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Everything posted by Peace

  1. wow.  agreed ^^ maybe start with a 5k  - then grow the event as interest frows year on year.
  2. oh... and though it is not "out" - Udi's GF pizzas at Public..   a little pricy for a cheese pizza at 9.99, but I put a pizza sauce/tomato paste mix on it and then top with pepperoni, tomato, onion, spinach, feta,.. etc.  ... spice to taste.
  3.     Mafioza's can do Gluten Free!!  - It's expensive, but she can eat out with everyone else.
  4. Mafioza's and NYPie!!!       Both great - totally opposite atmosphere.  NYPie is like a Subway-sized Pizza shop (the one in West Nashville anyway), and it has absolutely amazing traditional Pizza!   Mafioza's just has great, well crafted, thoughtfully put together Pizzas in a great sit-down eatery - the flavor combinations are a little above traditional, yet still great.
  5. Peace


    5-1/2" + om West Meade.... In the lower yard it feels more like 8 or 9.
  6. Peace


    Anybody go the yardstick out yet?   I guess I will.  :hyper:
  7. Peace


    Out n' about this morning early.  For future reference, Publix doesn't open until 7am.  It's snowing cats, dogs, leopards, and lions here in West Nashville.   ... and if one of us is the perfectly healthy douchebag who parked right in front of the front door of Publix... on the main drive - and left his vehicle there for >30min while he shopped, he should be flogged with pool floaties until he repents.  sheesh.   Having kids in that age where this stuff is like magic, I'm looking forward to a fun day!
  8. Temps are right going to hover right above freezing until late tomorrow afternoon, and the ground has a lot of water in it (high specific heat ... it'll take a good bit of "cool" to freeze it), so it will take a pretty heavy snowfall to pile up on warm streets and ground.   These wet systems which are borderline are the kind of systems that always dump on us.  ... hard to call.  I think the ground is too wet and the air is too warm.   PS.  I don't really know jack about weather.
  9. http://www.grindtv.com/bike/u-s-marines-crack-down-on-trespassers-confiscate-45-mountain-bikes/#kefYaECik1iUbDDl.97   The following bit made my day!   "The encounters were somewhat intimidating, as the Marines wore flight suits and toted weapons."   umm... they are Marines?  Marines on their own base?  - Marines based at Miramar... you know... the base formerly known as that "Top Gun" place...?
  10. ugh.  You knew it was coming, but it still hits hard.
  11. Call me nutty, but I just never can get excited about watching this type of dramatization of real life events - while the folks are still around.   It's probably great, but I get an awful feeling in my gut just thinking about watching it!  
  12. Thoughts:  - make it clear, notification to "patient" required, and allow any equally qualified "reporter" to clear the patient in the same manner as they were declared "unclear".   -In my opinion, making the path to clear someone's name more arduous (or even so vague that no discernable path exists) than the path to "convict" is an abuse of "rule of law".  - not that we haven't been doing that for a long, long time.   -If this devolves into "legal assault of people who do things we don't like", it is going to get tiresome.   (like "swatting" - but the legal version)   - More conservative-minded folk of all walks of life (color, background, culture, etc) need to be studying to be doctors (mental health as well), lawyers, and financial wizards.  Otherwise, the future looks a bit bleak.
  13. High and Tight, baby, ... wear it high and tight!
  14. oh is that our local schmuck? oh. as far as the search - saying that sets the tone and hones the focus. - both are always needed when trying to lead. It doesn't seem to carry the force of law - just paints a picture of one particular posture that will not be tolerated.
  15. "Hey, Honey.... can I get a ride to work tomorrow? - and maybe to Home Depot for some lumber and shingles? Oh.... yeah, well, I sold that car. What's that? Yep. aha, right, I'll just walk on down myself."
  16. Browning A5 sweet 16 is back!  I have a magnum 12, and I love, love, love it.    The sweet 16 would be a great Dove gun!  - but would make for some pricy Dove meat...
  17. Kids are finally in bed - sipping on some beverage and watching the day's news from Shot Show.     Beretta M9 22LR ... I saw it for the first time tonight on a Shot Show Range Day video.     I would love to have an M9A3 & M922LR!   dreaming... the FN semi-SAW....    - don't know why, I just have a great affection for the M249.
  18. Went out to MCSC yesterday afternoon. It was wet with a little wind and cool, but I got the rifle/scope sighted in and the first portion of barrel "break-in" finished. During the break-in procedure, this was the first 5 shot group at 200yds. (in the red circle) I'll take it. FGMM 168gr SMK, leupold 2.5-10 SFP w/ mildot reticle. She was on at 300 and 400 as well... I was maybe not quite as "on". group at 300yds was 2.66moa, group at 400yds was 2.12moa. can't wait to get back and dial it all in some more. 200yd 1st 5 shot group
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  19.     Ha!   I don't mind,  ... but I don't have one!!   If I remember to snap a pic, I'll put it up.
  20. ^^ ha!  yes, it was a unimount and could not be flipped.  I remounted in Leupold rings (which are horrible, BTW), and all is good now.  Cannot wait to break her in and get to some groups!
  21. Sig MRDSs are in stores now as well.
  22. Leupold 2.5-10 40mm (1" tube)   I was going to ask if I need to put it in leupold rings to move it 1/2 close to the bore than it is in the Burris PEPR mount, then I realized the PEPR is a 20moa mount.  In this configuration it will be a 20moa base and a 20moa mount. :-\   I have the rings - just wasn't going to change it if I didn't have to.     thoughts?
  23. No dice on the 6.5, though they did have one back before Christmas...      *AND.... it was the .243 that has the 26" barrel.  That's the one I remember as being heavy as an anchor.   All that said, with glass mounted and a bipod, this .308 is pretty hefty itself!   ... if it's a shooter, I won't care.


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