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Everything posted by Peace

  1. Thank you, Luke.  Again, I'm all for it as a training aid, and I'm sure it is a ton of fun.  If it is for simulating firearm use, it ought require the same discipline (4 rules) as a live range.   Practice makes permanent.  
  2. hmm.. flipped through some pics on their facebook page.    If they are not training/teaching/requiring strict muzzle discipline in their training center, I cannot see how this is a positive thing for the community - specifically young kids and those new to firearms.   Realistic firearms, realistic scenarios.. "kids'-in-their-living-room-video-game mind-set".  I hope nothing but the best for the owners in their lives, but I would need to be convinced to appreciate the application of this technology in the concept as it appears.   The good news about capitalism and freedom:  We can do what we like. The bad news:  Sometimes we like things that are not good for us.   not meaning to be a party pooper.
  3. I know we go through this every year now, but the videos from today have a lesson in them.       Great scott.  What a reminder that we (all of us) are just barely removed from wild animals.  It takes so little provocation for our "Lizard Brain" (primitive region) to take over higher reasoning.  All of our academic learning... our centuries of philosophy and science... all fall away instantly when we lose to our primitive brain.         In the videos linked, all of the comotion is over "getting a deal".  This is not for food, water, medical care, health, or shelter, ... no one's life is (or was to begin with) in danger.   **note - I can clearly see smaller kids in some of the fray! - what adult in their right mind does anything but try to protect kids in those kinds of scenarios!!??        If being around to care for/protect your kids is important, then being "pre-pared" for a natural/social disaster is important.  Everytime I feel a little crazy for thinking about reasonable preparations, I will remember these scenes.        Being prepared is not crazy.  Getting into an angry ruckus with people over frivolous material goods is crazy; I don't want to be anywhere near a crowd when the "stuff" everyone is clammouring for is actually a matter of life and death.     http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/28/walmart-fight-black-friday_n_4357939.html          
  4. Hoping for a peaceful and successful day for you both tomorrow!   Do you all need anything?  I'm available if you do.
  5. ok, Double Feature..  just watched "Warlords" (Jet Li).   ...  hard story, good movie-making.
  6. ok... so I'm a little behind the current movie releases.   :)   - a lot of unrealistic junk, but still...   ...when the stars and stripes popped out in that last scene I almost balled like a baby.  - it caught me off guard.   The turkey must've made me emotional.
  7. ... would love to hear a range report when you get the chance.
  8. :). FYI - no tinfoil needed here, I just love aviation and was curious. Happy Thanksgiving all-
  9. They all sounded pretty heavy last night. I only looked out once (the fourth time we heard them going over), and it was a blackhawk. Partypilot, are you aircrew for Vandy's medevac?
  10. Anybody else in Nashville/West Nashville hearing an unusually high volume of military helicopters tonight? Weird weather to be out and about.
  11. It is possible that a school is primarily concerned with their liability should a bus hit a kid.  -another parent... not so much their problem,... but being the litigious society that we are, it is possible that the school just doesn't want a hit kid on their dime - seem
  12. Woah!  man, wish I could take him.  What a great looking pup!  sweet, sweet breed too.
  13. This makes me rethink my position on Alexander (and Corker).  Unless someone (new) is incredibly electable, or unless Alexander or Corker have a scandal that cannot be overcome, I will most likely vote for them.  They may need to be replaced,... this election cycle, it seems, is not the time.
