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Everything posted by Peace

  1. http://bearingarms.com/oklahoma-beheading-isis-threats-arkansas-firing-range-become-first-exclude-muslims/?utm_source=bafbp&utm_medium=fbpage&utm_campaign=baupdate     thoughts? 
  2. Congrats!!!
  3. ^^ Any thought or comment that the man who stopped this threat was deficient in his actions in any way cannot be taken seriously. That is all.
  4. but... ^^ Good guy "with a rifle".     On the whole, I hate to see this, and I'm glad it wasn't worse.  Carry folks - everywhere you can - no need to be a nervous freak about it (staying in orange or red), but live in yellow, calm, alert, and aware.     ... and if you can help it, don't go where you cannot carry.  simple enough.   ... oh yeah... and train... train... train - so that you can be a help in time of need and not a liability.   -if more attacks like this begin to happen, I would bet the perpetrators will be very quick to exclusively target GFZ's.  - all the more reason to avoid them.  I hope the owners/administrators of GFZ's get their head out of the sand.   -stay safe.
  5. Welcome-  glad you're in the room.
  6. Most planes rated for commercial air or freight can easily sustain the force of an easy barrel roll.  unless you pull negative g's,... it's all experienced as "lift" to the airframe.    however,... at that altitude, it would've been a quick mess.
  7. ... and Garufa pulls through again!
  8. It is worth book value - no more.  If it has museum/history value, then so be it.  Its "history" certainly doesn't raise its value to me.
  9. There are times when close, but no cigar stinks.  ... you've found the other side of the coin, and we're all grateful for that.     How was today??
  10. 34 years ago, I sat on a cooler in the middle of this boat - with a William (Alf) in the front and an Evelyn in the back- both of whom I was incredibly fond. I ate sausage and biscuits while they caught endless amounts of fish. Today, I sit in the middle of this boat with a William in the front and an Evelyn in the back - both of whom I am indescribably fond. We didn't catch many fish, but we caught the most incredible moments together in a wonderfully beautiful world. Here's to you, Uncle Alf and Aunt Evelyn. "Dixie" still hauls them in after all these years. ... oh and crappie were biting on Priest today at around 17 feet... worms worked for us.
  11. One might be inclined to use the lazer when the gun is cleared and all the ammo is locked away and one is practicing the phases of "point shooting" (with a safe backstop, of course).  It can be a good reference in that instance.  Enjoy!!
  12.   :rofl: That used to be one of my favorite pastimes between sets at an indoor range.  ... watching "the guy" with the laser on his handgun twitch all over the place trying to put it right on the bull and hold it there before he pulled the trigger.  If I had started out with a laser, that would've been me too! 
  13. wow.  -love to heat how this works out for you.
  14. If one switch is acting as a Master, you may have power on a traveler.  "may"
  15. ^^   :whistle: let us know how you turn out.
  16. I really like the BG380.  I like the long trigger, I like the size and feel, double strike capability can be important in a pocket 380.  Erganomically, I think it is very underrated pocket gun.  ... firing pin durability has been an issue... and for a carry gun, that is a big deal.   three thoughts...   1) Don't dry fire it.  It has questionable durability during dry fire.   2) The lazer is useless to me for a pocket... "get off me/stop killing me" gun.  If you want to operate it, it may help to turn it on/off with your support-hand thumb (instead of your strong-hand trigger finger). 3) because of its history of firing pin issues, put enough rounds through it that you are comfortable that it will go bang.   congrats and enjoy!
  17. The Secret Service protects our currency.  Presidential detail would be a specific assignment - long term or temporary.  That is what else they do.     One agent or several individual agents made a judgement call.  It looks like they did a pretty good job.
  18. Moat?   seemed to work well for others.  A bridge can keep the people's house accessible, yet limit unwanted incursion options.
  19. Recently saw a snippet of the HBO special on The Westgate Mall attack in Kenya.    Sheesh.   - with those-who-shall-not-be-named calling for westerners to be killed wherever they can be found, what can we learn from the attack at Westgate?   Can the lessons of Westgate be a bridge toward a growing respect for responsible citizen carry?
  20. I'm glad when they win; I'm sad when they loose.  I couldn't watch today.  After last weekend, when I turned on the game and saw the score early, I just couldn't bear to watch.
  21. ^^^ this.          My great Uncle flew in B17s for 50 missions.  Co-pilot for 25, pilot for 25.  I didn't know that until I was out of college... he has some stories.  He never talked about it, and my Aunt basically told him "no more" when she got him home after 50 missions, so he stayed on the ground ... he is that kind of guy.   PS - another great uncle was a belly gunner for 25 missions.  When his tour was up they asked him if he wanted to re-enlist.  He laughed and told them, "when the japanese get to Milan (TN), call me."
  22. http://www.wsmv.com/story/26573632/search-for-ambush-suspect-centers-on-dense-woods State police? I hate it for the officer's loved ones and the department. So sorry for their loss. This guy in the pic sure is kitted out a lot like a soldier. - not sure that I could argue with it since they are combing the woods for the perp. thoughts?
  23. Well, I can say that, as big a fan as I am of the TSX bullets, Pierce Ammo (Nugent)'s loading of it (70gr) had the accuracy of a limetstone pebble shot out of a potato gun.   ... might of just been me & the LW...  :)   I have 2 boxes of it if anyone wants to buy them.  
  24. Well, that's a Patriot's litmus test if I've ever seen one.  
  25. So sorry for the loss and thankful for the presence of your brotherhood.  ...darn!


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