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Everything posted by peejman

  1. I've been a subscriber to Backpacker for a while and it's time for a change. I'd like something with a variety of topics covered... hiking, camping, guns, hunting, fishing... etc. The top two on my list at the moment are "Outdoor Life" and "Field and Stream". Preferences for one or the other? Anyone get both and can highlight the differences? Recommend something else entirely?
  2. Excellent video! Nothing else in this world is so exceptionally cool and so exceptionally stupid. I'd love to see it in person some day.
  3. Just depends on where you go to watch it. It can be seen from well beyond the park boundaries. The music is broadcast over the radio. It's generally a very good show, though we haven't been in a couple years. Parking is always an issue, I don't have any real good suggestions. In the past we've come up Chapman Hwy, parked where ever we could find a spot on the south side of the river and either watched from there or walked across the bridge to Neyland Drive. Several years ago we watched from the Women's Basketball HOF, as it's up high enough to see over most of the riverfront stuff.
  4. Very cool. Just out of curiosity, what sort of time/money is involved in building something like that?
  5. Is it prevention or detection? Are they trying to makes the roads safer by preventing people from driving too fast, or are they simply trying to catch people speeding? I typically do flash my lights when I see a cop hiding behind something. If they're sitting out in plain view, I don't. I had no idea flashing lights is (or even could be) against the law. I'd also not thought of criminals being caught by routine stops. That's definitely something to consider.
  6. That's awesome!
  7. Good stuff!
  8. Perhaps it never occurred to the guy. However, all the cops know is that there's a MWAG near a school full of kids, maybe even their kids. Again, what else could they do?
  9. Can you not get the shroud off and find the leak? A little silver solder will fix small leaks with ease. I've heard JB Weld works too. I'd avoid the "stop leak" stuff.
  10. Perhaps walking within sight of the school crossing guard while open carrying wasn't the smartest thing to do. Regarding the "lock down"... Put yourself in the cops' position. What else could they do? It's a school. Could you live with the consequences of under-reacting to a perceived threat?
  11. peejman

    FN FAL help

    I feel sure you'd have no trouble selling the parts, do some research on Falfiles. I'm happy to help if you decide to build it. What are the details of the complete rifle?
  12. peejman

    FN FAL help

    It's not especially difficult if you have a few special tools and some mechanical aptitude. I'm in the process of building one right now. It's been a fun learning experience, though very slow due to lack of time to work on it. If you decide to have someone build it for you, make sure they have experience with the FAL. VOW is the only one I know of in TN. The upper receiver (FFL part) can be had from several sources (Coonan, DSA, etc.) and will cost about $300. 922® compliance requires 7 US made parts, there's a long list of eligible parts. I used a furniture set ($100, 3 pcs), trigger assembly (H/T/S in FAL-speak, FCG in AR-speak... $65, 3 pcs), and the upper (Entreprise) which I needed anyway. There are 2 key parts of building one.... 1) Timing the barrel to the upper. Bare minimum, you need a receiver wrench ($50). Helpful things are a barrel vise ($50) and some sort of mechanism to help you achieve proper timing. 2) Headspacing. FAL's don't headspace like other rifles. You'd need headspace gauges ($44) and a set of gauge pins ($20). Once you determine proper headspace, you must get the correct size locking shoulder. Maybe you got lucky and there's a good one in your pile-o-parts. If not, they're about $30. As for total cost... the typical "FrankenFAL" is worth about $650-$850 on the open market depending on condition. I'll have about $850 in building mine w/o refinishing it. Here's an outline of building one, I'm using this as a guide. Building the FAL at Home, Background Everything you never wanted to know can be found here: http://www.falfiles.com/forums/index.php
  13. peejman


    The primer hole looks to have 1.25" threads.
  14. peejman


    The current plan is for it to become a wind chime. It rings with a nice tone.
  15. peejman


    Powder residue, of which there is still the slightest hint of a smell.
  16. peejman


    A coworker just got back from a trip to his homeland - England. While there, he happened across something a relative had dried flowers in.... a 105mm howitzer shell. Somewhat surprisingly, it made it back in his luggage (through Chicago of all places) unmolested. He said the same relative also has a 8" shell casing, but he didn't think bringing both back together would be such a good idea.
  17. Why? Availability of information. Google can find all I need to know about most any gun in a couple minutes. While I don't have a "smart phone", most people do and can look up things on the spot. It's easy to find a fair price for just about anything, hence you rarely see used guns at absurdly low prices. At the same time, there's a sucker born every minute. Seems a number of dealers still wish to take advantage of those folks and price things way too high. They've made lucrative careers off other people's ignorance. I don't really fault them for that, they are in the business of making money and with information so readily available, you'd have to be a fool to pay such high prices. And we all know, a fool and his money are soon parted.
  18. I consider it motivation to not get (more) fat.
  19. If it's been "bubba'd" then I'd be inclined to restore the whole gun to "as issued" condition. No sense just doing the metal. Though, as Mike mentioned, I'd do my homework first.
  20. I have a stash of crappy pocket knives that will work for that. Mostly I intend this for kitchen knives. I have several high quality knives but they've simply gotten dull with years of use.
  21. This. Most people wouldn't notice if you were on fire. Most of those that would notice, wouldn't do anything about it.
  22. I recently got a Smith system, any tips for a novice?
  23. This. The store will gladly trade a couple hundred dollars in merchandise for not having to use their attorneys. There have been plenty of lawsuits filed and won by thieves who were injured when tackled in the parking lot. So... steal a $200 saw, get banged up when they tackle you outside the store, sue, and cash a $200,000 check. Winner! You have to remember.... we have a legal system, not a justice system.
  24. I use this: SuperTuck Deluxe | Crossbreed Holsters - Super Tuck Deluxe Or this, depending on what I'm carrying. The Nemesis® — DeSantis Holster


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