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Everything posted by peejman

  1. As stated, it depends... On basic principles, I'd agree. The SKS receiver is more robust than a typical sheet metal AK receiver. The SKS barrel is a little longer than a typical AK. Both of those would tend toward slightly better accuracy.
  2. Sissies.... real men shoot 20mm. MAG-FED 20MM RIFLE - Anzio Ironworks
  3. Love me some Shrimp-n-Grits! Puelo's is good, if a little pricey. Best I've ever had was at a restaurant in downtown Charleston, I forget the name.
  4. I didn't know about the Nambu, but I'd always thought they looked suspiciously like a Luger.
  5. Holy thread revival Batman!
  6. I'd love to lose at least 10 lbs, 15 lbs would be ideal. Once upon a time I worked out regularly and was in decent shape. Now with a 3yr old and 3 month old, I've no idea how to find the time to exercise. I get up a 5:30am to get ready for work. I get home at 5:00pm and spend the evenings caring for / playing with my boys. About the only exercise I get is chasing my 3yr old around. I know I'll get out more when it warms up doing yard work and such. I'm also a stress eater. Life can be quite stressful with 2 little ones. I think I eat reasonably healthy foods (fast food about once/week), I just eat too much. Portion control is a big issue for me.
  7. 2 part epoxy is the way to go. My Dad is a wood turner and sometimes has to fix cracks. I forget exactly what he uses, but you wouldn't know he'd glued it if he didn't point it out. It readily accepts stain so it can be refinished too. Dad uses several of the quick-grip bar clamps with towels to prevent scaring the surface. It works great.
  8. Welcome!
  9. I got this link from somewhere... I don't remember where. It's long and informative, though some might think it contains some "gun snobbery". So you want to buy an AR-15, huh?
  10. Pepper spray and have security escort you.
  11. This is gun forum. We, as gun owners, tend to be very passionate when someone infringes on our rights. Some folks are more passionate than others. Look at all the threads on restaurant carry, etc. Bicyclists are the same way regarding use of public roads. We, as gun owners, get pissed when the general public sees what lunatics like kwik do and then think all gun owners are just like him. That cyclist who rides down the middle of the lane and won't move over for anyone is the "kwik" of cycling. I had a similar discussion with my mother when I bought a sport bike. No Mom, I'm not that idiot weaving between cars and riding wheelies down the interstate while wearing shorts and flip-flops. He's just the only one you notice. No one notices the other 95% of motorcyclists who obey the laws and generally act like they've got some sense.
  12. How is this different from everyone else on the road? In a word, yes. As the overtaking vehicle, it's your responsibility to pass in a safe manner.
  13. Amen. (with minor edits)
  14. Greetings!
  15. A friend's mother nearly died from a broken tooth that didn't hurt. It got infected, the infection got into her blood and ruined a heart valve. She collapsed and had emergency open-heart surgery to replace the valve. They pulled the tooth too. So she got to see both the dentist and cardiologist.
  16. The inset box on page 8 says the caliber is 40mm Luger. It really is a hand howitzer!
  17. I enjoy it too when I can find the time. I grew up in Hixson, my Dad is still a member at Creeks Bend. I can't imagine how many rounds I've played there. Once upon a time I could shoot mid 70's. Lack of practice time has pushed that up to mid 80's. But I still enjoy it.
  18. +1. I can't say I'm ATGATT, but almost. As for not wearing the full face.... Wait until a june bug or rock from a tire tries to occupy the same space as you at 70+ mph. As for the claustrophobia, try focusing on something further away and/or wear the helmet around the house to get used to it. I feel naked without it.
  19. I have similar experience and I think it's related to eye dominance. "Front sight" shooting for me requires left eye shut. Close range point shooting with both eyes open works reasonably... groups are big, but not unreasonably so. What I've read on this topic says that while I have a "dominant" eye, it's dominance isn't very strong. Hence, using the sights with both eyes open just doesn't work very well. I've read that you can train eye dominance by simply taping the lens in your shooting glasses over your non-dominant eye. You can then keep the eye open but it can't see anything. Practicing like this helps your brain learn to disregard the vision from your non-dominant eye when shooting. Eventually you won't need to block it and will be able to use the sights with both eyes open. Or so I've read.
  20. Take the course. It's worth the $200 if your skills are rusty. Enjoy the insurance discount. One friend got a ticket for riding to the DL station to get his license. Another friend loaded his bike in his truck, hauled it there, unloaded, and then simply had to ride across the parking lot and back. I took the course. It's silly in some respects (as any government class is), but otherwise worthwhile.
  21. You might try yet another assembly. I've gotten two bad ones before. After messing with one for an entire day, I don't replace piece-parts anymore. I get the whole "innards" kit and replace everything. Just make sure all the connections and sealing surfaces are very clean. Hard water deposits can cause all manner of leaks.
  22. +1 I'm a bit surprised that there's not any huge roots in the ball. Seems like a tree that big would have some really big roots as well.
  23. Interesting. I also went to my local DMV and got my renewed permit in 2-3 weeks (I don't remember exact days).
  24. I've no personal experience, but I've heard good things about this place... Volunteer Vette


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