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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Ouch. I like to think that, should the need arise, I could stitch myself up like that. Thankfully, I've never needed to. Given the option, I'll gladly defer to a professional. My biggest fear is not getting the wound clean enough. An infected wound can be far worse than the wound itself. Hope it heals up quickly. My wife ended up with a staph infection resulting from an encounter with the business end of our dog (her fault, not the dog's). Her howling (again, my wife, not the dog) led me to not do as thorough a job cleaning it as I should have, so it got infected. I guess I'll have to be less caring next time.
  2. Nice bike. Lots of good advice here. The MSF class is an excellent place to start. My meager additions... Remember that not only everyone, everything is trying to kill you. Got a $2 head? Wear a $2 helmet. You'll really like the Scorpion. I'll get one when my Shoei needs replaced. Don't mind hobbling for the rest of your life? Then you don't need boots. Real, reinforced riding boots with ankle protection, not the crap they sell at the harley store. Don't mind having to ask someone else to wipe your arse for your for the rest of your life? Then you don't need gloves. Again, real armored, gauntlet closure riding gloves. June bugs at 70 mph hurt more than you think.
  3. Only when saving the world become profitable, will it also become a priority.
  4. You might also consider some sort of wall covering for the inevitable solvent splatter. It'll soak in and is difficult to paint over.
  5. For VW, I'd say Google is your best bet. While they certainly have lots of stuff, I don't think Jegs or Summit will have much for a Jetta.
  6. What he said. I think I like the standard 3 dot set for 6:00 hold better for true accuracy, but these serve the purpose. It took me a while to figure out why my PT145 was shooting low when I bought it. Then I saw the picture above.
  7. State parks - Yes. City or County parks - maybe.
  8. Good snakes and bad snakes.... http://www.tn.gov/twra/pdfs/snakesposter.pdf The best thing you can hope for is to have a couple of owls on the property. Not only do they eat the same vermin as the snakes, they eat the snakes too.
  9. +1 The only place I use my debit card is at the ATM. I know the debit card has the same protections as a regular credit card, but it's not directly linked to all my bank accounts. My mortgage is on auto-draft so I'd hate for someone to empty my bank account the day before my mortgage payment.
  10. peejman

    Hiking Pistola?

    I'm also far more worried about people and hogs than bears. My only bear encounter involved the bear doing it's best to be invisible. It dropped flat on it's belly and laid there motionless about 50 yds away. We backed away slowly to about 100 yds and it got up and ran away. I typically wear a pack when I hike. Sometimes the pack contains the usual snacks, drinks, first aid kit, etc. Sometimes it also contains one of my kids. My IWB holster doesn't provide good access while wearing the pack. I've been thinking of getting one of those safe-packer holsters, but they seem awfully expensive for what they are. I also carry bear spray. edit... (off topic)... JMR... dig the avatar. Loved that movie when I was a kid. Haven't seen it in ages.
  11. What they said. Pull the plug and check for spark. Smell for fuel. Sounds like a bad ground somewhere (broken switch, loose connection, abraded wire, etc.). Start at the switch and work your way down.
  12. That's the crane technique. This is a heron....
  13. This (mostly). Better ammo may help, though what you've got is pretty good. I assume this is off-hand. Can you "call your shots"? Working on that will help with the flyers. A match grade trigger may also help. 200 rounds is a lot. Are you sure fatigue (mental and physical) aren't contributing? Adjust the sights so your groups are centered. Who cares where anyone else's groups are? It's your gun, set it up for you. I've not shot lots of other people's guns, but when I have it's been rare for my groups to be in the same spot as theirs with the same gun. Particularly with iron sights.
  14. Welcome!
  15. Food in general is expensive. Calhoun's and Smoky Mtn Brewery both have good food. The Apple Barn is good for breakfast, as-is the Pancake Pantry. If you'd like dinner and a show, kids usually enjoy the Dixie Stampede. Most food servers will ask where you're from. Locals typically get 10% off. Hint, hint. If you'd like to shoot, Sevier Indoor Range is nice. The Smoky Mtn Knife Museum is neat. The new Titanic exhibit is very good. Lots of go-karts and mini-golf. None really stands out.
  16. Heh. A friend also had a heron fishing in his koi pond. It was quickly becoming simply a pond. I've seen lots of these around my parents' house on Soddy lake. They also have a Bald Eagle nesting pair nearby. We haven't found the nest, but have seen two adults and a juvenile on many occasions.
  17. That's because there are lots of ways to do it. You know how opinions are... Fixed.
  18. If you're not going to use the motion detection feature, exchange it for a 3-wire light without the motion detector. Otherwise, connect the ground wire to something metal... light housing, junction box, etc.
  19. It's an old warhorse of a battle rifle, and there's something undeniably cool about that. It's the ego thing about firing a "big" cartridge, and the satisfaction of doing so on the cheap. It's somewhat rude and crude, but functions beautifully. It's "minute of paper plate" accurate, and that's good enough. When drawing a bead, one can't help but channel a little Vasily Zaytsev. Somehow that fuzzy paper plate begins to resemble a German helmet, and that makes you smile on the inside.
  20. Yes, its up to the FFL holder. Though some don't seem to know that. Locally, Bill's Outpost will accept transfers from individuals. He did the transfer on a receiver from a guy CA for me a while back. Gunnys told me it was illegal.
  21. Yikes! I hope they find the missing people.
  22. Wow, some talented carpenters here! My Dad has always been a carpenter at heart and has gotten into wood turning in retirement. He makes some really neat stuff.
  23. If you can't catch a fingernail on whatever groove/tool marks there may be on the surface, I wouldn't start with something as aggressive as 600 grit. I'd try emery or crocus cloth or scotchbrite first. Work with that for a few minutes and see how it looks. Then switch to polishing with some compound (jeweler's rouge). You only want to smooth the surface, do not change it's shape. Less is more.
  24. Nice pics, though you'd think he'd at least iron his shirt before a photo shoot. Or is wrinkly in style now? As for Kim, if she didn't have Bruce Jenner's million$s, she wouldn't exist.
  25. Looks great! Nice to see someone who actually uses the appropriate bolts and brackets. The shelf across the back is a nice touch. The ball caddy looks cool too. Carpentry is fun. I'll also confess to being a Mike Holmes fan. He does some really neat stuff and it's just staggering to see how badly some people get screwed.


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