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Everything posted by peejman

  1. It's too hot when your gun is too hot to handle.... generally above about 125 deg F. The inside of a car easily gets that hot left in the sun. It also depends on the gun. Metal transfers heat much more effectively than plastic or wood and hence will burn you more quickly. Cooking off ammo is a secondary concern.
  2. Thanks for the info. Yep. I assume he varies the j-hook to accommodate a thick leather belt vs. a thin nylon belt. $40 seems a little pricey for kydex, but they do look nice.
  3. It's all a matter of how good is good enough? If you're satisfied using factory ammo and getting minute of man accuracy at 200 yds... you probably don't need a chronograph. If you're developing your own hand loads for the next 1000 yd match or think 0.5" groups at 100 yds aren't good enough... you probably need a chronograph. As to the accuracy and or consistency/repeatability of it... again, it depends on your intended purpose. If you're shooting at 100 yds and calculating drops at 800 yds... accuracy is paramount. If you're working up next season's deer load and never shoot past 75 yds.... consistency is more important than absolute accuracy.
  4. Looks good. What does the back of it look like? Does the belt have to pass through or does it clip on?
  5. Shooting a long gun left-handed does still feel a little more natural to me. With some practice, shooting it right-handed works fine too. Not getting hit in the nose with hot brass is a plus.
  6. I'm also left handed and right eye dominant. I learned to shoot right handed. It's a right handed world and it just makes everything easier.
  7. If he'd carried a .45, the bear would've been too scared to attack. Just getting that out of the way... I suspect they had food in the tent. Glad the kid got away.
  8. The garden at home produced reasonably, though I'll change some things next year... I planted the broccoli too close together and I didn't plant enough. The heads we got were tasty, but I was a little disappointed with the total yield. We ate all we got, no extra to save. I planted too much spinach. It grew so fast and made so much that the plants got away from me. It got bitter and went to seed quickly. Given that both spinach and broccoli are "cool weather" plants, I was surprised how long they lasted. I didn't plant enough snap peas and they need something to climb. I was lazy and didn't get the trellis put in soon enough after they began to grow. The bed has a base of pine needles and I thought that might be enough, but the peas on the ground rotted. That was about half my plants. The plants that climbed the chicken wire around the garden (lots of rabbits around) did fine and the peas were quite tasty. Again, we ate all we got, none to save. The tomatoes are growing quite well with lots of small green tomatoes, but none ripe yet. We put cantaloupe in another flower bed where a bush died and left a hole. It's doing ok if I can save it from the rabbits. I'm also a suburbanite so unfortunately rabbit stew isn't a good solution. The garden at work is doing ok... sort of. I didn't till my area after the tractor did the whole thing and that seems to have been a mistake. My area is full of weeds, it's terrible. Most of my plants are alive, but not really thriving. I've harvested some okra, but the plants are still tiny (knee high). When I've grown them at home they'd get 8 ft tall. A lot of it was too tough to eat as well. My tomato plants are also tiny... less than half the size of the ones at home. They've also got lots of baby maters, but no ripe ones yet. The green beans that sprouted are tiny (noticing a theme?). I planted two types of bush beans, about 1/2 of one type came up and less than 1/4 of the other came up. I've gotten a couple handfuls of beans, which were tasty, but that's it. The cucumbers seems to be the only thing that's growing reasonably, though it's somewhat hard to find them amongst the weeds. I've gotten maybe 1/4 bushel so far and they've been tasty. The watermelon plants are still alive, but not really growing. If I do this work garden again next year, there will have to be some serious changes. EPA regs not withstanding, something's gotta be done about the weeds (being an industrial site, we're responsible for our water run off and were told we couldn't use chemicals). It also desperately needs more compost. The drought/heat is taking a toll as well. I put a section of perforated corrugated pipe on the downspout adjacent to my garden at home so all the rain that hits the roof ends up in the garden. I think that's helping. My rain barrel is nearly empty too. At work, the company has let us run a hose from the building to the garden and a fellow gardener put up a sprinkler system. Unfortunately, the sprinkler doesn't reach all of my area so I have to hand water a bunch of it.... which I'm headed out the door to do right now...
  9. As others have said, if you can legally own a handgun and meet the eligibility requirements, fine with me. A coworker is a resident alien from the UK and a serious gun nut. He typically buys guns 3 at a time because the "instant" part of TICS usually takes 3 days for him.
  10. Best I recall, the water bath was how we did it. If my wife and I get back into it, I'd likely use the side burner on my grill to keep the heat out of the house. Ironic that you have to have the huge pot of boiling water at the hottest time of the year. I like your method of freezing stuff until later in the year when it's cooler. We're somewhat casually looking for a chest freezer at the moment... need more space.
  11. Not a $0.10 paper bag, something even cheaper.... a light switch. The judicial system is absurd. The judge that didn't tell this family and their schmuck attorney to f-off needs to step down.
  12. There's an app for that... http://www.motherearthnews.com/mother-earth-news-apps.aspx http://www.motherear...zecz11zsmi.aspx We don't can, though I have a bit of interest in learning how. I helped my parents can stuff when I was a kid and have bad memories of miserably hot, sweaty work. We canned tons of green tomato pickles, which I don't really like anyway. Now I mostly freeze stuff, though canning is a better long term option.
  13. http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/jamming-cell-phones-and-gps-equipment-against-law
  14. I agree. And that's why I pick blueberries instead...
  15. mmmm.... shepherd's pie. Come to think of it, we may have one buried somewhere in the bottom of the freezer.
  16. Thick and starchy, again with lots of ice cream.
  17. This thread is full of win!
  18. Mine too (though she's not a yankee). She'll ask if I want a piece of pe-cahn pie. I say "What? Oh, you mean pee-can pie. Sure! With ice cream, lots of ice cream." Though truth be told, peach cobbler is better. Oh, and to Dolomite's post above.... nail, meet head.
  19. Welcome!
  20. So the bolt isn't holding the case rim tight enough against the breech face for it to seal? Is there an obvious gas escape (other than the noise)? That may be normal for a .22, it just seems a little odd. How much does the size of the brass vary?
  21. As Lester points out... I'd surmise than anything earlier than about 1800 is very unreliable. It certainly seems to neglect a number of significant global civilizations. My take on the chart is that the US economy has grown at a much higher rate than the others. I wonder if that's really GDP per capita instead of gross numbers. I'd expect to see a dip in the last decade or so, but not starting in 1950.
  22. Ah yes, the good old vinegar and baking soda volcano. I'll have to remember that next time I'm hanging out with a few particular friends... Cool, thanks for the pic. Is there any sort of fire grate in the bottom, or does the wood just sit on the ground? I assume you have to start the fire and let it burn down to coals before you start cooking? Then feed in wood as needed to keep it going. How do you keep it from flaring up when you add wood?
  23. Keep in mind that it may be against the law to bring firewood from your home to your campsite. http://www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/firewood-alert.htm http://www.tn.gov/agriculture/regulatory/tcd.shtml http://www.tn.gov/agriculture/publications/regulatory/tcd_map.pdf That said, hiking, fishing (license req'd), swimming, hot dogs over the fire, smores, books, ...


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