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Everything posted by Peace

  1. They got me a few weeks ago.  Two separate colonies got me on two different days.  Those stings hurt for days, and I still have scabs where they stung me.   We no longer have yellow jackets in our yard.  Although, I went the consumer yellow-jacket foam route - took about 4 cans.  We are too close to the river for me to pour fuel in the ground with any kind of conscious.   Good luck!  Get 'em...
  2. Peace

    Best Pizza

    Mafioza's.  The Pizza is called "The Last Request".  Remember that chewing gun that had the corn-syrup gooey center that would "burst in your mouth"?   Yeah, it's like that, for Pizza.  Incredible flavor, sun dried tomatoes, peppers, etc. ...the works!   ... it is only later, when you sit down on the toilet that you realize why it is called "The Last Request".  :cry: It didn't taste that hot when I was eating it... 
  3. 1) I second the Sig P238 - great handgun - though..  It is Single Action Only, first shot, and I am not a fan of cocked and locked in a pocket package..  not saying it is bad; I just haven't made peace with it.   2) Karh P380 - can come with night sights, great trigger, good size.  The slide may be a bit tighter than the P238.  It is a single action, striker fired handgun, so trigger discipline and holster security is more of an issue - if she is good with that, rock on.   3) In the 380 category, I ended up with a S&W Bodyguard 380.  It has had its hiccups, but for size, how well it point-shoots, trigger (yes, I like it), and feel in my hand, it won out.  After a few rounds of break-in, the slide on it racks like butter - but I am used to a G23.  If the BG380 gives me any trouble, I'll be sure to report it to TGO.   let us know what you end up with!
  4. I just wanted to drop a note to say how much I appreciate all of you here on TGO.  This is a group of folks who are known for respecting each other even in the midst of our differences, and that is just a heap of plain 'ol goodness.   TGO staffers and David:  Thanks again for all that you do.   TGO folks: stay safe this weekend, and hug those you love a little tighter (not too tight, now!) and a little longer.   Life is indeed a sweet, sweet, song.    
  5. :slap:       same team...  maybe we could use a TGO   :cheers: night.   Personal beverage does not have to foam - or be fermented.
  6. fair enough.. though maybe not where some of us were pointing. If you have to use it deadly force, use it. It's how we talk about it now that impacts legal woes far after said OODA loop.  
  7.   must've not had enough coffee yet.   :snore:    I see it now.
  8. http://www.gearhog.com/?did=66659     Anyone have experience with Ice Arms product?   I know we have TGO lowers coming up - thought this might (or might not) be a good deal for anyone starting a build.     Thoughts?
  9. This.        Fear (castle doctrine or not) is your defense in the law from homicide (in self defense).   We would do good to consider ourselves people who do not restore justice and do not aggress (We are not law enforcement or judge, and we are not marauders).  In a home defense scenario, we defend, period.          IF you ever find yourself in that horrible situation, the aftermath will go better for you if you start now to think, speak, and breathe the idea of defense and understand what the law calls "fear of serious bodily injury or death" - that fear is the respect of the capacity for human violence and is no sign of weakness.          I hope none of us ever have to use lethal force to defend ourselves, our loved ones, or other innocent men, women, or children, but if we do, every word we have typed in the interwebs may be used by the prosecution against us.  When we learn from each other through these wonderful forums, we might want to think about how each word we type can be twisted.  We are defenders.  We hone our skills because of the consequences of being unprepared - not in hopes of using them.  We hope we never, ever have to bring those skills to bear.   Give a verbal warning if you can - understanding that it may not be appropriate against say.. a rapidly advancing bad guy in your home.  We train mentally and physically to make that judgement.     That is all.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. Glad it works for you. I may check one out one day, but I don't know if I'll ever carry with one. :)
  11. Saw one in person tonight (Gander Mountain stocks them). Uh. No. I was asking on the off chance that someone had gotten hands on one and was pleasantly surprised. This seems to be a 10' pole w/ a kevlar vest item. ... Don't think I would touch it even with that.
  12. Dave, I am so sorry you are going through this, and I am so glad you are going to be ok. Thank you for sharing, what you have given to this community is far beyond what money can provide. Let us know if we can help with anything. Yes to the ESD mat. ... Maybe anyone who has worked in factory ammo production can speak up as to best practices for all of us. We all owe you a thanks Dave. Heal up, and take your wife to do something fun by soon!
  13. You might also let us know what skills you have...  Licenses, experience, etc.  You never know when a connection will be made.
  14. Comp-Tac is what I am used to..   Does anyone use a versacarry holster?  I want low profile,... but I want to know that it is safe and secure.   Anyone with experience?   http://www.versacarry.com
  15. This.        When you think you know what is going on, start asking questions.  You can begin asking less questions when the other side starts asking genuine questions of you.  War, any war, is far more expensive to any culture than anyone (us included) can imagine.          It is understandable to be disgusted by ridiculous things that people say or do.  With that said, news outlets are in the business of selling add dollars, and we all have to refrain from being a pawn to their game - with a byproduct of being suckered into saber rattling.   Yes, my screen name is peace, and that is what I prefer, always.  We can look at Syria, Egypt, and the Baltic region from 15-20 years ago.  War in the civil context is a last resort, and many older veterans of WWII evidence by their connection with and newfound affection for soldiers from the opposite side that there are often good folks on each side of the battlefield - some of us will be right, some of us will be deluded.  My wife and I try to raise our kids to know that war is awful, and when there are no other options, war is also necessary.  I hope they have the humility to be cautious in accessing that necessity and the intelligence to create options where there are none.   When you think you know what is going on, start asking questions.   disclaimer:  the preceding opinion is from someone who is often clueless, shortsighted, nearsighted, ham-handed, and generally a goof.  I feel free sharing my opinions, because I highly value yours.  Let 'err rip.
  16. I second VW and Amazon coming in.  You have Nissan in Smyrna, Toyota engine plant, Delta, DeWalt/Black and Decker in Jackson, Amazon, and VW in between Knoxville and Cleveland, GM in Spring Hill (union), Heck, maybe even Remington coming near Clarksville (one can hope).  If it fits you, all of those should allow you to live a bit out there and have access to work.   The reason we live in a larger city is work - people, people, people -  that and access to the best education for my kids.   I am a native Tennessean, and I love this state.  We, like everywhere else have positive things and things that need work.  In general, where someone from New York, The North West, or Cali would tell you if they don't like you, your product, or your idea, many (not all) southern folk will politely lie to your face (I can only hope they don't even know what they are doing) because it is ingrained in this culture to be "nice".  In a group of folks, it is quite a card game to understand and keep track of what each person actually thinks of each other person.  A lot of cultural politics (workplace, etc) plays this way.  If you can learn to understand it and function in it, you can go far here. - In that regard, it's no different than anywhere else.   If you care for your family and respect those around you, Tennessee will be richer for having you.  - hope our thoughts help you out a bit. All the best to you and yours.
  17. Peace