  14. You've got a good process going on... you'll get there.
  15. LadyHay, welcome, we're glad you are here and glad you are asking questions!  You are on your way to being empowered to protect yourself and your loved ones.        A lot of good folks on here may say it better than I, but here's a start.  You are doing a good thing - while you continue down this path, be assertive, figure out what works for you, and train safety, train competence, train awareness - until it becomes second nature.     1st:  You (me, or anyone else with good sense) are not going to fire an SW38 snubnose with an innocent or loved one anywhere downrange of the muzzle.  Especially not in the heat of the moment, in the dark.  Repeat:  You will not be taking out a bad-guy who is standing 3 feet to the side of your kid with a snubnose 38 - much less if he is closer to your children .. or in line with them.  A good way to think about this is to get to a range where you can (after becoming competent in the operation of your firearm):  safely work from the holster... or have the firearm loaded (1 round only!) on a table. now - do as many pushups as you can until you fail... get up and pick up the revolver (maintaining safe muzzle discipline - always downrange), quickly fire a round into a man-sized target at 10 feet.  Now picture doing that in the dark when you are scared witless.      Also - assume the bullet WILL exit your intended target... and train to acquire angles of fire give which you a safe backstop.  If there is a round that has no risk of penetrating an assailant, then it will probably be less than adequate to stop said assailant.  **Planning how to defend your home is more important than what firearm (tool) you employ to carry out that plan.  Denying any assailant easy entry to your home and identifying smart, safe places to defend from are key.        If you are separated from others in the house and do not have one key pinchpoint to defend, then you might benefit from a plan for each area to defend their pinchpoint (safe lines of fire!!!) and be able to communicate (walkie talkies?).  Otherwise - when you move around in your house - you give up a distinct advantage.. and when your life is on the line, you want every advantage you can get.   2nd:  Do you already know the 4 gun laws?  If not, that's ok.  Learn them by heart, and live by them without exception.  It is not elementary, it is essential.   3rd: Light, light, light.  Whatever you do, you need to be proficient handling a firearm and a light.. or a firearm with a light attached to it.  You always want to be able to identify your target!!!!  Just say no to friendly fire!   4th: Firearm selection.  That snubnose 38 is not the best thing to begin with if you can afford different.  You might look at a full-size striker-fired handgun like a S&W M&P or a Glock or an XD.  You may choose 9mm, as some find .40 to snappy.  I would choose .40 or .45.  I would then mount a light on it so that you can dedicate both hands to your grip.   If the 38 is all you can do right now, that's just fine - plan and train accordingly!   5th: Ask around for a well-respected handgun class and sign up, and take it!!   In a life and death situation, you will be scared of the assailant, but you can train out fear of and ingrain respect for your firearm of choice.   Thank you for asking.. .. oh, and thanks David and staff for providing a place where these questions can be asked!!!!
  16. Sure - I don't disagree with you or doubt you.  I am obviously not someone who is going to kill for sport, and I hope those wildlife management practices prove effective and sustainable.  My ignorance prevents me from saying much else.
  17.          If he did not deserve to be arrested, then he shouldn't have been arrested.  It's not like the deputy called him a girly-man and walked away.  He arrested him - possibly without due cause - an abuse of the rule of law.     The parent was making his voice heard as a parent - in .. from what I saw, a pretty decent manner.   When we begin to see folks get arrested for that... and no one stands up against it.... oh boy.        I'm sure we could sit down with some 80yr old+ african american men and women and download what it feels like to have no protection under the rule of law ... for the rule of law to serve as a blatant facade of righteousness and a resource for our oppression.          In my ignorant opinion: This is about principle, and a proper investigation needs to be carried out.  As a father with children in school, I have no desire to be a rumpus to anyone, but I do want to know where the rule of law stands - practically (not theoretically) as to my access to my kids.   so - I emailed Any Cordan at WKRN and linked him to the WATE story.  ??   :duck:
  18.      In that article from WATE, the sheriff is quoted as saying that he did not watch the video and does not need to.  ie. "Whenever my deputies are acused of incompetence or inappropriate use of the "force of law", I will not investigate, and they will not be held accountable. (I have no real desire to uphold the law within my own ranks.)"   ...hmm... sounds like cumberland county residents need to have a collective "sit down" with the sheriff.          More stations need to pick this up; the heat needs to be put on this school administration (for encating policies that contradict state law, and for inappropriate use of RSO) and the sheriff.  Unless there is something I am not seeing, this is a pure case of lawlessness by an LEO.   laywers of the group?  Can you give your opinion without actually saying anything that might be used against you?  :)
  19.      Well, what do I know? ... not much, but having been there and seen the lions, being a life-long avid hunter who is in awe of the majesty of all animals, I do not care for trophy hunting.  Species-benefiting population control?  Sure.  "Look at me, I bagged a Diamond-Toothed Speed-Sloth!"   ?  ...     Nope, not so much.        What we have here is what I call a "social bleed".  We each get used to our own social group - our norms, and when we put some of the more unique identifiers of our social group out for the world to see,.... presto, we have bled through the fabric - and been found unpresentable by another group.  It is a unique risk that has grown as the number of personal connections in media has exploded.         For what it is worth, anywhere hunting is used for population control of non-game animals, I would want to see some pretty solid research to back it up, and a political appointee will not be who I want to hear it from.  Wild lions.. and all of the wild, large predators on that continent (as well as Asia) are in danger, period.  I don't know what can realistically be done to stop their looming extinction in the wild.  I hope somebody does.
