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Everything posted by Peace

  1. The Energizer Bunny would be proud of this thread.     I think our stout-heartedness is a good thing, and hopefully our loved ones will benefit from it more than not....but I would hate to be a dead horse anywhere near this thread.   :bat:
  2. Auto-correct fails... Text only - not kid friendly, may not be office friendly... mostly because you might be doubled over laughing.   Forgive me if this has been posted before...   http://funkypickens.com/25-funny-auto-correct-fails/   enjoy.    
  3. Ha!  oh boy,   "It's no big deal!"  (Carl takes a bite out of the baby ruth)
  4. I was in 2 walmarts in 2 different cities the last 2 days. Both had 1000rd .223 cases, and at least one variety of most calibers. Missing were : 380 & 9mm. I love walking away and leaving ammo on the shelf.... makes me hopeful... Almost like we're farming the stuff.
  5. :). Wow, when you put it that way... it takes it to a whole new level. #guyhumor awesome typos aside, I'd like to do it sometime, ... We'll see.
  6. --multi-post error--
  7.      I read Schultz's letter.  It was well written; it carried compassion toward our cause, and it continued to display a (somewhat undeserved - from some of the photos I've seen) respect to law abiding, common-sense-wearing responsible gun owners.        I am not sure that I would afford such a brazen, disrespectful, ... and socially clueless "group" of people the same respect in my place of business.   I know this has been posted, but here it is again.  If you haven't read it, it may be worth a read. http://practicaltacticalpodcast.com/starbucks/       I care about each of you, and there are benefits to our differences of opinion.  Even so, please, please be aware of Newton's Third law of social interaction.  If someone is not fighting with you, don't shove them.        If, of course, anyone happens to just love going around looking for a fight, I would ask them to please find something less important to obsess about. - but they would probably fight me on that.   :cool:          Open carry may have its place, but:  baiting, shock-and-awe, or "see what I can do"... none of those will do anything but align those who are neutral and those who are already against us - into a force which we will not be able to defeat... and if you think, "fine, let's go to war, then."  Such a high, high cost we would enslave our children to.. (beyond comprehension - we've not had a war on our soil since the civil war) .. a cost which can be averted with our own self-enforcement of responsibility - long with socially aware, emotionally mature activism.     ---  Take the logic and hard line talk to your representatives and win the arguments in the legislative arenas.   Take respect, awareness, kindness, and common sense with you everywhere else.  Those four tenets should be constant companions to every firearm we own. ---
  8. Nice thought, Whiskey!! -with this particular grill, it was the paint that I wouldn't want in the food. It was bubbling at first time over the fire. :)
  9. Ok. Busted. I am sorry to say that it was on sale at Dick's for $14.99. (Nashville West). I wouldn't put any food directly on it. :) Back to the weather... It was amazing today!!!!
  10. ^^^^^^^ This.
  11. http://cooper.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=679&Itemid=73 Politics like stew... It takes a long time, and if you don't stir, it'll stick. Here's to some things not sticking. Statement By: Jim Cooper Date: Jan. 16, 2013 Location: Washington, DC Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-05) issued the following statement today in response to President Obama's proposals to reduce gun violence: "The President is generally on the right track. We need background checks and we need to keep weapons of war off our streets and out of our schools and workplaces. Armor-piercing bullets and large-capacity magazines are also deeply troubling. We also need to do more to improve mental health and reduce violence in the media. "Bottom line: We are obligated to defend the right to bear arms, while also doing a better job of keeping our children and our families safe." 2014 is a full year away, but we have to remember and send someone else in his place. I wish he and he and his family well, but this stance does not represent me... at all. By the way: decent tool http://votesmart.org/
  12. We camped out in the backyard last night. First campout for our kiddos. Baked beans over the fire, hot dogs, marshmallows, and hot chocolate. It was funtastic!
  13. I understand about not wanting to leave a loaded weapon... but, clearing a weapon in a public place ... or while trying to conceal my actions (i.e. in the car) is not a habit I would want to pass on to anyone else. too many things can go wrong. could you pick up a lockbox for your handgun? does your glovebox lock? again, I hear your concern. you might want to rethink unholstering your handgun except when absolutely necessary and/or under controlled, planned circumstances. YMMV. -hope your trip is fantastic!
  14. Yes, but now the dots are connected from our gov. ID to our consumer ID... what we search for on the Internet, what we ask Siri to do, what we purchase, take pictures of, text, type, etc.... :) Oh, and where we've been and where we are at any given moment. **undeniable in court because of a time stamp with a confirmed epithelial sample. ....sent from my iPhone 4s. :(
  15. (2) lowers for me.
  16. Peace

    What if....

    :) well, stink. I liked my fairyland better.
  17. Peace

    What if....

    I know, I know,... But Obama drawing thin red lines over and over, and giving congress (and himself, and Assad) an out, coupled with Putin in an op-Ed for the NYT?? I'm just have a hard time believing any POTUS is that incompetent - especially one who effected wholescale revolutionary change to the way elections are won in America. Mega-drama This has Hollywood written all over it.
  18. Glocks aren't like 1911s, so you are in luck. Any competent gunsmith can work on a Glock. It being a tool of lethal force and all, I understand your desire to take it to a smith. As far as parts, google Glock parts and take a breath. You can't beat Guns and Leather... Nashville Armory may have a full time smith now. Who else?
  19. In my opinion (we shop at both), costco has better men's clothing, raw nuts, and organic ground beef, oh ...and furniture... if that is your thing. Sam's Club is the original for me... Don't go there much, but I'm sure there are things that are better/cheaper there. I look forward to the replies.
  20. Peace

    What if....

    I realize we all are picturing Obama as way, way, way off base on Syria, loosing ground and looking silly. I had to turn off his speech the other night because it was making me... disgruntled. but.... I was listening to some news this morning and the thought occurred to me: What if Obama has no desire to attack Syria... What if this whole thing is a ruse that, while it makes Obama look like a fool, it provides the threat that opens the back door for Russia and NATO to secure most of the chemical weapons in Syria... Keeping them out of both Assad and Al Qaeda's hands. Ie. Obama and Putin are.. though disagreeable, working together on this. Obama's legacy is tarnished, but the people of Syria, Israel, and the United States are kept safe. I know it seems crazy, but Obama's missed the mark so badly on this that I have a hard time believing it is genuine. His individual politics aside, he and his machine owned the republican party the last two elections. They are far better at politics and marketing than what they are showing, face-value, right now. Maybe he's smarter and less selfish than all the other presidents were. ?? Fire away!
  21. Holy great-prices batman... Thanks for posting.
  22. Not to mention that independence 5.56 is about a 5MOA round. ... And that may be generous. :)
  23. Breyer's chocolate ice cream.... we're fresh out of the good stuff. It would be a good Malbec.
  24. That is exactly what concerns me about running one in the heat. A good, well-loved, well-handled working/sporting dog is fiercely loyal to the task given him/her. Good on RCSO for the cooling vests.
  25. Agreed.. that is why I am questioning the overall dynamic of it. I apologize if it comes across as anything else.


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