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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Sure... if anything, it will be motivated by brand ID. If enough advertisers want to be aligned with keeping children alive, and if it becomes cool and hip in social media to demand this, then outing the names of violent criminals could really become bad mojo. There's always hope, and if we don't try, we're guaranteed not to succeed. Thanks guys... Any other thoughts?
  2. Thanks - braindead and forgot that TGO'rs could just message me.   :)
  3. I wrote WSMV tonight.  Below is the text of my email.  If any of you know lawyers, advertizing professionals, psychologists, or counselors that may be interested in helping form this initiative, please let me know.   Thanks,     "WSMV staff,        Thank you for all that you do for the Nashville and middle Tennessee community.  As I read about the most recent multiple-murder atrocity in the national news (New Mexico), I was moved to write you and ask for your help.        I am writing to request that you take the brave step of ceasing to publish the name of murderers in any of your media reporting.  I realize that it seems contrary to what "reporting the news" is about; however, if we are all serious about wanting to curb gun violence, we must be innovative and bold; we must advocate for the future, unknown victims of gun violence and break the cycle of immortalizing mass murderers.   With Conde Nast, GQ magazine, Gallup, and the New York Times highlighting what we all know to be true about our great city, Nashville and her people are increasingly in the national spotlight as an emerging leader of American culture.  WSMV and Nashville are in a unique position to investigate whether a media-initiative like this could be feasible and effective and how it might be implemented not only in Nashville, but voluntarily by media outlets nation-wide.  With a pilot initiative in place, we could lead the nation in making a difference where it matters the most. Where business is concerned, it is likely that a well thought-out, intentional initiative will find great support - building brand loyalty from advertisers and viewers/readers alike.  A sampling poll from each of these two groups may help you in considering this massively significant shift in how the american news media interacts with violent offenders.        I am a former pastor living here in Nashville, and am I available anytime to speak with any of you about this.  I am no one special; I just care, and I think that we, together, can begin something that will make a very real difference - and save many lives across our nation.  If there is someone that I can meet with - or someone who would like to meet with me, please let me know.   I hope this finds each of you and your loved ones well and at peace.   Humbly,"
  4. Google... Thanks David - many great returns to you and yours.
  5. EB, I am so sorry for your loss. A good dog is just that, ... good. That pain is just proof of the goodness of Chewy. Peace to you and yours.
  6. I wrote them this morning.  Thanks for the heads' up.       "Groupon Wizards and Scribes,        We love Groupon; it has always been a source of fun and joy for our family.  However, with recent news of Groupon's suspension of all firearms related deals, we, as a family, are respectfully suspending our use of Groupon.          I understand that pressures may be constant from those who have been led to believe that their preferences regarding firearms may be imposed (unconstitutionally) on others.  Where the law is against them, they wisely turn to social pressure such as this.  I also believe that we, as a society, may be incredibly short sighted in our zeal to "curb" gun violence - using measures that have proven inneffective in the past - seeking a "reward" that may be a fool's ransom.        If litigation liabilities are a concern for Groupon, you may consider requiring firearms related vendors to perform background checks on training/event attendees.  Any responsible training facility that I have ever heard of or dealt with has strong policies in place - ensuring that no one who is a danger to society receives training from them.  These are people who deeply care about the safety or our children and our society as a whole.      As you have probably heard many times, criminals intent on violent actions are not concerned (in the least) with the laws that bind the rest of us responsible citizens.        Please keep me informed of your decision.  If this suspension - which contributes to a villainization and marginalization of a law-abiding, caring segment of society continues, we will cancel our family accounts no longer use Groupon.  We will also respectfully advise friends and family to cease using Groupon.        Our actions come with full respect for the entire Groupon family.  We understand that you are looking after the welfare of a business.  We are looking after the welfare of current and future generations of American children - ensuring that they continue to have the protected freedoms which have silently provided the environment for great businesses such as Groupon, and the incredible opportunities for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which we have all known our entire lives.        Our family hopes that each of you and your families are well - finding joy and peace in each day.   Sincerely, Greg Watlington Nasvhille, TN"
  7. Great reminder, thanks.
  8. It was good. Great work by all involved. I believe Nikki's story and others like it will be key in our campaign. If anything like this is happening again and we need PA (speakers, etc) help,.... This is Nashville. Let me know and we'll make sure everyone can be heard. - it was good to meet you, Halutz. Thanks again for all that you do.
