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Everything posted by peejman

  1. You should get her whatever gun she picks out. Take her to a range (or three) that rents handguns and let her try out various models. Talk her into trying out a couple that she's not initially interested in. I did that with my wife and her final decision wasn't even under consideration at first. The American Rifleman magazine did a review of 9 different .380's. I seem to recall all of them having one issue or another. Personally, I'd go with 9mm at a minimum. YMMV.
  2. Ever see grains of rice in a salt shaker at a restaurant? It's in there to absorb moisture so the salt doesn't clump. Both salt and rice (and sugar, and flour, and...) will absorb water (hygroscopic is the $3 word for it) but rice absorbs it faster. I'd not heard of oatmeal, but that makes sense too.
  3. Some folks claim you should fire and replace your personal defense rounds with new annually, just to be sure they're "fresh". It certainly won't hurt the gun. Honestly, I don't. Ammo sits for decades w/o deteriorating. I've also got a toddler so my PD gun(s) stay locked up in the safe when I'm not there. I take one out when I go to bed and put it back up when I leave for work. As for the corrosive ammo.... no, just sitting UNFIRED in the gun won't hurt anything. It's the powder inside the cartridge that's corrosive. You must clean the rifle thoroughly after shooting corrosive ammo. It's not like battery acid that'll eat it up quickly, but the powder residue will cause some corrosion if left for extended periods.
  4. I use a 1 lb renewable bag in my rifle safe and a few of the small disposable packets in my pistol safe. The 1lb bag came from where I work, I'm not sure where you'd buy one. The small packets can be had online or at places like Hobby Lobby. Honestly, an open container of dry rice or salt will do the same thing. Just don't spill it!
  5. Agreed. Unless the ramp is scored or gouged, 600 grit is a bit coarse for "polishing". Wet or dry sanding with crocus cloth or using jeweler's rouge would be best. Use your finger instead of wrapping it around something hard. You don't want to change the shape of the ramp (unless you know what you're doing).
  6. Putting the car in neutral with the throttle wide open won't hurt anything for several minutes. Most any car less than 15 years old (ie, with electronic ignition) has a rev limiter. It'll just bounce off the limiter until it over-heats. Remember the recent clunker trade-ins where the dealers had to destroy the cars? Most drained the oil and put a brick on the gas pedal until it blew up. Some cars ran out of gas and had to be re-filled before they let go. As stated, I'd much rather spend $3000 on a new engine instead of spending it on a casket.
  7. If it's a true "fire safe" and air-tight, be sure to keep some desiccant in it so it stays nice and dry inside.
  8. I recall reading a story about a car that went flying down the interstate at 100+ mph because the throttle hung open. The passengers called 911 or family in a panic while weaving through traffic. I think car ended up in oncoming traffic and all the passengers were killed. Link. Seems that they cooked the brakes in short order rendering them ineffective and/or the ABS interfered. The part that really puzzles me is that they couldn't shift the car into neutral or kill the ignition. I don't know much about these cars, but I wonder how the system could be designed such that you couldn't get it out of gear or turn the ignition off?
  9. '95 - '99. You?
  10. I got peppered with bird shot unintentionally while playing golf several years ago. Some morons were dove hunting adjacent to the course and not paying attention what direction they were shooting. It happened 3 times before I got out of range. I called the police and reported it, but I'm fairly sure nothing happened.
  11. Be careful with 6:00 carry. It may not conceal as well as you think and it really, really hurts if you ever fall on it. I believe Comp-tac sells just the kydex part that holds the pistol so that you can have one holster that fits several different models. Just swap out the kydex. edit... yep, from here:
  12. As I said in the other thread, greetings!
  13. Thanks all. Goose is here too, I've seen his unique avatar. Though I don't remember his user name.
  14. peejman

    Beretta PX4 Storm

    A friend of mine has one in 9mm that I've shot several times. I liked it. It fits my hand and pointed well for me. The rolling barrel and recoil is a bit odd at first, but no big deal. I'm not a big fan of the slide mounted safety, but YMMV.
  15. Greetings from Maryville. I've lived in East TN most of my life but only moved to Maryville a couple years ago. I lurked here briefly and was impressed with the site and particularly some of the legal info. I'm a mechanical engineer, TTU grad. I own a few handguns, rifles, and a shotgun, but don't shoot any of them nearly enough. I look forward to wasting lots of productive work time here.


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