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Everything posted by peejman

  1. That's really strange. Have the box(es) of ammo in hand and call the manufacturer. It'd be nice if you had access to ballistic gel or a big water tank so you could recover the bullets. Then you could match up the fragments and see where they're coming from.
  2. Indoor, outdoor, or backyard range? What kind of back stop? If the jacket is separating from the bullet before the bullet hits anything, I'd call that defective ammo and send it back. Thinking about that a bit... that can't be what's happening. If the jacket is separating in-flight, the rotation of the bullet would fling it out to the side. If it did continue forward, it'd have enough energy to punch through the paper and you'd see multiple holes per shot. It must be hitting something in the backstop and fragmenting.
  3. A few zip ties can go a long way toward tidying up wire spaghetti. Coil up excess and hide it behind the component. If you've got multi-colored wires, simple automotive wire loom can help with that too. These doodads are nice too... http://www.amazon.com/3M-Command-Cord-Organizer-17379/dp/B0000AQOHM/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1350407155&sr=1-1&keywords=command+cord+organizer
  4. Is that a piece of the copper jacket?
  5. If by the cmp class you mean this... http://www.orsahp.com/home/new-shooter Then definitely do it. I took it last spring and loved it.
  6. How fast were you shooting?
  7. This. Unless there's some sort of coating already on it, it's simple to sand/polish the scratches out then blast the whole thing to restore the appearance. Plating/paint is typically less than 0.001" thick. A scratch that shallow is something you can see but can't feel. The scratches you've got are much deeper than that.
  8. Welcome!
  9. I hope to come for the day Saturday. I might bring my 4yr old along too. I think he'll get a kick out of the blacksmith stuff (I think it's neat too. ).
  10. Welcome!
  11. If you had the machine, would you make stuff more often? Given the interest here, it might be worthwhile. ... and nice work!
  12. Dad's got a couple of cool ones... A Colt Woodsman, 1st series. His dad bought it for his sister (my great aunt) in the late '30's. She passed it to my Dad. I've shot it and while a little finicky about ammo, it's fun to shoot. The other is my great-great grandfather's shotgun. Its a double barrel 12ga (damascus barrels) built around 1880 in England. I've tried on several occasions to talk Dad into getting it out so I can take some pics and do some research on it, but he won't for whatever reason.
  13. At the end of the day, that's the bottom line. In a sport of cheaters, he was the best. They waited until now to burn him because he's not making them rich anymore.
  14. Just don't paint the muzzle device orange and carry it in the park.... (yeah, I went there )
  15. This. I was also going to suggest Big Brothers/Big Sisters. One of my wife's cousins volunteered with the knoxville area group several years ago.
  16. This. And this. The lack of outcry from those that are clean is telling enough. A coworker is a very avid cyclist. One of his boys excelled at it and began moving up in the cycling world... bigger races, sponsors, etc. The further he moved up, the dirtier it got. Beyond a certain level, if you weren't doping, you weren't winning. The nonchalance of the other riders about it was disturbing enough that he quit. They're just going after Lance because of his notoriety. "If we get him, it'll scare everyone else into line."
  17. Check the can very carefully. If the barrel threads are bulged that much, it's very likely the first few threads in the can are bulged as well. You probably still have enough good threads for adequate retention, but a few minutes with a thread gauge will make sure.
  18. This. If they can learn to succeed in the face of adversity at a young age, very little gets in their way later in life. Sometimes all they need is a little nudge in the right direction, a ray of hope. I think its far worse to have all the advantages and fail anyway, just because you're lazy. And especially this.
  19. Fixed link: http://www.neighsayersforum.com/atfletters/09-0502,%20reply%20to%20922r%20general%20%28redacted%29.pdf From point 1 I get that literally anyone (individual or business) can be considered an "assembler". I feel sure they used the word "assembler" specifically to be distinguished from a "manufacturer". It specifically does not say "licensee", which I think is intentional. From point 2 I get that it's not a crime to possess a non-compliant firearm, but it is a crime to build one (see point 1). It appears to clearly state that there is no legal issue with owning or transferring a non compliant weapon between unlicensed individuals. However, the letter doesn't address it specifically, but I would infer that once you've identified non-compliance, you might be obligated to fix it. I think the whole thing may be somewhat moot, as I've never heard of any individual being charged. I suspect this would be considered "secondary enforcement" meaning they only care if they've already caught you doing something more significant.... just another charge to pile on.
  20. Very interesting. I have always been under the impression that 922r applied regardless. Note that the quoted text above begins with... "It shall be unlawful for any person to assemble..." Care to link those AG/ATF letters? It's not that I don't believe you... just as Mr. Reagan once said... "Trust, but verify." I'll actually be a bit annoyed if this really is the case because it means I've wasted a fair bit of on compliance. All the US made parts I bought are stamped "US". Which isn't to say that the Chinese couldn't stamp "US" on stuff too.
  21. Winner! When I saw people lined up out the door and down the sidewalk to pay $3 for a single, normal sized cupcake... that's all I needed to know. I avoid the whole area like the plague.
  22. Simple, it's in Turkey Creek. There's something about that place that makes people not care that everything costs 20% more.
  23. Congrats! As Dolomite said, most people wouldn't notice if you were on fire, much less that you're carrying.
  24. All I can offer is thoughts and prayers. I've seen what cancer can do. She's young, strong, and still has a positive attitude. Hang in there.
  25. Very true. Sometimes it can be difficult to see the forest through all the trees.


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