  9. Good to meet you. Safe travels everyone.
  10. FyI: Good stuff from Nikki. Halutz, if I'm around afterwards, I'd love to say, hello.
  11. Data double-post....
  12. :). I am back of the pack. Grey pea coat and blue shirt.
  13. When we got her 9 years ago, we were her 3rd set of humans. :) She is an amazing, amazing retreiver (oh, except when the temp is above 60 degrees), an extremely warm blanket, and a fierce (sounding) protector. Smarter than me - and more strong willed.
  14. Yes. We need to do much, much more in addition to that. This will take every one of us being pro-active and effective in cultivating our ethos and active, deep care and concern for every man, woman, and child must be a significant, visible part of that ethos.
  15.   Well, if he did that, he wouldn't be very good at politics then, would he?   :up:   I agree with you, but if he's anything, he is a master at politics.  We might be wise to not think to highly of ourselves after today.  We should probably keep our voices heard in constructive ways throughout the next 4 years.
  16. Every action is subject to have unintented consequences. It is quite possible that if person to person firearm sales are outlawed, person from person gun thefts may skyrocket. Most people who own firearms keep most of them in their homes. Way to keep our kids safe, C.I.C! I really wish people would quit listening to fuzzy, emotionally manipulative drivel from ...., but they won't quit listening, we are all wired to hear, think, and react emotionally.... Even us. It is time that we learn athng or two from those who oppose freedom and work about this issue with all of our heart, might, AND intelligence. Peace to all of you!
  17. I would email him, but why is it not his "official email" listed?? I don't want to be duped. ... And I don't want all of us to look foolish if we are copying our own reps on this. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Got the same response. It is a passive, yet complete disregard for the rights of all U.S. citizens. Remember this in November 2014!!!!!! We will all have to be wise in how we act, tell our story better, and work hard to campaign against this type of "representative".
  19. From the comments section of that article. -- sums up a lot of what I think about the subject. "Hm, do you recall under what conditions these “other industrialized Democracies” were under when we Americans came to save their butts in the 1900′s? Do you know where Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, and “other industrialized Democracies” stood politically just a little over half a century ago? Does Communism, National Socialism, Fascism and Military Dictatorships ring any bells? Do you really want us to conform to the rest of the world? There’s a reason why Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and “other industrialized Democracies” are falling apart today. Hell, have you even heard about the genocides and wars going on in Africa committed largely upon unarmed people who are easily slaughtered because they’re unable to defend themselves or their family? Do you even know about the persecution that has gone on and is going on in the world? Do you seriously prefer people to be defenseless? Don’t give me this BS that such horrors can’t happen in these “other industrialized Democracies” because the US has lost brave men and women to save just such people in the past who lived in the same land where these “industrialized Democracies” exist today. There’s no way you can spin your idiotic rhetoric to hide from facts and truth. BTW, the majority of gun related homicides occur in metropolitan areas wherein the demographics are not representative of the whole nation. Most European nations don’t boast such diverse populations."
