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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Wow. That's just sad. What's next, pat downs of screaming 3 yr old girls? Oh, um...
  2. "To protect and serve..." These folks sure got serviced.
  3. If you get said warranty, read the fine print in excruciating detail. Make certain you fully understand exactly what is, and more importantly what is not covered. Ask me how I know...
  4. I'll echo lots of stuff.... Get pre-approved for a loan. Do the math yourself and determine what you can afford. Pay no mind to what the bankers say in that regard. If you've got good credit, play the mortgage companies off one another. Negotiate hard for the lowest rate. A few tenth's of a percent mean thousands down the road. Bring 20% down to the table. It makes everything easier. If you don't have that much, keep saving. Make a checklist of things you want in a house. Take it with you for every showing and fill it out along the way. Make notes. Take pictures (ask permission first). Don't trust that you'll remember little details.... after seeing 20+ houses, you won't. edit... I've found the checklist I created when we were looking. If you're interested, I'll email it to you. Hire a reputable realtor. A good one will know the local builders and steer you toward (or away from) houses as appropriate. Sign a contract for no more than 60 days. If you're not happy, don't be afraid to find someone else. There's plenty to choose from. If you're not a home construction expert, hire a reputable home inspector. Be there when they inspect the house, go through the whole inspection with them, ask lots of questions. Make notes. Take pictures. Watch HGTV and DIY network... watch Holmes Inspection, you'll learn a lot. Plan for several thousand dollars in unexpected expenses in your first 2 years. Stuff happens.
  5. I hope for a single stack subcompact. Preferably one without a $700 msrp.
  6. What happens if you're standing in a puddle when you fire it?
  7. +1 Find a range with lots of rentals available. Let her try a bunch of stuff.
  8. Wow. In Texas of all places too. I feel certain there has to be something else to this story, but taking judge's comments at face value... wow. My wife and I have, semi-jokingly, said that we should go ahead and introduce ourselves to the local child protective services people. Because we'll be the ones who get the cops called on us for whooping our kids in public. If you get sent to jail for a simple spanking, I'd have been sent to jail twice this week. 3 yr olds can be ... stubborn.
  9. Look around and see if places near you sell dry ice. I think the Kroger near me sells it. Putting a block in the fridge and freezer will keep stuff cold for hours. Dry Ice for a Broken Refrigerator or Broken Freezer
  10. Easy solution.... Leave the camera running. Sit it on a porch rail, chair, stair, etc. Go inside and watch through the window. That's no different than remote security cameras. Big brother won't let me see the video, but someone commented that she was standing behind the police filming. I can see that making a cop a little nervous. LEO or not, some people just get anxious when they're being filmed, regardless of the situation.
  11. Confirmed: 55-8-104. Obedience to police officers. — (a) No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic. ( A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor. Acts 1955, ch. 329, § 4; T.C.A., § 59-804; Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 113. Source: Legal Resources Though I'm sure refusing would be a matter of submitted to arrest for non-compliance and proving yourself right afterwards. ... and IBTL.
  12. C'mon.... you all know you'd hit it.
  13. The power flickered a bit last night, howling wind (50+ mph), and torrential rain for a good 20 minutes. No damage at my house, but a neighbor has a tree down. Several more trees down on the way to work, though none appeared to have done significant damage to houses. We sure do need the rain, but I'm beginning to think drought is better than repeated damaging storms.
  14. Both Walmarts and the K-mart here sell boxes of clays. They make fun targets. Ballons, cans, plastic bottles, tennis balls, golf balls... are fun. Add a little flour or baby powder if shooting at long range to verify impact. The tannerite stuff is awesome! You can split a single package. We put some in soup cans and sealed them with duct tape. BOOM!
  15. That sounds hilarious. Though I'm sure she didn't think so.
  16. Not sure that's worse. It's outside the car, isn't going to fly up my nose (yes, I've had that happen), and it's easy enough to just grab and toss it into the bushes. That's very interesting though. How long did it ride?
  17. Sounds like you should keep trying to find the perfect gun for her.
  18. I believe it has to do with destruction of the target carriers and the very high energy of ricochets (proximity of adjacent ranges). I believe you also have to prove your ability to shoot accurately at 1000 yds to range officers before you can do so unsupervised. You can't just walk in off the street and set your rifle up on the 1000 yd line.
  19. Correct. They have a 1000 yd range, but .50 BMG is not permitted.
  20. My wife is on facebook, but I'm not. I can see that it's a good way to keep in touch (inexpensively) with people some distance away. Though I've noticed that it does tend to consume some people. Personally, I think it's an excellent way to reconnect with a lot of people you hoped you'd never see again.
  21. I'll try that. It sounds better than my method of rolling down all the windows, and swatting at the fly while weaving all over the road.
  22. ... when a fly gets inside your vehicle, out of the 1000+ cu-in. of interior space, it feels the need to occupy the 100 cu-in. between your nose and the windshield?
  23. The big two things that may be found in typical backcountry streams are Cryptoproiduim and Giardia. Cryptosporidiosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Giardia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The main reason why it's stated to boil water is simply because it's visually obvious and ensures you got the water hot enough. I doubt most folks will have a 250 deg thermometer handy to know when they've reached 160 deg. But also as stated... dehydration will kill you much faster than any of these bugs. Portable water purification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Backpacker Magazine - Water Purification Techniques


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