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Everything posted by Peace
We just walked out of Cabelas. As we stood in the checkout line, an employee walked up to my wife and handed her an "employee discount" coupon (somewhere between 25-30% off). Without me so much as opening my mouth, she looked at me laughing and said "no" .... haha!! The whole family had a good laugh. - back on the interstate now... without that Tikka T3x. She can read my mind, and I love her for it.
Hahaha!! Rio, where even those trying to help you might just kill you. Planning Meeting somewhere in the middle east: Terroist #1: "We should go to Rio - there will be foreigners everywhere at the Olympics." Terrorist #2: "Are you fricking kidding!? Are you seriously kidding? Do you wnat to be robbed, beaten, raped, and left for dead in a ditch without anyone knowing or caring about it? - because that's what happens to you in Rio. No, no, and no. We are not going to Rio."
Italy was like that. I wanted to say, "Look guy, I know you need to adjust they way your sling is sitting on your shoulder, but please, please do not raise your muzzle up and jut your rifle out to do it." ... but it was Italy, and I knew it wouldn't help; I just stepped to the left. -among the populace is pretty common. Standing in line at a Euro-yuppy coffee-house? ha. That was a new one for me. ... and no broox, I have not had crappy coffee in the present company,... didn't know these fine folks from Adam.
I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've had great coffee in the company of soldiers with drop leg holsters (FN, 45?) and long rifles slung. All I want to know is what they are carrying in their IFAKs. haha. They do things different here in Belgium.
I am so sorry for loss. Those tears... that's just pure love - I know it was short, but it sounds like Axle had a lucky life - eggs & all.
Blue light is a big deal. If you can, put a blue blocker on your computer. I use FLUX and turn it on when the sun goes down. Apple has seen the blue light (finally) and come up with an update that decreases blue light on the iPhone. If I am physically tired, and get off of the TV (blue blocker on the computer) 1.5hrs before bedtime, I usually go right to sleep. I also have a notepad to write stuff down - if there is anything running through my mind, I write it down so that I can "put it down". -good luck. Not sleeping is awful.
Class III item storage during deployment??
Peace replied to WarPig's topic in National Firearms Act (NFA) Regulated
I would fill out the form without hesitation. - - with the understanding that whomever replied to your inquiry might not completely understand the policies that they are administrating. -or they are adopting an unwritten policy of pushing that to keep extra tight tabs on everything that they possibly can. ?? -
I feel bad for the guy, but: If you listen to the amount of tannerite that was used, ... calculate the forces involved ... and/or when you watch the video and try to find the microseconds between when the round was fired and the shrapnel flew past the camera, I think you might deduce that... while you may have done something as dangerous as this... very few people on the planet have (recreationally) done anything way more dangerous than this even once... much less lived to tell about it. The fact that any of them lived... much less all of them, is pretty remarkable.
^^ giving lonely socks new life since 1968. :hat:
I have a pair - vintage ... late 70s if anyone wants them. :pleased: Every sporterized, bolt action 30-06 should have BUIS. :stir:
**editorial note: I found some Black Hills 168 OTM match in a store today... and these still ship in with foam case-holders -not plastic. -so maybe that ammo was newer than I thought! Gitcha' some!! Pics.... sorry fellas, ... maybe someday I'll change my ways, but for whatever reason, I take pics of targets, not the firearms I use. :goofy:
For .223: BCM Comp is actually a good compromise. It does a decent job of controlling muzzle rise and recoil, while minimizing blast and flame. It is not a Surefire or PWS FSC556. Both of those will be loud, but will work great for recoil and muzzle rise. For budget considerations, the miculek comp should be right in there. Loud as all getout, ... but made to shoot 3 gun, and it excels in that role. -I have no experience with .30cal brakes/comps.
I shot thousands of rounds in that range. I guess I'm fortunate that I never saw a ricochet - but I bet Inhaled a metric ton of toxic dust!
Ha! - yep. Addressed the 10x issue somewhere in the 1 million word post up top. I agree with you, but don't want** to spring for a new scope... I would like to see what I can do with this one for now. I don't have any pics of this rifle. I treat the firearms I use a bit like my kids, I guess. I try not to plaster them all over the inter-webs. **edit. I WANT to spring for a new scope. It just "wouldn't be prudent at this juncture."
from the reports & reviews I've read, the .243 barrel for this rifle is hit or miss - some seem to be ok, and some are just not that good. Also, the .243 is a 26" barrel. I've held one, and it is one heavy rifle. ... If I were going to have a rifle that heavy, I'd want it to be throwing a magnum caliber.
That's good news! - a ricochet is nothing to laugh at, but it is almost always light-years better than being the first thing a round hits. - and when I say "staff's non-desire", I mean that every time I saw someone do something like.... oh... put the muzzle of a loaded 380 into the palm of their hand as they were trying to rack the slide... while pointing the muzzle everywhere but downrange... I first tried to help them regain their muzzle discipline, understand what comes out of "that end of the thing", and then would quietly and politely alert staff that someone is struggling to maintain muzzle discipline and may need assistance. I never once got what felt like a grateful response. -- and there was certainly no rush for staff to get into the range area. - If it helps, I moved away in 2012, so it may have changed hands since then. - I hope those days are long behind that range.
hope the injured party is ok and recovers 100% soon! I was a member and quit going there when I lived in Knoxville because of the lack of muzzle discipline among shooters --- and the staff's non-desire to do anything about it.
'cause 100yds is for sissies?? ha! kidding. -100yd was at a different part of the range and sometimes you can't shoot prone there. - that and the fact that any deficiencies in me, the ammo, and rifle are magnified as you get further out. I guess that is why.