  20. This is what I just sent to Cooper, Corker, and Alexander....  feel free to enlighten me if I need to rethink anything as time goes by.       "Congressman/Senator _________ et al,        I hope this finds you well.  I know it has been and continues to be a busy season of emails, calls, and letters.  Thank you for all that each of you do in a climate that does little to reward integrity.  Regardless of differences we may or may not have on the following issue, any door I have is always open to you and your staff.        I deeply grieve every instance where loved ones are lost.  The recent atrocity culminating in the loss of so many children, as well as mommies, beloved wives, and even a fiancee at Sandy Hook is beyond heartbreaking.         I have great concern that our current push for legislation to further felonize expressions of rights guaranteed in our Bill of Rights' second amendment seems to be an emotional push.  It seems to be riding on the backs of something that we all know is well beyond legislation.  Life, death, and violent acts committed by sick individuals have always been and will always be a part of the human fabric.  The heartbreak that belongs to the actual families and community of Sandy Hook lives in our hearts by its own merit - it is both an atrocity and a tragedy of the highest order.  It is my opinion that we would be wise to refrain from adultering such pain for our own desires (myself included).        In order to respect your staff's time and attention, I have waited to write you concerning our second amendment rights until I felt it absolutely necessary.         As I heard today that President Obama is eyeing executive orders to "stop violence", my concern has been elevated 10 fold.  Each of you know (much better than I) the appropriate and healthy reach of the executive branch of our government.  As far as laws go, we have a legislative process;  it should not be bypassed by any president (whether I agree with him/her or not).  If a bypass is attempted, swift action by the legislative and judicial branches should come without hesitation.          As you execute your office, I urge you to continually consider that the right to bear arms is a recognized natural right - not a granted one.  If the government did not grant the right, then the government has no footing to take the right away.  During the twentieth century, the United States government repeatedly misrepresented herself in failing to recognize this right - even going to the extent to selectively felonize otherwise law-abiding citizens should they safely and harmlessly express that right in certain ways.     In taking any further action to infringe on said right, the United States government would be unbecoming herself and, indeed, evidence a shift in the deepest portion of her foundation - a massive shift away from freedom.     The second amendment has been silently at work for the entire lifespan of this country.  It has played no small part in keeping us free.  I am amazed when, in our emotion and ignorance, we (as a society) deride an invisible force that has helped to keep us free.  Were the second amendment not in place, were it heavily trampled early on, we very well could be looking at a catastrophically different America.      It is true that we have a problem keeping mentally unstable persons safe.  We have an outrageous inability to enforce our existing laws against criminal activity and violence.  The solution to this problem is not to oppress law-abiding United States Citizens  by ceasing to recognize their natural rights.  In so boldly dismissing the second amendment, - indeed - by legislating against our rights as citizens, our collective government is becoming more and more double-faced.  Even though our society may not be able to put words to this, over time, the mistrust and divide will grow, and that is not the legacy that we want to impart to our children and grandchildren      Creating a further divide between the Bill of Rights (explicit protections for our inalienable rights and the efficacy of the government - per the second paragraph of the preamble to the Bill of Rights) guaranteed each citizen and the daily experience "allowed" each citizen under federal law is not the answer here.  We all want less violence.  We all want our families to be safe - both now, and for generations to come.  We cannot, we must not legislate from ignorance and fear.        As of yet, we are not a country of rule-by-oppression; we are not a country where loved ones become nameless victims in mass graves - either from horrible regimes or an untenable criminal element that has been strengthened by way of disarming law abiding citizens.  Please do everything you can to ensure that we do not become a country like that.  Please support and serve your constituents by encouraging your peers to govern within the protective confines of our controlling documents.  Please respect our Bill of Rights.      I may just be an ignorant fool who doesn't read well and has an incorrect understanding of natural (inalienable) rights.  If so, feel free to let me know.  :)   All the best to you and yours, Humbly,
  21. Picking that thing up would feel like trying to pull Excaliber out of the stone!!  Hilarious!!
  22. My 5yr old son walks into the kitchen a minute ago - wielding a toy bow and arrow (primary weapons system).  I said, "You look like a bear hunter." He said, "Yes, I am a great bear hunter!", and as he turned to walk away, I could clearly see (printing) a light saber half-concealed down the back leg of his pants (Back Up Weapon).  It put a smile on my face and my heart.   You don't have to teach a reasonable kid that it's good to be prepared.  
  23. Congrats... Piano is a great foundation - I know you know this, so just some encouragement to make sure she has something (among all of the tedious practice) that is fun for her. All the best to you and yours-


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