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Everything posted by peejman

  1. My employer has a facility in Winnipeg. I heard talk of -64F there this week. Brrrr.
  2. I would love to see a 21st century FAL. It could lose some weight and gain some capacity with modern materials.
  3. Mom-in-law is a breast cancer survivor. Prayers sent.
  4. Don't use them as compost unless you want a couple hundred little melon vines to magically appear in the spring. AMHIK.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Interesting siding on that house. Looks kinda like shingles made to look like stone tacked onto the wood. Caption... y'all bring me some taters from the cellar to go in this rabbit stew.
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with that. It takes way more effort than I think it should to convince myself to not worry about it. A guy I know carries a G19X IWB. The butt of the pistol sticks way out and to me, it's comically obvious. Yet no one seems to notice or care. I see that and wonder why I have to talk myself into wearing the 9 on my belt (which is nearly invisible by comparison) instead of the 380 in my pocket. That aside, I'd agree that the tomcat is quite wide by current standards. Give the Shield 380 EZ a look.
  8. She worked there in the gift shop and volunteered with the raptors and wolves when we lived in church hill, 10-15 years ago. It's a great place. The most recent wolf that died was the last of the ones she helped raise. This is from 2007...
  9. If being killed and eaten was the alternative, I'd fight pretty hard too. The brown hawk could be it's mate. We have a resident Cooper's hawk the trolls our bird feeders occasionally. I've also seen it get a squirrel. There's a Great Horned owl that lives nearby, I hear it at night sometimes. My wife used to work with a local raptor rehabilitator.
  10. Just be sure to remove any/all bullet fragments from the carcass before leaving it out. The birds will injest the fragments and die from lead poisoning.
  11. They're out there, and they breed.
  12. I got whacked in the back by an errant rifle once. And a couple flags. And a trombone. A few of the girls got lumps from the rifles as well. We just considered it part of the fun.
  13. We've learned to get 2 of whatever. There's less screaming that way. Not none, just less.
  14. My high school and college bands did rifles. Seems like that's gone away over the years.
  15. That is one very big and very pregnant looking white shark. The guy swimming on the dead whale? That's just gross.
  16. That's just all kinds of awesome.
  17. Sounds like a "he's just a kid" sentence. 10 years of probation will make life plenty difficult. If the deceased's family is ok with that, I have no opinion.
  18. Me too. Everyone knows aluminum melts at a relatively low temperature. You'd have to heat it to darn near boiling to melt a terminator.
  19. Possibly, if cleaned and de-primed. I suspect they'd get excited about powder residue.
  20. Keep your booger hook off the bang switch.
  21. Probably. You could try running a few through a resizing die and see what happens. Look very carefully for cracks. Aluminum work hardens a lot and isn't easy to anneal like brass. Depends on how hot it gets and how much it expands when fired.
  22. Depends on which version of aluminum the cases are made from. Some alloys might be reloadsble, but others likely wouldn't. Since the whole point of aluminum cases is reduced cost, I feel sure the manufacturer isn't going to spend the extra money on higher grade material that would be more amiable to reloading.
  23. Interesting and somewhat disappointing... they demonstrate poor technique several times in that M&P video. If you have trouble, don't try it like they show, pinching the rear of the slide and pulling. That's probably the hardest way to do it. Check the link above...
  24. https://appleseedinfo.org/ Not competition per se, but good training and perhaps a way find out more about matches.
  25. Fast, pretty, cheap... pick any 2. Cars, boats, guns, women.... In God we trust, all others must have data.


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