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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Hate to hear that. Heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
  2. peejman

    blacken stainless?

    Absolutely correct. Stainless steel will both stain and corrode under the right conditions. We routinely etch titanium weldments with an HF/HN mixture. A nital etch might do what you want. I'll poke around and see what I can find.
  3. 13lbs... I wonder what that's like. For me, the minimum weight is about 30lbs, usually closer to 40lbs. My 1yr old weighs 19 lbs, the pack he rides in weighs 8 lbs, plus diapers, wipes, drinks, snacks, camera, bug dope, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, spare clothes, first aid kit, ... and that's just for a trip to the grocery store! The 5-ish mile distance sounds good to me as well. And I also prefer hiking in the cooler weather. It's relatively easy to keep warm as long as you're moving, no bugs, no leaves to spoil the view, fewer people.
  4. While wiring and home electrical isn't typically very complicated, it does require very methodical troubleshooting. A few hours with a voltmeter should provide some answers. (I'm not an electrician) It seems odd that the water heater and home heat would be on the same circuit. Is the freezer 110V or 220V? I assume both the heat and water heater are 220V. If your house is old enough that you've got screw-in fuses. I'd want to make darn sure the wiring integrity is good before changing to a modern breaker panel. While an electrician might be a bit expensive, burning a house down is more so.
  5. Day hiking is a possibility. My camping stuff is for car camping.
  6. We might still have Dime. I miss that guy.
  7. I have a really nifty bullet puller... it's called pliers. Yank the bullet, pour the powder on the sidewalk, light it and enjoy, then toss the case and bullet. Someone will probably say that's not especially safe. In truth, I've only done it 3 or 4 times. If you had the proper reloading tools, you could probably reset the OAL.
  8. I've always rotated and checked OAL due to set-back concerns. Never considered the primer failing.
  9. I'm surprised the Nuge doesn't have something like this. Both functions fully operational, of course. Think of the possibilities... not only could we have pointless arguments about caliber, we could intermingle that with pointless arguments about strings!
  10. Genius... pure genius. AK-47 Guitar A close 2nd... Newest Items
  11. Set the camera to shutter speed priority mode, I believe it's "Tv" on the dial. Set the shutter speed to 1/250 and see what happens. If the images are still too dark, increase the shutter speed one click at a time until it is. If you can't get good images at a shutter speed faster than 1/100, do a little post processing to lighten them or petition the gym for better lighting.
  12. Whole house humidifiers that are a part of your central HVAC system are readily available... Humidifiers - Trane Humidifier | TRANE
  13. Print it out and take it with you. "We can't do that." "Sure you can. Here's the regulations that say so."
  14. Sarco is a good company. Sometimes you have to call to make sure you're getting what you want, but otherwise, they're fine.
  15. Forget the decongestant nasal sprays, they won't help. They might make it worse. Saline spray might help. Buy a humidifier. I have 2 of the ultrasonic (cool mist) versions in my kids rooms. I have a much larger capacity steam version in our room. The steam version has a humidity sensor and turns itself on/off as needed. I set it to 55% relative humidity and when it's cold out and the heat is running a lot, it'll run nearly non-stop and dump 6-8 gallons of water into the air in 24 hrs. If I was smart, I'd rig up some sort of auto-fill mechanism using a toilet valve. The cool mist ones won't touch that output, they only run at night. You will have to take them apart and clean them periodically. The steam one gunks up with crusty scale, the ultrasonic ones get mold/algae funk in them. I also have one of those Oregon Scientific weather stations. It correlates reasonably with the humidifier setting. When humidity in the house drops below 40%, my nose starts to close up. edit... if possible, when you sleep try to retain the moisture in your breath. I pull the sheet up around my face a little to help keep a pocket of moist air.
  16. Those poor, poor lever guns. What did they ever do to deserve that?
  17. If anyone wants black walnut seedlings, come to my house in the spring. One of my neighbors has a big tree and the critters just love to plant the acorns. I typically pull hundreds of them out of my flowerbeds. I love the idea of 20-30 acres to play on, but I'd cut the bare minimum necessary to build what you want. Seems like there's a shortage of "mature" forest around here. Hard to find a stand of trees more than 24" in diameter.
  18. Did one of these last year, would like to do it again. Excellent and cheap way to play with a Garand. And if you break it, they bring you another one!
  19. peejman

    1K and my AR

    Thanks for the explanation. I was curious as to whether the OP used optics or not so I can determine how impressed I am. btw... didn't they recently change the "service rifle" category to allow A4 configuration?
  20. I've got 4 or 5 Leathermans. I've been carrying a Wave for many years and it's held up well. Good to know their service is top notch.
  21. I agree. In the OP, the guy intentionally brought his guns with him. That was dumb. If something happens beyond your control and you end up there, that's something else entirely. If that happened to me, I'd certainly be talking to someone with TSA, the airline, and likely the local cops. Seems like attempting to explain the situation up front might help your cause. But maybe not. I do agree there's a hole in the law that can bite and otherwise law abiding citizen in the arse. The only real way to fix it is (unfortunately) litigation.
  22. peejman

    1K and my AR

    Irons or optics?
  23. peejman


    Me thinks someone is compensating for something...
  24. Any guess as to how deep the pitting is? Can you take a close-up pic of it? If you push a fine point pen over the pits, can you feel them? Can you view the pits under a magnifying glass? If so, are they jagged or smooth in appearance? I'd guess the Cerakote process would effectively hide what I'd consider "minor" pitting. The blasting should smooth them out and the paint will fill them in, to an extent. If functional is all you're after, Cerakote is a good choice. I'd also assume that their price includes all the typically exposed parts, though I'd call to verify. Sometimes you can reduce the cost by disassembling it yourself.
  25. Exactly what part of "Do NOT take your gun to NYC" is confusing? Read this... Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal of traveler who wants to sue Port Authority following arrest in N.J. on gun charges | NJ.com


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