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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Jonnin, The purpose of my training/practice is geared toward an active, defensive engagement. I haven't had any issues with precision, I'm just trying to move toward a high level of proficiency, and I want to eliminate any bad habits that may have crept in. Ok, here's the deal. No pics possible today, but... I can easily and reliably break the trigger without the roll. I really only notice this when I am faking multiple rounds by pressing the trigger back to it's stop (after the Hammer is down from 1st dry fire). I don't egress hard, but when I gently pull to the stop, it rolls. It bugs the snot out of me, but it may be a non-issue.
  2. Thanks!   I have been wondering if our AC unit is not oversized for our space.  ie. It cools, but it doesn't run long enough to keep the air conditioned.  If I set the unit on 75 or 76 during the day, it never runs and humidity soars.  If I set it down to 71 or 70, it runs enough to dry the house out a bit -- but that never works on rainy days which makes me look at humidity migrating from crawl space/fireplace, etc.   I will check crawl space, gutters, and fireplace first.   I can also check evaporator coils, though if the unit is running, it seems to do fine.   I had a company out last September that was supposed to clean the duct system (new purchase of an old, nasty house) and check for leaks.  I am calling them back today - I'm not sure that they actually checked for leaks.  I am registering 88%rh at one of my registers right now.  I am alternating between heat/cool today to try to dry the house out a bit.  ugh.
  3. Ha! -Crawl space: Vapor barrier is new and taped/glued 16" up walls -need to direct water away from front of house. :( -yes, HVAC blower, not ceiling fan... didn't know that about the HVAC fan! -1958 wood windows w/ metal storm windows outside -fireplace. Probably need to make a damper-seal for the summer All told, it is just dang wet in this house this morning! So, what is the best way to check for HVAC leaks?
  4. Any HVAC guys have suggestions? We have been fighting high humidity all summer long in our house (it's our 1st summer in this house). It routinely runs 58-64% rel humidity inside when it is humid outside (after a rain). If I blast the AC or the heat, it reduces the humidity down in the lower 50s. I have been running a dehumidifier in the house all summer... 24/7. This morning, it seemed particularly bad, so I set our hygrometer on a register. 1) It registered 74% with the fan on. 2) I turned on the heat, then the air, and pointed the dehumidifier into the return, and brought it down to 65%. 3) When I kicked off the AC, and just left the fan on (with the dehumidifier pointed into the return), the hygrometer soared to 83% at the register. What gives!? I have got to solve this. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks all, c.a., I see the back sight post rotating left a smidge, but it definitely originates from the grip. Dave, yes, the rounds hit where they are supposed to, but I've not been training under duress at all. Pic and maybe a link to a vid today....
  6. travr6, if you are on facebook, try Whittaker Guns.     They are across the border in KY, and get more ammo in that anyone around.  22LR is a regular occurance there.  Prices are ok, not great, not awful.   Good luck!
  7. So we talk all the time about food, water, and protection.   What about:   1) Lasik surgery for those with eye issues?  Is that part of your prep?   2) Dental health:  If your teeth are abismal and prone to rotting, do you go early to dentures - with a spare pair?  (ok, maybe not, but what do you do to prep?)     I've often thought that Lasik (or similar) was an almost essential for rugged survival and/or active engagements in a non-civil society.     Your thoughts... Go!
  8. Thanks guys.  pic coming tomorrow.  I changed the grip today - from a MIAD to a Troy Battle Ax CQB (original tiny one).   same thing.  Thus the thread.   I even took pinky finger off of the grip, etc.  It's almost like my palm/wrist want my grip to be canted out to the side.  That would stink for ambi use.
  9.     Easy Tiger.....
  10. Hmm... Thanks... This is really noticeable in dry fire practice. ??
  11. Squared off stance, NTCh, forehand is either on VFG or covering barrel if no VFG. Right handed, right eye dominant. Tip of finger presses trigger (although it does it if I use the pad or joint as well). When I press the trigger, I get an ever-so-slight roll of the weapon system in the counter clockwise position.... even when I soft touch it. I don't get this with a handgun, and it seems to be my palm interacting with the top, back of the grip... 1) What might I be doing wrong? 2). Any tips on correcting it? Shoot!
  12. You might want to check that KSG for reliability. It can hold "x" of rounds, but can it cycle them consistently?
  13. I have an old friend that is a superintendant at Schmid Rhodes in Knoxville.  They may only specialize in the $1m+ market; I don't know.  Feel free to PM me if you want more information.   I can say that the guy that I know there is one of the finest folks to work with on the planet - bar none.
  14. Congrats!!
  15. I'm smiling from ear to ear.... and all I did was watch it on youtube!!   uhh. ... anybody else jonesin' to go do that.. right now?!
  16. How 'bout it, guys that have trained for low-light?     I'm all ears too...
  17. I would say Hampton Inn on Elliston or West End would be great, . .. but looks like, price-wise, they are going to be $160-$180.   I have family that have stayed at both of those locations repeatedly (they are about 1/2 mile apart) and have had good experiences.  There is some covered parking at the West End location.
  18. Search Engine Optimization.  ... probably necessary, and is the rage in web-marketing..  but probably every single person on here besides me can better tell you about who to hire.      Now...  a certain un-named, young, female country music star was given the task by her father to spend a couple hours each (and every) day on facebook interacting with fans (long) before her career took off.  It was like homework, and it was hard work....  and it did work.  If you could have been looking from the inside, you would've seen someone just as pretty, just as talented with a career track that parelleled hers.... without the difficult and laboriously repetitive ground-pounding on FB - that other someone is still trying to land deals that will make them a living.  The uber-successful star built a personal relationship with her fanbase... one message at a time.      My suggestion is to remember to use the web "presence" to build relationships with individuals.... who, in multiples, turn into identifiable "markets".  ... The difference between you (your dad) and your competitors can be that your relationship with those individuals translates to everyone they know.... blah, blah, blah...    Web presence is good.  Showing up in the top 5 of google is great.   What you do with that web presence can be the key to real, lasting success.    For Example:  If TGO David opened up a coffee shop, a gun shop, or even a quilt shop, how many of you would go out of your way to go in and see him... and find any excuse to buy something from him?   :)  see?   When someone "walks" into your web space, you want to treat them just like if they walked into your office/home/store...  and as close as you can get to "conversational" with them, the more they will feel cared-for and "known" by you.   That's my rambling... there are incredibly smart folks on this site who have put these principles to good use, and I'm thrilled to learn with you as we read their responses.   All the best to your father in his endeavor.
  19. http://poinsettcounty.kait8.com/news/news/240253-dog-eats-paralyzed-mans-testicle   Many websites have just pulled this story .. including wsmv.   -wondering if it was faked, or if there is something else going on.   ??   still.. an awful story.  and unbelievable.
  20. Peace