From what I gather: -There are a lot of 6.5 Creedmore RPR owners out there who are super-happy with their purchase. -There are a lot of .243 RPR owners who are not as happy. -There are not a lot of .308 RPR owners... and the ones that are out there, aren't saying much. :) Rifle Details: Ruger Precision Rifle - .308 (20" barrel - no brake or supressor... yet), Caldwell Bipod, Leupold 2.5-10x40 mildot scope in leupold rings. As configured, this rifle weighs 11.85lbs w/o a magazine. The rifle was purchased locally - I didn't want to pay MAP - not happy that the un-named shop had it listed at MAP ....but I paid up... because it was the first (and still is the only) RPR .308 I had seen in person. Rifle History: As of tonight, I have 79 rounds through this rifle. In my first outing with it, I shot 19 rounds of barrel break-in. -cleaning every round for 10 rounds, then a group of 5, then a group of 4... and then it was dark and the range was closing. ... what a pain at a public range!! ha! Conditions During the Review: sunny, beautiful, 70deg... with a stiff 10-17mph variable wind blowing across the line of fire from 80-90deg. I put 60 rounds downrange. ~35 of them were 147gr ball (perfecta)... even so, ringing the gong at 400yds (using a ~2.5 mildot hold-over) - even in the wind was boringly easy (don't know how big the gong was - maybe 24"?) ** All shots today were from prone with bipod and rear bag. After all of the ball ammo was gone, it was time to confirm zero at 200yds and shoot for groups at 200yds. The first photo is the 3 shots to confirm zero. Zero-Verification: Black Hills (semi-vintage) 168gr Match - 200yds, 3 shot group ** according to my ballistics app, this was a .698" center to center and a .33moa group. I was a little stunned. My point of aim was the end of the "6" - just where the 4" line meets the black ink. After dialing up 2 clicks (~1" at 200yds), a started shooting for groups to see which ammo the gun likes. ___________________________________________________________________ Groups 1) Federal Gold Medal Match SMK 168gr - 200yds, 4 shot group (that's all I had left) **Largest Center-Center spread was 1.866" - .89moa group ___________________________________________________________________ 2) Black Hills 168gr Match -200yds, 5 shot group (it was "new old stock"... rounds were in styrofoam - not plastic, if that helps date it for you.) * That outlier was really my own fault, but it's included. (Man! I wanted to exclude that flyer ... or magically make it go away.) If it was me, I'll settle out of it in time, and future groups won't show it. If it is the rifle or the ammo, it will happen consistently. ** Center-to-Center Spread: 2.508" - 1.2moa group (darn it) Without the flyer it is a .63moa 4-shot group. ***of note! look at the (lack of) vertical spread!! - ya think Black Hills was consistent on this batch? :) ___________________________________________________________________ 3) Federal Gold Medal Match 175 SMK - 200yds, 5 shot group *Center-to-Center Spread: 2.034" - .97moa group ___________________________________________________________________ Conclusions: 1) Rifle: This gun will shoot. I am guessing it will settle in as a .6-.75moa shooter. I absolutely have to put a muzzle break on it. By the time I started shooting these groups, I had shot about 50 rounds already in short order, and I was feeling it a bit. 2) Ammo: I will stick with Black Hills 168 for now and see if the flyer was me or the ammo. The lack of vertical stringing... and the earlier 3 shot group hint that the BH load may be the factory load for this gun. With both weights of FGMM shooting sub moa, I have options. Also, note that with the FGMM -both variants were coming out at a consistent, but markedly different velocity than the BH ammo. - as noted by the ~1.5" higher POI of both FGMM groups. 3) Glass: I am shooting this at 10x. I feel pretty confident that, with a 16 or 20x scope, I could tighten up the groups, maybe someday I'll find out. - I don't know that I can justify big money on glass... ever, but I've been toying around with the idea of a Vortex PST 6-24 (for the EBR2C reticle) or the Burris XTRii 5-20. If I could get the EBR2C reticle in a 16x, it would be a no brainer. -not sure how much real world use I would ever get out of a 24x scope. 4) Conditions: -pretty stoked to shoot for groups at 200yds and not 100yds.... and have these results ... and to get these groups on a day as windy as today, it just makes me smile. If anyone was thinking about a Ruger Precision Rifle... hope this helps. ... aaaand if you are going to be punching paper with it, get the 6.5Creedmore.
Leatherman Skeletool here. It's just enough. If I need anything more, I should have my kit with me and be using actual tools. The screwdriver is actually useful - and probably have used that feature 10x more than the others. -that said, it has opened a lot... of boxes.
Lord... if I were a deer in the woods and I knew you were going to shoot me with a 45-70, I might just walk up and let you slit my throat.
That's the first thing I thought when I read the thread title. My favorite gunfight will always be the one I never have.
It's probably already been said, and I know everyone knows this, but if you are going to mount a handgun in your vehicle, be sure and give some thought to what might happen in a car accident. I would hate to have a handgun without an external safety - ala Glock, flying around the car with an open trigger guard. -in fact, I would hate to have any handgun flying around the car... for any reason! Pick a holster and mounting method appropriate for the application.
I've used Fluke in the past, I use a Klein MM2000 now. I've used it while building "stuff" for Pop superstars and Rock n' Roll hall of famers and while diagnosing my own HVAC system. ... There is always a backup unit around, but I've never needed it. I also have the luxury of not needing the highest degree of accuracy found in the upper end units. +/- 1% would get me there every time. 1) If you need extreme accuracy (higher end Klein & Flukes have a smaller % error), get a Fluke. 2) If you are going to use it in punishing environments... and if an entire workday will be blown if it goes out on you, get a Fluke. otherwise... a Klein will do fine.