    I Pad help

    refurbs can go well, and they can go awful.   With electronics, it's all about power supply to components.  I converted to mac about 10 years ago, and my first refurb was a G5 PowerMac.  That thing had a slew of problems that they hadn't worked out, but I still have it, and it still works.     I have an iPad, 32GB.  I do manage files (once a month) to keep space on it; I like dropbox, I just don't like being unable to acces files without wifi.   I don't keep music on it, and I don't keep much video, but I have a lot of files and a lot of apps.  It is not indespendible for me, but it does put a lot in a small package.  (tools for work, learning games for the kids, a whole library of literary classics)   On the other hand, it does blur the work/home line for me.
  18. Congrats. Good optic. Great rifle. Did I mention that is a great rifle? Stay safe, enjoy.
  19. Peace

    SW BodyGuard 380?

    Picked up a BG380 today at NA. Shot it. Love it. Satisfied. Laser not needed. It point shoots beautifully. Trigger is DAO, long, and feels just right. Center-of-mass, rapid fire at 3-5 yards was not just a breeze; it was a joy. This trigger (for me) has no tendency to short stroke. In contrast, I had some trouble NOT short stroking the LCP trigger. If anything changes, I'll let you all know, but for now, this seems to be one great little last-resort life-saver.** **. I know, I know .380. Here's hoping it never, ever gets put to the test.
  20. I am accustomed to carrying a G23, but with my build (5'11" 170lbs), I can't conceal anything (comp-tac IWB - love it, but I can't bend down and kiss my kids without it printing. I love the G27, but it won't be any better when my huggy friends and famy say hello. In my job, printing is not an option. anyway, I love the way the s&w BG feels.. more so than the LCP. thoughts?
  21.   I second this.  I always keep common spares on hand, but during the whole shortage or rifle debacle, I was able to speak with and order any part I wanted from LWRCI - as long as I didn't want it cerakoted. :)   My experience with them has been exceptional.     Of note, a piston AR and a purpose-built piston design in an AR can be two different things.
  22. Well, I don't mind the "policy" so much. Being fed an outright lie like I'm a quivering pile of goo.... that is injurious to the pride-ness.
  23. West. Charlotte & I-40
  24. i just waited 15 minutes for someone at sporting goods only to be told it is against state law for the to sell ammo after 10pm. fooey. I'd much rather them just say they don't want to sell me ammo.. the 5.56 was $12.97/20 anyway. Price tags would've saved me 15min.


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