    APEX Trigger Review

    Mbeck,   Great video.. glad you are doing these.  Would you ever consider making "showing clear" a standard part of every video?         I know you check and re-check before you shoot your vids, and I love your careful muzzle placement, but... for your younger and/or inexperienced fans, you may actually help prevent tragedies by helping them see that it is both "cool" and absolutely necessary to know the condition of any firearm you handle.  Those that are influenced by your vids will then pass that habit along to everyone they influence.  All in all, it's an easy way for you to have a massive impact and save lives.   Again, you are doing a great job; best of luck with everything in the future.   -Peace
  21. umm... I'll draw the line at wanting someone out of public office. No one. No one needs cancer.
  22. I'm thrilled you are asking the question.  Might I suggest that we not be afraid of future legislation; we should merely Vote!!   Oh, and we can be smart about how we steward our 2nd ammendment right.  It exists, therefore it needs to be stewarded.  Be a kind, caring, aware, open-hearted firearm carrier/advocate/enthusiast.  -off soap.   I second the Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle.  Ok, I don't own one, but I've heard many folks that do say that they would sell every other rifle before they sold that one.  The way it feels in the hand, I can believe it.   As always, if I was going to buy a firearm, and if I could only have one, it would probably be an LWRC M6A2.  The right round in a 5.56 cartridge can do wonders. ...  caveat: it is not anywhere close to a "big game" cartridge.   Fun search!  Good luck!
  23. http://www.wsmv.com/story/22938343/home-invasion-lead-to-shooting ... There may or may not be more to the story, but still...
  24. Agreed with jgradyc. Fit is important. Once you've settled on a bike type, get the lightest bike you can (are willing) to afford that fits you and your purposes. I know folks who love their crossovers.
  25. Great question. Good answers. Everyone has to think through it at some point. Glad you asked. You. You, trained and rehearsed are the best home defense weapon... A firearm that fits your defense plan and training is an invaluable help. Get night sights and a light, period. Light, light, light. No one wants to be the guy that shot his wayward relative/kid/kids' friend because they went "bump" in the night. Can you reliably identify friend/foe with this weapon without your glasses? Shotgun: great stopping power. Semi-auto helps recoil and keeps you from short-pumping in the middle of a gunfight. ...and, you still have to aim at "in home" distances. FYI: 00 buckshot with go through walls as well as most handgun and .223. Handgun: one handed operation, easy to operate in tight spaces, but placing rounds in a man-sized target under combat stress has been shown to be difficult (police stats). Practice at the range under stress. (Push-ups until fail, then a 5 round group?) I wouldn't go under .40S&W, but many do, and will likely be fine. AR: stopping power with the right round (TAP, Barnes TSX55gr) easy platform for optics and lights, good form enables easy shots on target. Easy recoil. But. Harder to maneuver in tight spaces; it has a barrel that a BG can use for leverage if you are late engaging and he is "on you". Of course, if your family is behind you, and the BG is in front of you, you can always shoot him off the end of the barrel. I've heard it works pretty well. Oh .. And an AR will make you deaf"er" than the other two indoors. 16" rifles are loud. Think about how a criminal/crazy/drugthug might access your house and your family. Think about how you can successfully defend your family members against those assaults. (Screw the stuff in your house. Don't get stupid protective of stuff and raise your risk profile. Ensure your families' survival.) Whatever weapon best helps you do that is it. Do you need to open doors and navigate turns or stairs to get to your kids, etc? That might influence you towards a handgun. Do you have one pinch point that leads to access all of your family members? Maybe you rehearse getting all of them out of the probable line(s) of fire (and on the ground), and defend that point (with everyone to your rear and away from the line of fire). That might lend itself to a compact AR. Whatever you get, practice ...safely. When you rehearse, clear your weapon and lock all of your ammo in a separate room and have someone double check you. (**edit:  a chamber flag is a really good idea) Know your lanes of fire - and what is beyond your "target". What are your safe lanes of fire in your house? **How do you identify friend/foe? Family safeword? Etc? http://www.panteaoproductions.com/instructors/massad-ayoob - he has a decent video on HD - some good fodder for thought. Important question? There are lots of smart folks on here.... Looking forward to what others have to say. Edit: ... And if I still owned any weapons at all, I would have changed my HD weapon from a .40 handgun to an 16" AR with a 3x optic (No glasses, still able to do CQB ).. I would also be using Hornady TAP 75gr.


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