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Everything posted by Peace

  1. I love that they are still calling pass plays over the middle.  !?   Edit.... and catching them!!!  Did you see Calvin Johnson's facemask when he got up!?   That is a football player.
  2. This game is an instant classic in my mind.  Anytime players play in that kind of weather, it is a legendary effort.
  3. When, despite your affection for the Porsche 911 you try to get in one and it hurts bad enough that you instantly have no desire to own one. ever.
  4. congrats to Mizzou for making it to the SEC championship in year one. that is no small deal.
  5. My first college game experience was in Jordan-Hare stadium.  I was a HUGE fan back in the Pat Dye days...  while I was still in High school, my all-Vol family threatened to disown me so I toned it down,... and then started my college career at UT.    BUT....   as I was celebrating AU's win tonight, I took a look at Pat Dye's Wiki page and read about the 2008 pants incident!  Hilarious!!  The "misplaced" pants and his "Clinton-esque" response about it secures his spot as a legend.
  6. Go Spartans!
  7.      It was 13 degrees F there a little while ago (is just under 20deg now).   Players are taking in hot chicken broth with electrolytes on the sidelines... and have used antiperspirant on their feet to prevent sweating & evaporative cooling of their feet.  (Brilliant!!  I will keep this in my bag of tricks).        If it has warmed up to 20deg with a windchill of 14, that's a bit warmer than earlier.. still - that's cold to be playing ... but its crazy-cold to be sitting in the stands...  they haven't shown many crowd shots; I'm wondering how full the stadium is.    
  8. West Nashville shows some sign of daylight now - so we might get a bit of warming unless stronger cloud cover moves in.   so far light rain and a little wind - has given way to breezy and cool.   Anyone seeing ice?
  9. Agreed. Had it, done it. Avoid stopping this up... Stay hydrated and let it run it's course. The puking may not be as bad if you let it out the other end (while wearing a nose clip). I only threw up once... right at the start. My wife told me she was scared when she heard how hard I was throwing up... She had never heard me like that and was worried I might not be ok... I laughed and told her I had the exact same worry at the exact same time as her. :). Whew! I didn't eat much of anything for 2 days in the middle of it.
  10. I have one of these: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/740625/wheeler-engineering-delta-series-upper-receiver-and-picatinny-rail-vise-block-ar-15-ar-10-lr-308 If anyone in Nashville needs needs to borrow it for a TGO build, let me know.
  11. Glad to hear it, TDR.  -hoping for peace for you and yours.
  12. if you mean intestinally.... then yes, our whole family had that - supposedly a very hearty strain of Norovirus. 5-7 days of it.
  13. I posted to facebook.  Do you care to give a first name, height, etc?   It might help to have a little more info with the picture.   I hope she comes home safe and sound.  Let us know what else we can do.
  14. I'm no hater of PCs, but they sure hate me.  I have to use one for work as well.        The only reason I have stayed with Mac/Apple is the same reason most creative industry folks do.  It is because of the firmware/hardware relationship ... and how Msoft has (or rather has not) handled that relationship.        Apple (for the most part) has 1 hardware configuration for each model release = 1 set of drivers = 1 update package.  It is cleaner, and tends to (not alwasy) result in more up-time with less firmware relationship trouble.  ... and we all know about relationship trouble.          I don't care what hand-polished-unobtanium, radon-core marketing crud apple puts in the market.  If they start becoming unreliable, and if anyone else figures out how to manage that hardware/firmware relationship better, the switch would be made, and very few tears would be shed.   **OP! Have you got your problems sorted out yet?  If so, what worked?
  15. Awful for their families.   Porsche Carrera GT.  I've found more than one other fire in them.  Also, the fuel sits directly... - and I mean directly behind the seats - in the rear bulkhead.  Mid-engine, so firewall/engine is in the bulkhead as well.   Also - the CGT is supposedly a beautiful nightmare (excessive power) - able to get away from even experienced drivers.  - ala the STIG from Top Gear.  It's not that the STIG spun it, but if you listen to them recount his runs... its the unusual number of times he spun it before he was able to get a feel for it.  STIG is almost always a top, current F1 driver.   Sorry for the families' loss.