  20. Intergallactic Ecosystem Assault may need to be its own thread!   :)   WARNING:  t hr e a   d   d r   i    f       t......          I can't stand pseudo-science one bit, but I don't need anyone's twisted data (and they do twist it) to know that there are more of us humans on the planet using (consuming) an inconcievably larger quantity of resources than generations before us  - this increase in both population and per-capita resource consumption has been and is happening at an exponential rate.   Think of it like building a theater: Home Theater: - low traffic, light wear on the surfaces/seating, lavatory to serve one at a time. Commercial Theater: - extremely high traffic, extreme wear on surfaces/seating, lavatory to service 20+ (men & women) at a time.        If I know the demans of a facility, I install appropriate components to handle the high demand on those components.  With our ecosystem, we can't just retrofit the planet to fit our increased use.  For this reason, as we experience increases in our demands from our ecosystem, we might be wise to devise ways to decrease our impact relative to our increased use.  We won't get it perfect, but giving it an honest effort and our best shot sure seems to be the "right thing" to do for our kiddos.  I don't buy the over-hyped wacko-crap that many use to justify their next grant for climate research.... but....  the ball is ours to pick up... if no one is looking at the larger picture of our ecosystem rationally, then the emotional/scare tactics will eventually win - and we will end up with policies and expenditures toward large-scale endeavors based on emotional wants rather than factual needs - leaving us without the resources and political will to actually make a difference if the situation ever becomes dire.   At its root, it's not biology or chemistry, it is very simple math.
  21. Has anyone sent anything to WSMV or WKRN to see if they would pick it up?        I hate to see this.  There may or may not be a lot that we are not seeing, but I cannot fathom that any SRO is supposed to function as the principal's hired goon - "enforcing" school policies.  If nobody is in danger, I would think any SRO would do well to keep their distance and keep out of it.      I would like to know the back story, to see the TCA code about parents & kids, the school policy on picking up kids (and how it was communicated), and the written job description of the SRO.  Laying all of that out on the table would probably paint a very clear picture.         IF..if, if, if, this turns out to be a case of an SRO abusing his/her powers and/or a principal using them unethically, I hope everyone gets straightened out according to the law.
  22. Oh,... And the reasons for the mind-meld was that the brain load on the "drift" with one machine was too much for one operator.... But they are selecting rockets by keyboard and everything else is connected to the physical movement of their body... What exactly was the brain connection from operator to machine doing? And...... The operators had to be in the fighter-thingy? ... In an exposed position. .. Ie a control pod that was identifiable and vulnerable to attack? At least in WWZ, they storied enough to get me emotionally invested - helping me make it through the ridiculous stuff. All in all, the folks that make these movies are great at their jobs - maybe just not the best. But they successfully secure millions upon millions of dollars on investment to get the film Made. .. Easy for me to sit back and criticize, still.... I'd rather have my $1.70 back. :)
  23. so.... we could mind-meld 2 humans, but they still have to mechanically manipulate the machine AND. punch a keyboard... AND..... communicate to each other verbally!? it got 72% or something on rottentomatoes....so I thought, wow... must be cool! great story idea, neat adventure, but STUPID. one of the dumbest movies that had great potential I have ever seen.
  24. We are in the West Meade area, and we love it.  We've lived in Creive Hall (Harding and 65), but the lots are bigger here and the Nolensville corridor may be encroaching on Creive Hall.  Where we are, it is 10min from downtown, easy 12min drive into Green Hills, 20-25min to Cool Springs.  Big lots, plenty of trees, generally nice people, and desirable land/location value made it a win for us.   I would look for established neighborhoods that are "trending up".  ..  New construction is great, but in our current "economic fitness level" as a nation, getting your money back out of new construction in suburban settings is a question mark.   With that said, there are a ton of good houses in good neighborhoods with good people.. new construction or not.  I would stay away from the north.     Good luck with your move. 
  25. Kahr PM9 and the sig were my favorite - with the sig feeling a bit better made - but I wouldn't put a traditional cocked hammer in my pocket.  I know ... just my decision.  The PM9 was too pricey and I can't remember what turned me off on the CM9.  In the end, I preferred the Bodyguard 380.  I shot great groups with it, and the trigger was exactly what I wanted in a pocket gun. ... but you already have a 380.   If I could stand having a cocked hammer in my pocket, I would choose the sig.  Others may know more about Kahr's striker design.   As always, choose and use a Good. Holster.


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