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Jim Cooper this morning on Background Checks
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
thank you for seeking clarity. :) I said I was progressive in nature, I did not say I was "a progressive" in nature. The difference being the universal, technical meaning of the word progressive vs. the hijacked political use of the word to describe socialists. I doubt very seriously that I'm a liberal, but if I somehow traveled back in time in the US, I hope I would not be for: burning "witches", keeping slaves, forced child labor, keeping women as a subclass of society - without full rights, allowing elected officials and law enforcement officeers to turn a blind eye to targeted, racial violence against moms, dads, elderly men and women, teenagers, and children,...etc. So, if anything like that is what we would be "conserving", then I'm not a conservative either. That's why I would say that I'm progressive in nature. I appreciate your points and your voice. In my minute opinion, the conservative "blanket" practice of binary or "everything is black and white - there can be no grey" is what has gotten the Republican party trounced - and will continue to be its demise if they don't adapt. The emerging demographics don't think that way - and even rebel against it. What we often forget in our small slice of time in the US is that the best leaders in the history of the world have known that compromise is the art of leadership - If you want to lead, you either have tryanny, compromise, or some intentional melding of the two. It's your choice what you want, I know which one I want. :) -
Jim Cooper this morning on Background Checks
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
hipower, it may well be marketing rule #2 - everyone wants to be with a winner - so, if you say "Ben is the best" every time you are in front of the camera - even though 80% of people watching may think that Carlisle is the best.... over time, you can actually skew and shift those numbers, and eventually, a lot of people will be convinced that Ben is the best (because they are convinced that most people feel that way, and they subconsciously want to identify with the majority, once they do indetify with the "Ben group", then self-preservation instincts cause them to passionately desire for Ben to be the best - regardless of the facts). Buying and selling peoples' minds is an ugly business, and I have wanted no part of it for the longest time. I believe it is a brilliant strategy to win the fence-sitters (and it requires no actual basis to be effective - just practice!) - and most everyone in the Democratic party (and in left-leaning media) is towing that line extremely well. just my opinion. -
POTUS pushes for a vote on Gun Control
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I want to agree with you, and I hope you are right, but the last 2 presidential elections have shown that the Obama administration are data-mining geniuses. They are also good at turning that data into their benefit. Every move is calculated. Every other "movement" (party) will have to make great strides to step up their game to this unprecedented level. "We" are not missing the boat in "what" we say (Rubio did a fine job). Obama has changed the political game, it looked like stumbling for 4 years; now it is beginning to gel, and now everyone else is having to adapt to figure out his new "playbook". He approaches it fundamentally different than old school strategists do. If we don't adapt and innovate, the game is up. - remember, it took him years to get the system working. If we started 2 years ago, we would still be 2 years behind.... and judging from November... we didn't start 2 years ago. So, I'm not saying the sky is falling, I'm just saying that my hunch is - we don't know how far behind we are. Please, please show me where I am wrong. I would love to be wrong. Disclaimer - I have nothing personally against any of our fine government officials. I wish them and their families all well. I simply disagree with some of them on political issues that are importan to me. -
Jim Cooper this morning on Background Checks
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
http://www.wsmv.com/video?clipId=8367273&autostart=true I had to play it back several times to get the quote. details matter - and no one deserves to be mis-quoted. -
peejman, you probably know just as well or better than I ... I just love to help and run at the mouth. Henbit and Chickweed germinate in the fall... so.... because you have a warm season grass and don't have to overseed in the fall, you can put down a pre-emergent in early Sept. when everyone else is overseeding! (something you cannot do when overseeding a cool-season grass - point to zoysia!) There are some organic alternatives, but your mileage may vary (corn gluten meal, I believe - it's been a few years, you guys are giving me a workout!). edit: here, found this http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/doc1997.ashx good stuff! You might also put out pre-emergent in February if you are having trouble with spring-germinating weeds. BrasilNuts - your post is awesome for the guys to know. If you really want zoysia, my experience says patience will be your greatest ally.
"Well it's a controversial issue, but as I understand it, even a majority of NRA members think that more background checks make sense, 'cause we wanna know who's got these weapons." oh boy. I wish he and his family well. I'm sure he is a great person, but he is evidencing that he does not represent the America I have known and want my children to know. Come voting time, he has got to be defeated! I am progressive in nature, and could very well be a democrat - except for all of the democrats that seem to run their party. (mostly what I think of the republicans too. :) ) If someone is a law abiding citizen, the government doesn't need to know what firearms they own. We should all be screening "Gattica" and "Minority Report" at our independant and republican recruiting rallies..... and yes, they need to be happening! - remember our POTUS has already started one grass roots campaign that is publicly attached to him.... I seriously doubt that is his only effort. He is smarter than that. Listening and understanding - working together can still get it done, but we had better get busy with the politics. This is for real. Time to "lawyer up" as they say, and start farming the voting population. We will need a heck of a harvest to stave off this seige on freedom.
Zoysia is hard to start and easy to maintain once established (despite what you've heard, most people that struggle never get it well established and healthy (soil) --or else they insist on following some laborious yard voodoo myth that "must" be done.... Sort of like breaking in an LWRC barrel ... or cleaning an LWRC rifle - ever. :). Since it is a warm season grass, plugging after the last frost is what I would do. Anything from seed, especially your tall fescue types need to be seeded Sept. 15th in our neck of the woods (TN). Also. Freebie for the day: Do not aerate in the early spring! It falls right into the evil plan of 90% of weeds. If you need to aerate before fall, wait until June 21st or so when the weeds are done germinating. Bonus with any warm season grass: Imagine that it is spring or summer, you see some weeds growing. You either, A. dig them up and put dirt in their place, or B. spray them with an herbicide. New grass grows back and you are done. With cool season grasses, you have to wait until fall to successfully reseed.
