . "He sought training tips from this website (insert TGO here) on how to make his dog vicious, - or "was bragging about how aggressive. . . . " . . etc. . . ?? but maybe it's not any different than us discussing SD firearms.
  16. Minn. town plans to privatize policing ok. Man, does that tangle the web when it comes to dealing with issues of law and order with a Private Security Personel (PSP?) instead of an LEO? Does anyone here want to be given a ticket by "Enforcement Personnel" that is paid by a private company? Is this the first step to all of those wacked-out future sci-fi cop scenarios we've seen in movies in the past 15 years? I don't believe the sky is falling, . . but it definitely has implications. Thoughts?
  17. Pizza (& a movie) - and it isn't even home-made. Thanks for sharing fellas - it's inspiring!!
  18. Watched them sell out of ruger lcp's by about 9am. $349. ?? Gen3 glock 23 for $499. Anyone shoot their Academy branded turkish shotguns? Thoughts? Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  19. I guess I feel that cyclists' rights and auto drivers' rights are not really pitted against each other by "sharing the road". Having access to the road is a right (sort-of), getting somewhere fast is a convenience, period. For those of us who may really not like it when cyclists break the law, have we forgotten how to just care about other people (moms, dads, sons, daughters, etc) first - then do what we can to make sure that we all make it through the day? I do cycle and I drive. I loath seeing cyclists break the law. Please accept this one cyclst saying that I am sorry for all of you that have experienced this. It is wrong, and I hope it stops. With that said, the vitriol against folks - wishing them harm - just because they are a cyclst . . .. not helping any of us. As for riding inside the actual lane - as opposed to on the shoulder. . . . if you ride the shoulder, distracted drivers are (generally) more likely to NOT see you - or to not give you clearance. (not an excuse to ride in the middle of the lane - though) This translates to a very dangerous ride - combine that with all of the grit and trash on the shoulder which makes a blow-out or wipe-out more likely. . . ugh. Nobody wants to go down hard in traffic. - and surely none of us really want someone else's life to end on the road - just because they like to cycle.
  20. Anybody from ORSA on board? Thinking about joining, just wondering if there is anyone here who can speak for it. -thanks
  21. Love to see gracious competitors. - that and . . . "I didn't come here to win; I just came here to play." nice. For me, it was a good wrap up to an uncomfortable season.
  22. ok. I can give you my take on it. I grew up on windows based systems. Macs were a "joke" around my family. After college, I was working in recording studios a lot, and I had to learn the art of working in a mac OS, so I made the switch for work. Remember this: David Pogue - "Switching To The Mac". Great reference book. Saved my bacon. Now - If I can help it, I will never go back. Here's why: Macs generally have one chipset and one hardware spec for each run of computers. That means ONE set of drivers. That alone makes it much easier to maintain a stable user experience. In this, PCs cannot compete - way too many hardware/chipset combinations out there to give a "power-user" guaranteed stability. Of note: If apple ever changes this way of doing things, I will jump ship to whomever makes a stable, innovative OS. My loyalty is to a quality product that fits my needs, not a coolio, glowing piece of fruit. Macs have problems too. They are not perfect; they just have problems that I can live with. I have had my share of frustrating days with Apple products. Anyone that tells you otherwise probably doesn't actually rely on the things. Case in point. Monday evening my 2.5yr old MacBook Pro started locking up. (I usually have to do a wipe and install of the OS about once a year. I move a LOT of data, and that is just part of it - I was past time to do it, and just thought it was a fragmentation issue.) It got worse Tuesday morning, so I booted from another partition on the HD and opened up disk utility - that locked up too.) I took the MacBook Pro to the apple store. It is still covered under AppleCare. I left it with them at 7:40pm. I got a call at 9:00am the next morning saying that my computer was ready to be picked up. The hard drive had failed. They replaced it at no cost to me (2.5yr old computer!). I brought it home, hooked it up to my "Time Machine" backup drive (Time machine is built into OSX), and 40 minutes later, I went back to work (pretty much) as if nothing ever happened. IF you can have a positive attitude about making the transition to a different OS (apple), you will most likely find a more stable existence in the computing world - until apple goes insane and stops making things that "just work". You'll be fine either way. OSX and apple just work for me.
  23. Great point. She's not what a would call new @ 9yrs. She has mad retrieving skills, and in this heat, she thinks twice about picking up her left front paw - much less picking up other folks birds. . Still, I'd rather be present & not annoying in a new field with new folks.
  24. Hey all, I grew up hunting our own property every dove season. I haven't hunted dove in years, and I have not hunted dove on a WMA. Two questions about Forks of the River (or any WMA): 1) Are we allowed to use retrievers (dogs) on WMAs? (if so, does anyone do it?) - might be a bit hot yet. 2) Do we setup blinds the morning of? 3) Is there any other Forks of the River or WMA specific code or etiquette I should know? I have great memories of opening weekend with friends, family, and friends of family - great fields to hunt, and not many yahoos at all. . . . I'm guessing public land hunts will be a bit different. all right, let err rip. . . . and thanks to all.


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