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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Nope, it was because the "normal" car already has the vast majority of the "police" upgrades from 20 years ago. It already meets the "police endurance" specs, hence the 100k miles of the past is 300k miles today. Police cars don't have bigger brakes because modern brakes are huge and there isn't room for anything bigger. They don't have "heavy duty" cooling systems because the normal car is designed to sit idling for hours and not over-heat. They don't have high output alternators because the normal car already has one. The base electrical loads have increased tremendously over the years.
  2. Except for the Odyssey. I know several people who've had fairly serious issues (transmission, engine, HVAC, electrical gremlins) with those. My M-I-L has a CRV and it's been fine, somewhere north of 100k miles. They pay stratospheric dealer service prices that make me cringe, but the vehicle hasn't needed anything unusual.
  3. peejman

    Ruger LCP II

    I've never carried it without the +1 mag, but always in my pocket. It's a little thicker and a little longer, but that only matters if I'm wearing more fitted clothes.
  4. Keep up with the routine maintenance and most newer cars will last a long time. 300k is the 100k of 25 years ago. Stuff wears out, but it's rare these days to see an engine failure where the engine had oil in it at the time.
  5. Yes. It was Daimler Chrysler before that. Do what you've gotta do to survive.
  6. peejman

    Ruger LCP II

    I have a P3AT and an LCP custom (not the LCP II). As Mike says, functionally they're identical. The Ruger is generally nicer to look at and to shoot, but it's also slightly bigger. I have a +1 mag for the LCP which contributes to both the bigger and nicer to shoot.
  7. Just the toaster? She got off easy...
  8. If you like playing with cannons, We saw an artillery reenactment crew who were in need of volunteers at the Sequoyah Museum a while back. https://m.facebook.com/BurroughsBattery/ I'm sure there's more units around.
  9. Looks like a break-barrel air rifle.
  10. I've read nothing but good reviews. Opinions vary, but the general consensus is it's a heckuva pistol for the price.
  11. I presume you've already written that check, but I typically don't pay for diagnosis that don't fix the problem. If they tried a bunch of stuff that didn't work, that's on their dime, not mine.
  12. Nah, I'd let everyone come shoot on it one weekend.
  13. Yep. Though I wouldn't use it for a guard (or liners) on a knife that would get wet routinely. The aluminum guard pressed against the steel blade sets up a galvanic couple. Add water and you get accelerated corrosion.
  14. That's classified. I could tell you, but....
  15. I have a shield and really like it. The nano is noticeably thicker which hurts concealabiity in my opinion. That's said, a buddy has one and likes it just fine.
  16. peejman

    Ruger LCP II

    @gjohnsoniv made my leather pocket holster. It works quite well.
  17. With no markings, it could be a variety of alloys. None of them are good for making knives. Aluminum can be sharp, but it won't hold an edge at all. It's great for lots of stuff, but bladed tools aren't on the list.
  18. You really expect him to propose spending tax money to remove signs that mean nothing to those who know the law and help make the sheeple feel more comfortable?
  19. peejman

    Ruger LCP II

    Hard to beat the convenience of the pocket pistols.
  20. G10 mades good knife scales, or a handle for most any sort of tool. Does the aluminum plate have any markings?
  21. A life sentence in all likelihood.
  22. I can't recall a statute for that. Most of the "proximity" rules are related to hunting and don't specifically address target shooting. I'd wager if you get buy-in from the local Sheriff, you'll be ok.
  23. Implants ain't cheap.


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