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Everything posted by Peace

  1. [quote name="peejman" post="1123038" timestamp="1394539649"]Best way to make a small fortune in aviation...? Start with a large fortune. [/quote] .... and know when to quit!
  2. [quote name="Mark@Sea" post="1121879" timestamp="1394292993"]Consulates report that the Italian and Austrian passengers weren't on board; their passports were stolen.[/quote] agreed... that is no good.
  3. FNC is reporting an oil slick has been found.  We'll see what time uncovers...   hate it for the families.... and that pilot had over 18,000 flight hours.  who knows... we can all get complacent, but they had no shortage of experience in the left seat.
  4. aggravated kidnapping and felony murder charges have been leveled at suspect already in custody.
  5. live feed here.
  6. don't know. Presser in 5min with TBI, FBI, etc....  A sealed indictment (I believe against 1 person) was handed up to a judge in decatur county about an hour ago.
  7. It is all over news and twitter.  Presser at Decatur County Sheriff's office at 4:00pm.   I am guessing most are well aware, but I didn't see a post.   -peace will be hard to come by for her family no matter what, but I do hope comfort comes in time and in waves.
  8. thanks fellas. you guys can make a grown man get misty eyed. All seems to be well. The docs here seem confident that it is not neurological in origin. Doc will send us to Ophthalmologist at a later date.
  9. In the ER with my 6yr old son tonight. He had some vision anomalies today and we are covering our bases for neurological stuff. ...hopefully nothing.
  10. Never go to war with a country that is willing to be more brutal with its own citizens than your soldiers can be with their soldiers.     Napoleon learned the hard way, and ... thankfully, ... but mysteriously, Hitler did the same thing.   To defeat Russia is to win a game of economic chess.   The same rules will apply to China if the need arises.   Vizzini was hilariously and deeply correct... we cannot win a land war in Asia, period.  
  11. I have worked in the industry.  PM me if you would like to chat.  The short version:  If you are able, find a good "per hour" financial advisor - one that you pay to help you plan... and one whom has nothing to sell you.   After that, if you want to go to a place like Northwestern Mutual, etc., you have an informed plan that is not influenced by the need to sell product.  I have been a client at Northwestern Mutual for years and am happy to give you a name or two as well.
  12. All great ideas... how 'bout we just go a step further and perfect the ability to "beam" ourselves and all innocents out of harm's way in a flash.     ok, ok - I know that might be a bit out of reach... I'll settle for starting a nationwide fellowship -"People Really Infatuated with Counterfeit Shields"  P.R.I.C.S.
  13. http://www.wkrn.com/story/24778340/walmart-shooting-victim     hmm..... .. . ...    
  14. google provides you with all of the hardware needed.  (I wonder how many new ways they've found to make money off of real-time user data).   If... If they come, you can have full 1gig fiber in both directions.... if you sell your soul to the google.  :)
  15. Peace

    Prayers Please...

    I am sorry hard times have come to you.  You can-and will get through this.  -let us know what we can do.  prayers, uplifting thoughts, well wishes, and ready support are yours.
  16. -had a good experience at Uncle's on West End/Harding.  prices and services are on the web.    It's not a one-man long-timer kind of place... but the skills were there.   hot towel, warm foam, straight razer, etc.
  17. PM sent
  18. So sorry for your loss.
  19. Seahawks will be hard to beat .. because they don't know that they should be the underdogs.   I say Broncos... if. if... Manning is effective at taking the secondary out of the passing game... this should be interesting to watch.
  20. http://www.wkrn.com/story/24587821/murfreesboro-officer-bulletproof-vest   Anyone care to explain this one to me?  I'm guessing dept. regs.   Troubling that: 1) this call would go in and 2) a response would come so fast.  I have called in drunk drivers more times than I care to count and not a thing was done about it.   It seems now more than ever all buyers of sporting goods need to know the seller and any employer regulations that might apply - not just the laws of the state and federal government.  Be aware of who you are deeling with gents and ladies.   I love the quote at the end about the buyer, "No charges have been filed against him and it is unclear why he made the purchase."   huh?  Maybe he lives in a bad part of town and wants an intruder response kit by his bedside.  ...           In other news, it looks like our local crime population (and media) is doing their part to support the O's agenda.  Front page stories include: Ballistic vest bust, 2 found murdered in boro parking lot, Man shot once in each leg downtown, man shot in face in drive-by shooting, and... "White House Calls McGavock ahead of .... after student killed."    
  21. win... this is good layers deep.
  22.   Has it has been Shulers for 30 years?  I haven't eaten there in over a decade.  The one in the hole at the crossroads... we still stop and pick up BBQ there in the summers.
  23. Seems to have powder-envy. I would like to see the claims substantiated.
  24. Peace

    Robert Duvall

    I spoke too soon.... The unbelievably stupid, Chuck Norris-ie, "We both have guns,...no, wait, only I have a gun, and the bigger, stronger, meaner embodiment of all the evil in the world stands before me.... hmmmmm.... I think I'll put my gun down." Ha! At least Duvall kept his on him the entire time.


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