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Everything posted by smopoim86

  1. They may be the 73gr A-Max. I got a box of 4000 of them from David at the last show. I haven't seen much data for them.
  2. Not to mention, a mistake in reloading has the potential to be rather dangerous. It makes much more sense to ask questions then to blow something up. The purpose of the forum is to exchange information for the benefit of the community. If you can learn how to do something more safely and more efficiently, it's a good thing.
  3. Mechanical computer devices are always bad news. I like the packaging idea. Nice and neat. Is that a 50 cal can? How many rounds are you gonna get packed in there?
  4. Looks like the wood workbench fron Harbor Freight. It's what I'm using for a bench at the moment. pretty nice bench for $150. http://www.harborfreight.com/60-inch-solid-oak-workbench-93454.html I gave 150 after tax for mine.
  5. No. the opposite is where issues arrive. 5.56 is higher pressure than .223
  6. https://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1854396&page=1 It seems people have been getting great results for a while. Thanks for spending more of my money Jeff.
  7. I'm guessing it's not terribly accurate, there isn't really any penetration, and it will be amazingly overpriced. It looks like it didn't hardly get 4 inches into the ballistics gel and they didn't put denim or anything in front of it.
  8. I use a clear plastic bag when working with springs that want free. Roll it up around your arms and loose the fear of ejected springs. I never considered using towels. That thing looks a heck of a lot better than when I had it. Do we need to meet so I can take some updated pics?
  9. when you actually order there appears to be an additional $5 handling fee.
  10. I made a few today. Just used cardboard for wadding. It worked fairly well. Now I just need bees.
  11. My card was charged Feb 26 and the C&R came in today's mail. 4 weeks from when I sent it out.
  12. Sometimes it's worse than people of Walmart.
  13. I still want to come. Is the place a mud hole after the past 2 days?
  14. Exactly what I was thinking.
  15. David hooked me up with the supplies I needed at the show today. Great guy and good prices too. I think he ends up traveling all over the state so it shouldn't be too hard to get anything from him.
  16. Like this? Shot bagged and burned (funny story) snap trap (pictured) snap trap snap trap (appeared to have been cannibalized) I bought a dozen of the big traps for $25. They work fairly well. EDIT: another hit
  17. It might work that way. I did it the fun way. Pull the pins and dump it all out! I always do work with any kind of springs in a plastic bag. Find a large clear plastic bag and then you don't have to worry about the springs flying across the room.
  18. The cats and dog live outside. The cats my get to live inside for a while to deal with this. The dog is a black lab mutt and doesn't seem to care too much. Right in the chest. It stuck it's head out and I put the pellet right under it's chin. No attack mode. It didn't make a sound. Muscle spasm made it fall out of where it was hiding. I know what they're after. They've been partying for a while now. Went after the dog food. It's in a better container now.
  19. I don't normally hunt, but these things have invaded the basement. I knew the problem was worse than a mouse when it set off 3 traps and was nowhere to be found. Bigger traps are on the way. I also think I've figured out where they got in. Anyone have any advice for clearing them out?
  20. I've been looking into 300aac as well. I have a 7.62 phantom on the way. I'll probably be chopping down a bunch of 556 brass too.
  21. For you guys that are nervous about it. Take a couple PMAGs and practice. I practiced on a pmag for a few minutes and then finished the stippling on a USP compact. Then proceeded to stipple 2 PF9s and a couple more pmags. It's time consuming and I'd recommend playing with different patterns on the pmags until you find something you like but it's definitely worth it.
  22. I'm attending and will probably have 1 or 2 come with me.
  23. I've had at least 4 firearm orders and 5-10 online orders from them. Called them probably 20 times. I've never heard the phone ring. Great service and great prices. They take in a lot of overstock and cosmetic blemished guns.
  24. Standard M855 green tip only has a steel core. I believe the tungsten core rounds have a black tip. The green tip will still work over a piece of plate more than standard FMJ. Quoted from the "book of knowledge" Cartridge, Caliber 5.56 mm, Ball, M855 (United States): 5.56×45mm 62-grain FN SS109 ball cartridge, green tip w/steel penetrator and a lead core. Cartridge, Caliber 5.56 mm, Ball, M855 Lead Free (United States):62-grain green tip w/tungsten penetrator and a steel core. Primarily used during training in countries with strict lead disposal laws. Cartridge, Caliber 5.56 mm, Ball, M855A1 (United States):62-grain green tip w/19-grain steel penetrator tip and a solid copper core.
  25. Because I can. I hope to see ya there.


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