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Everything posted by Peace

  1. That was our agreement.  We do not buy from sales pitches.  Anything.  Ever.  If it is "only available for a limited time".  or "If you buy today."  We are just out of luck.   If I had researched the product and it truly was some amazing thing, then we can always call the guy/girl back next week, next month, or next year and make an offer.
  2.   I was pretty sure that was about how it was structured.  Thankfull, we didn't need to haggle.  Even though my wife grew up with one in the house, and she loves it, it would've had to be at cost for us to really bite.  I have an upper limit on vacuum cleaner worth.
  3. We just had a sales guy do a demo in our home.  Super nice guy - good at what he does.   We did not buy.  I hate to have someone do a great job pitching a sale.. and then have to tell them no, but it is what it is.   Though, it did get me wondering... does anyone here actually have real-world experience with one?   Positives, negatives?  Obviously, the going price is far, far above manufacturing/distribution price, but what I want to know is does it work as advertised?
  4. -LJ thanks for posting the link.  I thought I did that... hmmm.. need more coffee....   FYI:  Spark for $159 @ Amazon.   http://www.amazon.com/Vortex-SPARC-Red-Dot-Scope/dp/B0038VG5UC
  5. OP!  **You forgot to add that, .. due to the fact that some folks percieve them as evil, you can only offer $25 for any registered auto-sear this year.   sorry folks - I know you wanted $35 like last year - but times are a changin'.
  6. I might prefer iron sights then... until an Eaotech or Aimpoint comes in the picture...  but for $119!!    :woohoo:   Merry Christmas, guys-
  7. - what is your take on it?  Would you put it on an HD rig?
  8. Mr. Robertson's own personal views, opinions, and preferences aside, this thread and the responses bring a couple of things to mind:   1) Any press is good press.  Others have mentioned it.  "suspended from filming"  for one,... two episodes... until the next one begins filming?     **or the end of the show is already planned,.. and they are concreting the family's connection with their fan base in order to maximize recurrant revenue streams.   2) As far as this show (and the contract, most likely) is concerned, Phil is not a person with an opinion, he is an actor playing character.... BUT since he is playing himself, he is a character ... which is a commodity.  Phil's "role" on that show is a commodity with a variable value.  Whatever the reason, it is not as simple as "how could they do that to him!?"  ... or "those hypocrites".  This show, whatever deal they were given, whatever deal they re-negotiated, it was never about "fair" or "respect for personal beliefs".  Most likely, the show came about because of a perceived (later confirmed) market value.  That was and has always been the bottom line.  Whatever you/our personal beliefs, big business has never cared.  ever.
  9. ... just saw it - in case anyone is shopping for one.   -peace!
  10. [quote name="greenego" post="1080916" timestamp="1387413888"]Perhaps all is not lost. [url="http://sierrabullets.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/sierra-responds-how-will-the-closure-of-the-lead-smelting-plant-affect-sierra-bullets/"]http://sierrabullets.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/sierra-responds-how-will-the-closure-of-the-lead-smelting-plant-affect-sierra-bullets/[/url][/quote] thank you! There may be things to panic about (like our apparent need to always have a crisis), but our lead supply isn't one of them right now.
  11. Beautiful piece of history.
  12. Always wanted to.. never have.
  13. Silver State Armory 5.56  I can't find it anywhere right now.... oh well.   Pierce Ammunition (Ted Nugent brand) has them.  I saw some at Academy the other day, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy 20rds of overpriced ammunition with his face on it!  :)   Remington now has a "Hog" round that is the 62gr TSX.  It was available at Academy as well.   I have read posts those who have done a lot of testing (Molon, DocGKR)... and they say the 62gr is a compromise that did not need to be made.  In any ballistics calculator, you can mock up the energy curve for the 55gr and the 70gr; it will show you the yardage where the 70gr overtakes the 55gr in energy... BUT... I believe the 70gr will have better penetration (than the 55gr) on tougher skinned animals even at close range.
  14. Best thoughts to you both!  If you will, please keep us updated.
  15. FWIW: From everything I've read, the Barnes 70gr TSX bullet is the .223/5.56 hunting round.  Great expansion, good penetration, 100% weight retention.... and no lead in your deer/etc. meat.   Hog hunters have been raving about it.
  16. I usually call the police dispatcher.  If the situation looks to be acutely dangerous, I will follow at a distance - reporting location to dispatcher and be ready to help/act if possible.   Drunk driving is absolutely awful.
  17. I was hoping... and thought as much.  Thanks for clarifying.   whew!
  18.   Holy mother of Hades!  Are you kidding!?   Robert, I saw this post earlier but didn't see who wrote it.  I would've never guessed it would be you!  :)  technicalities aside:  The words "usually" and "violate" should never be used to describe how one interacts with the 4 rules.  I am guessing you didn't mean it like it came across.  If you did, please refrain from teaching anything about firearms to anyone until you think differently.   Again - don't mean to flame you - Maybe I have a needlessly absolute respect for those 4 rules... maybe I am wrong, and maybe they are not that important... but I doubt it.
  19.   Good discussion often comes from sadness.  With your point about "what to do", I would tend to disagree.  In that scenario, I believe that responsibility means creating a safe backstop.  I don't care if it is 20 phonebooks duct taped together; make it safe.  Occasionally, and often for dissasembly, firearms have to be cleared.  When that is happening, "best bet" does not cut it.  You have to know it is safe.  4 Rules.
  20. If there is anything more we can do for you and/or for him, let us know.
  21. I had a burris 332 fixed power.  I could use it CQB fairly well, and it held zero perfectly, and I could hit medium range - 1--yds very well at speed,... but it just didn't fit perfect.  I would say go vortex/leupold, etc. if you can.   I have heard nothing but great reviews of the Vortex HD stuff.   hmmm... Good luck.   I wonder when Aimpoint is going to come out with a 1/4 throw lever like the elcan... but with a red dot... and classic aimpoint battery life.   If I could afford it, I would go for the vortex G2 1-6.  Probably a bit heavy... but fantastic.     Who else?  What else?
  22. Nice coating on the slide. How does the cerakote hold up against the kydex? Do you train a lot with it? .. ie. a lot of draw and reholster?
  23. hmmm... I may be feeling a TGO campout coming on...   it would be for the food, of course... 
  24. In my somewhat experienced/somewhat ingornant opinion, a dutch oven with coals underneath and on top will outcook any oven anywhere.   also, it's not PC, but we always cooked "hobo stew"  ... ground beef chunks, cut potatoes, peppers, onions, and whatnot... wrap it up in aluminum foil and bury it in the fire - somewhere in the coals.  Wait a few minutes, pull it out and chow down right out of the foil  ... probably ensured we would all get parkinsons,... but it was so good.   In a survival situation, searing is great.  You need to kill bacteria, but you can maximize the nutrition value of your food by not overcooking it (because you will surely be rationing... eating less calories than normal).  On the other hand, if you come down with a food-born illness when mobility is requred to survive,... that could be the fatal factor.


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