PM if you want to chat over the phone. I don't much, but I'll tell you what Ive learned. My knowledge is worth what you are paying for it. :) I had a neighbor who (has) had zoysia for 30 years. I was the first LCO they ever let touch it. I did quite a bit of reading before and while I cared for it. (2 seasons). I've also seen friends plug with sad results. :) 1st things 1st. Call your Ag extension office and ask about soil sample testing. Get a soil sample from several spots in the yard and get it analyzed. Then find out what you need to do to make zoysia happy (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - the ratio is the numbers on your fert). Amend the soil and get it set before you get your zoysia. A lot of folks are willing to spend >$900 on mail-order plugs, but won't spend ~$15 to listen to their dirt. It can seem petty and useless, but it is the simple key to mastering your turf. If you can control the water content, nutrients, and pH of your soil, you can win the war (it is easy once you get to know your dirt and your grass) Zoysia does take more time to fill out a yard than other summer grasses (you might have a 5yr plan), but if you do it right, it is fantastic.
POTUS pushes for a vote on Gun Control
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
It was his climactic movement in the speech. "(insert name of victim of violence here) deserves a vote." repeated over and over. -
What concerns me is that he and his team do not make uncertain moves. They know the numbers, and they operate by the numbers. If he is pushing for a vote, he/they know something. They knew they would win the election by a large margin - while the republicans were taken by surprise. They are a brilliant collection of folks. I'm wondering what they have up their sleeves on this. With that said, we must keep communicating with our representatives. We will have to be more intelligent, more tenacious, more sensitive, and more active than we have ever been as a constituency.
I'm guessing that is up to you. If it were me, I would want to make it go away. You are talking about announcing the collection of ~$300K-$500K worth of valuable assets in your home. AND.... you could possibly be looked at by an alphabet soup. Remember that a "collector" recently had 1500 firearms taken away. I am soooooo glad you shared. It is awesome. I think we all just want you to be safe and invisible. just my thoughts... anyone else??
jphillips63, I concur that you have instantly achieved legend status here. We will all remember you forever - and now that we have enjoyed this, I hope that (if you request it) David would honor any request you have to make this thread go away permanently.
Former LAPD officer subject of manhunt.
Peace replied to Chucktshoes's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
and done. I don't relish anyone's demise, but I am glad innocent, good people are no longer at risk from this situation. -
Hunted quail all over West TN growing up - with my grandad and dad. It would be great to see TWRA have a plan to try to bolster quail in WMAs and rural areas again. Anybody have any pull there to find out if they deem that feasible?
Casting bullets, a cautionary tale.
Peace replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Wow. Thankful you caught it and have a handle on it. Feel better soon! -
Shoot until the threat ceases to be a threat!
Peace replied to Peace's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Great thought. Anyone know the definitive answer on this? -
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/11/wash-homeowner-shoots-wounds-would-be-burglar/?test=latestnews You train mentally and physically to stop the threat. And that may take more than you think! So thankful that this guy and his wife seem to be ok. I would not want to tussle with anyone in my house, in the dark, with a gun.
I'm guessing a lot of folks just order the extra kidex for their other handguns. The crossbreed should be nice.
My answer would be no. Don't know if it "sort of" fits or not. Don't care. Don't mess around with ill fitting holsters... especially in your pants. Especially with a glock. It ain't worth the bucks you'd save. Just my answer. Anyone else? Oh, and GlockSocks, welcome! I don't mean to be short. I just want you and yours to stay safe. I've had others do the same for me over the years.
I'll be waiting to here of a successful exchange. I wonder how many rounds total are in circulation that fall under this recall?
Hilarious. Well, now I can reassure my wife that the one essential "man-skill" serves an honorable and necessary purpose - most likely by design. "It's not my fault, babe, I gotta keep it tuned up. We may really need this some day."
Former LAPD officer subject of manhunt.
Peace replied to Chucktshoes's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/11/us/lapd-attacks/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Look at pic #7 and count the bullet holes in that truck. Are you kidding me??? !???? I am at a loss for words. -
David! How 'bout a little warning next time?
Peace replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
Are there any alternatives that work? The site is great, so thanks David, and if you say it's no good for TGO, I believe it. I do have to put in my .0000002c and say that I really, really miss it. -
You are thinking about it right. Have a plan. Get everyone else on board. I would have that bag with combat gauze, tourniquet, flashing light w/ house key attached (to drop outside for LE if necessary), but I would have your wife/partner grab that bag. Chances are decent that .. if you are going to need that HD weapon, you will be defending an assault, not "finding" and intruder. Oh yeah, the bag is not for the BG (that's a good way to make a bad situation worse), but it may save you or your loved ones. If you are in different sections of the house, you might want to have a call/response safe word for linkup. Don't use an obvious one - as a BG may be wise to it and dupe you or your loved ones. Ensconce in a defensive posture with everyone if at all possible. Experts say being ensconced in a fixed position gives you an 8:1 advantage. Also, when you train for this, you might want to train for the possibility that you may be facing/using lethal force as quickly as you access your weapon. Know your safe shooting lanes (backstop, angles, positions you can fire from), and, if possible, make sure your family members know to get to ground/cover if the alarm is sounded. And by all means, practice mentally identifying the threat!!!! Keep your family and friends safe from friendly fire when the stink hits the breeze. All the best to you and yours.