  16. The ammo shortage is over!!! While watching that, I sweated more bullets than DHS can use in 300 years! Sacred Bovine!! Whew! thankful for folks like that... you have to be a very unique person to do that.
  17. Coaches and ADs that wanted to have been increasingly "gaming" the BCS with scheduling. It is more like investing with a minimum ROI. they may not make it in the top 2, but undefeated gets them somewhere near the top 4... as opposed to 9, 10, or 11.   Those top bowl games are worth a LOT of money to a program. Auburn fans: I anybody still taking Pat Dye to these games? I sure hope so...
  18. Is it worth it to let this devolve into a personal battle? There are other forums where that is the norm. I would hate to see TGO be like that. We each see things differently, and we can make our case, but at the end of the day we still want to have and express respect for each other.
  19. I think if I had a gun room, I would put a small cheap(ish) washing machine in there just for this purpose.... for the dirty stuff you don't wear or wipe your face with.
  20.      Sure thing. whether or not I would let my kids think of it as a game would depend on how realistic the "firearms" were. Heck, I don't even like them to point toys at people, so if that's weird, so be it.        Come to think of it, I don't play first-person shooter games either. I must be old school. That scenario is serious business. It's not wrong to be prepared, but I don't think human-on-human violence is ever a game - simulated or otherwise. :). I would be of the opinion that young kids don't need shoot/no shoot human target training!!        This is in no way meant to reflect on this particular place of business. I have no idea how they operate - they are most likely on the up-and-up with everything.
  21. It looks like the picture of the kid with his virtual muzzle pointed right down the firing line is gone. Had I not seen that pic, I would never have opened my virtual mouth. :)
  22.      Courtesy and communication.   If I can safely accommodate someone, I will. If I am in the left lane and loose SA, and someone gives a couple of quick flashes of their Headlights to communicate their intent to pass (why that feature was created, btw... it's not an "I'm p***ed at you" feature) I read it as such, and accommodate them as safely and succinctly as possible. I would hope for the same in return.        We are essentially connected parts of an organism when we are on a freeway like that. It makes good sense to work together... but... it doesn't take much to make that very difficult.          Oh. as has been mentioned. please do not linger next to any semi. everybody makes mistakes. don't be a consequence of one. I was run off of I-40 years ago at speed, in traffic. it was eastbound between Nash and Knox - divided interstate, sloping grass down into woods. I had been in traffic, passing a semi with others. I was boxed in and without warning he/she just instantly came over on top of me. For at least that once, an iroc-z was capable of a slight drift (long before it was popular) sideways on downward sloping grass hill at 70mph... easy does it.      I was very fortunate for the lack of guard rails, bridges, and ditches. I stopped at the next rest stop to take a breather.   My brother, who had been immediately behind me in his car and saw the whole thing, didn't miss a beat. In a dry, calm manner, the first words out of his mouth were, "How are your britches?". :)
  23. carbon backup or the like. .... 1) clone the hard drive 2)clean and install os. 3) restore data/settings 4) switch to OSX and Mac. (kidding, couldn't help myself. actually just had a 5yr old mac w/ a logic board fail on me a couple of months ago)
  24.      sad. so sorry for his daughter's loss. I'm sure the family and friends of the driver are devastated as well. this is a great lesson for my children about being passengers in someone else's car.        I can't stop thinking about the possibility that Paul may have known that car and its limitations well, and may have been uncomfortable with how the risks were being managed (or how they weren't).... he may or may not have spoken up in those last moments... but the bottom line is - his life was in someone else's hands. who knows... may have been a blown tire or other equipment failure as well. looks like the margins of safety were razor thin at the least.   Also, many other moms, dads, daughters and sons died all around the world yesterday. ... a good reminder to show kindness in every possible moment.
  25. Agreed... I actually think things did go very bad for the shooter. ... could've been worse, in a way.. time will tell.


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