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Everything posted by Peace

  1. I am sorry for your loss. .. so sorry.
  2. Ok...prepped, and even after SHTF, ... Me and my posse still have to train. So, I'd make a duplicate ammo order of whatever Homeland Security ordered last year. :). Ok, 1/10 of it. Dang, still out of money. Ok, 1/20th of it. I'd hopefully be reasonably prepped, not as well as most. I would have my automobiles up armored to class III, and I would be low profile... I'd also invest in business opportunities that were prudent. ... Making that money make some money. I would probably class III my residence as well. Glass, walls, and doors. I would learn to fly(not fish), garden, and farm (animals and veggies). I also might even make a flannel shirt run for state senate... And then later, congress.
  3. GlowDotGlock, ... Sounds good, but how are you going to cycle all of that diesel? It won't store forever and still do what you want it to do... Well, you've got about one year (+/- a few months) underground. At any rate, i would add fuel filters for the generators to your list ... lots and lots and lots of fuel filters. They will need changing often. But hey... You will have juice! Filters..
  4. I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences to each of you who knew Russell.
  5. I grew up in Jackson, and I have lived in both Nashville and Knoxville. We now live in the West Meade area of Nashville, and we love it here. We do miss being so close to the mountains and the river in Knoxville, but Nashville is a better fit for us. Tennessee is a great state with great resources, and hasn't even begun to reach it's potential. To do that, we will all need to have our political eye (and voting hand) on the long-term quality of life and strength of our business sector. Good luck, you are absolutely welcome here.
  6. Anyone else see this?   Is it legit?   http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20130718/COLUMNIST/130719612/2256?p=1&tc=pg     crikey!!  fortunate everyone came out ok.       Ok,   1) Mentally, how do we prepare for this possibility?     2) How would you manage this situation?        -if everyone wasn't so anti 2A and gun=devil obsessed, I would say a good conversation with your local sherriff and police precinct.... but that is probably best reserved for a small town where you were buddies with the sherriff in grade school.   ok, so maybe an alternate is - just plain get to know the higher-ups in your precincts.  Steak dinner at the house to say "hello" and "thank you for what you do"...  - leave guns, etc. out of it.  That way, if your residence ever comes into question, they know exactly who you are - without any baggage.     ok,  :popcorn:  whad'ya think?
  7. As in, Casper, "Boo", or ... Anyway, Casper would be a lot more scary and seem a lot less friendly with that!!
  8. Just regrettably saw and left an 18" repr and a 14.7" SPR (patriot brown, spiral fluted, bcm charging handle) at Franklin Gun shop. They have gun shop prices, but they were absolutely nice as can be, and that place is an absolute candy store. wow. Oh, and Ted, they had a used 742, 30.06 in there. Made me smile.
  9. agreed. Once again, the TGO community shows itself to be chock full of good people. -enjoyed it Sonny and Ted.
  10. The G27 is a great little handgun.  In my experience, it shoots as good or better than the G23.   With that said (as others have pointed out), it is thick compared to some other offerings.   The M&P 40 Shield is probably easier to conceal under light clothing, ... but it doesn't feel as secure in my hand as the 27.  Look around, find what is right for you.
  11. If I can come, can I be one of you guys' guest?   I might know where an M6 with an ACBII can be found...
  12. Grrrrr....
  13. roger that.
  14. Well, as much as I like the idea of a .308.  I think I can just use barnes 70gr TSX, and between that and my Remington 742 (30-06), I think I have it all covered.  -as long as I don't shoot too many rounds through that 742.   -still, it was a nice, small rifle that would be easy to tote, and the iron sights were actually really good.
  15. I held one today.   I did not buy it, ... yet.
  16. They were everywhere today. We had three of them go right over us on the TN river in Hardin county. They always buzz us at treetop.
  17. PADI certified years and years ago.  Haven't been since my last checkout dive.    Too many other expensive hobbies.   I guess it's just a bit of McGyver-ish-ness.     edit: I'm guessing our wealth of responses has to do with the "be prepared, be equipped" mindset that we all seem to have...
  18. Great job and welcome to the club! I'm picking my bike up at 5 today after having some work done.
  19. --- I removed this post. ...forgot which city I live in. My apologies.
  20. Welcome, Joe. Glad to Have you among us.
  21. That intro .... Bwah haa ha haaaa!! The second he stepped out in a photography vest, I lost it. Oh, and if you're wearing a drop-leg, you can probably just have your rifle assembled or disassembled in any bag you want. Your cover is blown. Would the Eagle Scout in me love to have a brief-case long gun as an option? Yes, I love being prepared for any contingency. The chances of me ever covertly deploying a long gun (in a relaxed manner) on our soil in an urban environment??? Low. It seems to me that it is a rig intended for planned deployment, not reaction/defense. If times are bad and you need it, ... it seems like it takes a long, long time to deploy. If it is being marketed for contractors overseas.... Then by all means, the intro makes more sense.... Maybe.
  22. Read an article from GMA. - they referred to "gunpowder" used from the fireworks. Argh. Intentionally or not, media is really fueling the dismantling of the 2A.
  23. A lie!! A lie!! You are supposed to post a lie!!!!! .... uh oh. shoot! ummmm. .... Didn't post a lie about the above poster.
  24. ... is on the nocturnal animal "blacklist" for his open anti-opossum stance.


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