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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Still showing in stock 9:21 CST
  2. Does anyone in Nashville have a set of 5.56 go/no-go gauges that I could borrow or come use for a minute? I have a replacement bolt (spare) and was advised by the manufacturer to check headspace.
  3. No, they didn't.  He pulled out what looked like a small kevlar insert and basically said, "here is the armor plate with a hole clean through it".   Nice.  Never mind reality.  Guns are the incarnation of evil, and the bigger the gun, the more evil it is.  Never mind the actual "evil" in persons that every size and kind of weapon was designed to defend against and overcome.  gracious.   Drama attracts viewers, viewers bring add dollars.  It seems that nobody at Channel "X" cares about reailty, reason, or responsibility anymore.     Ever seen "Idiocracy"?  If "we" believe this stuff, how much farther do we have to fall?   By the way, pssh! You can't put water on plants!
  4. How many people show up there in the mornings when they "realease" these guns..?   :stunned:
  5. Anybody else used these?   I've watched a few - I really like the different perspectives and the breadth of fundamental training on the site.   Fanboys? Haters?    
  6. So sorry for his loved ones' loss. Unthinkable. 1st a run on guns, then 22lr is nowhere to be found, ... back order on tinfoil?
  7. Congrats!!!  Lots of shoulder rubs and eye-contact-listening may help her (your wife) feel loved in the coming weeks!   Parenthood is the greatest ride (and show) on earth.  Riches beyond measure.  Welcome to daddyville!
  8. Great scott, the almighty "add dollar" has made us all drama-zombies.
  9. Thank you so very much. I don't know the answer, but You have allowed me to laugh at myself because your dream and concern make perfect sense to me. Anybody have the shake down on primers? The metal can be reformed no? I'm guessing that after year one all of the landfills will have been raided/taken over and inhabited. It would be quite the business if you could protect the compound. What can be melted down? Screws? Nails?
  10. That guy could have a fleet of F-16s and a palace in the sky, and I wouldn't think any of it was cool.... The whole murdering someone and kidnapping a 6yr old pretty much zapped that for me. But hey, maybe I'm just getting old.
  11. I don't have a link; I was watching on TV. He soundly and stoutly defended the 2nd amendment in its entirety and was a (sadly) standout among those who are supportive of our rights. The entire time he spoke, he was in genial conversation with the opposition..... which means they were much more likely to listen. that's how I saw it anyway. :)
  12. Thank you Lindsey Graham.  I don't know your history, but I believe that your composure and thorough, thoughtful, and reasonable interaction in the hearing today were much needed for our country.   whew... I would like to see a lot more of that.    
  13. Stinking trampoline. It was weighed down. Not enough. We were very fortunate. No other damage.
  14. Wow. So sorry for his loss. So thankful for his courage.
  15. Congratulations on a first step towards safety for you and your family. All good advice; Red pointed you in a great, great direction. If I may, humbly: 1) commit the 4 laws of firearms safety to memory; infuse them into everything you do that even remotely involves a firearm - without exception, and never let anyone tell you or coerce you into doing differently. Ever. Summation: muzzle discipline (be intentional and aware, always), and trigger discipline. 1a). If you don't have one, get a holster that protects that trigger guard. 1b). Learn how to safely clear a weapon, and always know the condition of any firearm you take possession of. (And of course, treat them all like they are always loaded.) 2) consider safety at home (access to and storage of the weapon) 3) there are great classes all around the Nashville area. Take one or two if you can. Great options have already been mentioned. Nashville Armory also has classes - cant personally vouch for the quality, just know that they are there. 4)after you've had some training, revisit the 4 laws and how your practicing them keeps you and those around you safe. Every time you handle a (your) firearm, get in the habit of doing a quick "self check" to ensure that you are in the right frame of mind. 5) read up, study up, or get some training in mental preparedness. ex. Cooper's color code and the combat mindset. 6) back down and away from every fight if possible. If you get your CHP and carry, avoid scenarios that may become a fight. Bravado will not raise you (or anyone else) from the dead, help you raise kids from prison (being "in the right" doesn't guarantee anything), or pay for your self-defense civil court costs. Evade first, Escape second..... One more tidbit - more of a personal thing - one that others may or may not agree with. If this handgun becomes a your carry weapon, when you are out and about and a buddy asks to see it, the answer is NO. It is there for a purpose, and "show and tell" isn't it. Something pre-planned might be a good alternative.
  16. Yes! Reasonable, Necessary.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/biden-self-defense-yourself-shotgun-201933598--politics.html Already covered here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/59399-does-biden-know-the-law/ Massive amounts of people actually believe this? The freedom of future generations of this nation are getting hammered by this level of thinking and speech? Unbelievable. I have no words.
  18. I love that Durbin references crime on the streets of Chicago - an uzzi in particular.   hmmm... more restrictive laws will make other places like Chicago?
  19. "..... particularly law enforcement, we cannot do this without you."    -Sen. Dick Durbin
  20. [quote name="TMF" post="893479" timestamp="1358931334"]I think the obsession with killing in video games is a symptom of a problem, not the Genesis of it. Not to say that anyone playing a violent video game is violent, but folks who do have an obsession with perpetrating violence would naturally be attracted to those games as an outlet. I don't think it would encourage an already violent sociopath to do anything he wouldn't already do.[/quote] Possibly, but I wouldn't discount the developmental risk of massive exposure to active, willful "virtual violence" during vulnerable developmental years. The brain can be molded. I defer to someone with a better understanding than I of adolescent psychology. Agreed, this needs to be out... Just not his name. Let him be anonymous. No fame for murderers!
  21. agreed.  -hope everyone is ok.
  22. Yep.  Still up.
  23. Bill Clinton on Obama's grass roots machine: “The way the Obama campaign won Florida, won Ohio, won this election by more than projected was the combination of technology, social media and personal contact,” Clinton said. That’s “the only way that our side will ever be able to even up the votes in the midterms and as these issues come up, really touch people and talk to them about it.” Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/newswidget/clinton-gun-rights-culture/2013/01/20/id/472217?promo_code=10E2C-1&utm_source=10E2Canadafreepress&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1#ixzz2IdHWnkRx Urgently: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now! If he, indeed, turns out to be our foe, we are up against a formidable one who's skill in public persuasion exceeds that which we have seen in our lifetimes. I want a "dehumidifier" that works on tin foil. It keeps condensation around me. :)
  24.      There is a time for everything.  For now, listen and listen extra well.  When you want to just blast someone, ask a question and try to understand what they are feeling - and why.  People want to be heard and "felt".  If they experience this, you earn their ear.  I know it sounds fluffy, fuzzy, and weird; I know it goes against what your mind and body are telling you, but it is true - and it is the key to winning over the middle.          Listen well, acknowledge the feelings of those who are on the fence, ask questions.  Earn their ear; make sure that your desire for the well-being of men, women, and chidren take the lead in conversations - not just our rights (which protect that well being).  If we do this well, we may yet be able to restore stability to our rights as citizens without sharing so much as an angry word.


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