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Everything posted by peejman

  1. I guess I can understand the legalities here, but geez... what a freakin' nightmare.
  2. I don't think any of those rifles would be better than an AR SBR in close quarters. They're all quite long, even folded/shortened, etc. Special Ops forces use things like the MP5 and HK416 for a reason.
  3. peejman

    Best SKS?

    Love my yugo. It's fun to shoot and reasonably accurate with milsurp ammo. Plus the folding bayonet and grenade launcher stuff just make it look cool. The trigger ain't exactly "match target" but I hope to fix that in the near future. They're quite popular deer rifles in the mid-west. Avoid one that's been "tacti-cooled" or converted to use AK mags, which generally don't work very well. Don't sweat the non-chromed barrel. There's plenty of cheap, non-corrosive ammo.
  4. A good read... So you want to buy an AR-15, huh?
  5. Yes. In theory you must put lock it up before you enter the property and cannot retrieve it until after you exit the property. There's a specific exemption for school property that allows you to possess it, as long as you don't "handle" it and are dropping off or picking up a passenger. You are also permitted to transport a firearm across park property with the firearm and ammo separate. http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/tennessee.pdf
  6. I typically use the "new posts" search and just surf through the results, so I generally don't see the sticky's at the top of forums. My first thought was to put 2 lines of text in the graphic with the specific forum listed under "Subject Matter Expert". Obviously that would be more work for the boss. I like the user title or signature idea. Some may have already done that and I just haven't been paying attention.
  7. I usually shoot the gun that's the easiest to shoot. I use it as a warm-up. Regarding running expensive carry ammo, I do that maybe annually. Depending on whether or not I have replacements handy. It's good to re-verify function and reinforce your confidence. Better to find a problem at the range than in the parking lot.
  8. Sorry to hear this. Condolences to your family.
  9. I like the idea of having subject matter experts. Is there a (quick and easy) way to distinguish the specific area in which their expertise lies? Seems like it'd be nice if the tag was more specific than simply stating SME. For example, say the survival forum SME posts in the law forum. All I see is the SME tag, I don't know whether that person is speaking with the SME voice, or is just some run of the mill yahoo, like me. Just a thought.
  10. The regular Extra Stout is at the far end of my palette. I like it, but only drink it on rare occasions because its so rich. I'll give this one a try if I can find it somewhere.
  11. How does it compare to Draught?
  12. This. There's far too many variables to know how a bullet will react when it hits the target. Worry more about hitting the target. Worry less about what the bullet does afterwards.
  13. The article has been updated and it seems 17 people are getting fired. Play stupid games...
  14. MDF board works well. Lowes/Home Depot will have masonite (or their version of it) as well. You can also find sections of laminate counter tops cheap at salvage places, which is what I used for my work bench. If there's a kitchen cabinet place near you, sometimes they'll have big broken pieces you can cut down pretty cheap. I'd extend that power strip the whole length and run it underneath. You don't want power cords draped across whatever you're working on. And make sure the circuit it's attached to is up to the task. Consider plumbing in air lines. Compressed air is really handy, not to mention air tools. Build in shelves under the work bench. You never have enough storage.
  15. I remembered something like that but was too lazy to look it up. Interesting that there's no time provision for recovering the dog. Particularly after having been contacted by the person who found it. You might call the owner this morning and tell him if he doesn't come get it by noon, he can pay the local animal shelter to get the dog back. His reaction to that might tell you if you've got yourself a new pet.
  16. Kewl!
  17. Welcome!
  18. Actually he is breaking the law. Dogs are not permitted to run at large in TN. I'm sure there's some flexibility in a hunting dog gone astray. So did he come get the dog?
  19. Regarding the statutory rape thing... if it was consensual sex, either they both should get charged or neither one does.
  20. Welcome!
  21. I just smoked a bone-in turkey breast. I'll estimate about 1 hr per pound, though obviously that depends on the temp. The one I cooked was about 5lbs and it a took about 4.5 hrs. Mostly I just use the meat thermometer to determine when it's done. I pulled it off the smoker at about 160 deg and let it rest for at least an hour before I cut it up. Don't over-cook it, it dries out fast. Inject the crap out of it. You can't really do too much. The flavor doesn't seem to permeate through turkey. I also halved an apple and wedged it in there. I use a cheap-o charcoal smoker which works great with a few minor modifications. I have little control over the temp, though it's been fairly consistent in the 200-250 range. I've used all kinds of wood (hickory, mesquite, cherry, pecan, apple... ) and can't tell any difference in taste of the meat, though it's usually seasoned. The difference is in how fast it burns up. Dad is a wood turner and so I get fist-sized hunks rather than small chips. The pecan seems to last the longest and thus requires the least attention, which is nice. I also use a 50/50 mix of cheap beer and water in the water pan. I've tried juices and various other things and again, really can't tell much difference in taste.
  22. Dad's smoking a turkey. Last week I smoked 2 pork loins, a ham, and a turkey breast. Ironically, the ham took the least effort and was the best.
  23. There's lots of stuff that works well as a desiccant.... salt, rice, oatmeal, sawdust, cat litter, oil dry, ... Any of those in a breathable container will absorb water vapor from the air.
  24. Be nice if they'd put up a non-compliant sign that would soothe the sheep but not annoy us.
  25. I doubt there's much that could be done. You can't really move the ejector back and don't want to remove metal from the rear of the barrel. If it works fine with other ammo, I'd use it move on.


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