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Everything posted by peejman

  1. My guess is that the DOT is doing a traffic survey of the intersection. Set the camera up, let it record for a while, then watch the footage to determine volumes and such for potential light timing or traffic pattern changes. That may not be "conspiracy theory" enough for some, but such is life. Apparently Eastern TN didn't get this memo.
  2. Nice! I'm curious, does the polished head stick in the wood? Long ago, I got the bright idea to polish our old kindling hatchet. I made it gleam like a mirror. Unfortunately that rendered it virtually useless for splitting wood as the head stuck like crazy. After wrestling with it for a while I finally just scuffed it up with some 20 grit and its usefulness returned. Dad makes various things from purple heart laminated with other woods and AFAIK, he just uses regular Titebond wood glue. Gorilla glue is good stuff as well.
  3. Interesting. I've seen plenty of black widows and wolf spiders and it sure looked like a black widow. Though I didn't look for long.
  4. Can you split kindling with it? Cut heavy rope? Hanging with or even better, without a weight. After that, how thin can you slice a tomato?
  5. Triple Dayum! I'm impressed!
  6. Welcome!
  7. I keep my cruddy work boots in the garage. After sticking my foot in my boot one morning, feeling something wiggly under my toes, rapidly removing the boot, and seeing a big cockroach roll out of it, I check my boots before I put them on now. That said, last fall I picked up my boot one morning and banged it on the concrete to shake out anything that might be in there. Lo' and behold, a great big mama black widow with about 9 million babies on her back rolled out. When I whacked her with the boot that was still in my hand, the babies scattered like grains of sand and began skittering across the garage. Barry Sanders would have been proud of my fancy footwork trying to squish all of them... in my sock feet. I got a bunch of them, but I'm quite sure I didn't get them all. I've never told my wife that.
  8. Is that a Ruger P-series? I feel sure carrying that boat anchor IWB would get tiring and uncomfortable. I have one. When I carry IWB, I use a Crossbreed supertuck for my PT145. Like others have said, it took a little time to find the sweet spot and get the holster molded to my side. Having a real gun belt and pants sized appropriately (~2" larger in the waist) helps immensely. Most of the time I pocket carry a P3AT. It's so much more convenient, especially with my small kids. If I had to do it again, I'd get a convertible IWB/OWB like OS's. Those are sweet.
  9. I guess you'd better not think about how many spiders you've actually eaten in your sleep. That might gross you out.
  10. Just another little bit of useless information.... That classic hawk scream you hear in movies regardless of the type of raptor shown (typically bald eagles), is a red tailed hawk call. Bald eagles sound nothing like that.
  11. I agree completely. When you live in a subdivision with 200 houses where at least 90% were done by the same builder, some things are inevitable. Think the inspector looked at every detail in every house? Think again. The breaker panel in Dad's custom house is HUGE. Every room is on a separate circuit. Wall outlets are not on the same circuit as the lights... that way the lights don't go out when you trip a wall outlet. He's also got isolation valves in the plumbing so the water can be shut off to each bathroom, kitchen, and laundry independently. No need to turn off the whole house for a repair in one area. Simple stuff that doesn't cost a lot more but makes life a lot easier.
  12. I thought I made that clear... As I said, garage and both bathrooms on same circuit. All three rooms have a GFCI outlet. After grinding up a spoon in the garbage disposal, I decided to replace the toggle switch with a momentary. It's a double outlet and the other switch is the kitchen light. So I flipped breakers until the light went off, started to replace the switch, and got the crap shocked out of me (nearly literally). Two circuits, same junction box. Gotta love spec houses.
  13. True about the tails. Same as with bald eagles, it takes several years for the red tail or white head to develop. An immature red tail can be easily mistaken for a red shouldered hawk.
  14. You're going to learn just how totally screwed up the wiring is in your house. What sort of electrician puts the wall outlets in the garage and both bathrooms on the same circuit? The moron that did my house. I have similar problem. There may be more than one GFCI outlet in the circuit. You've got to find and reset all of them. 1. Turn the breaker off. 2. Find and reset all the GCFI outlets. If one (or more) won't reset, replace them. 3. Once the outlets are reset, turn the breaker back on. Still no juice? Replace the breaker.
  15. Welcome!
  16. Beautiful bird! And the funny part is, most people assume a bird that big is heavy. A really big female red-tailed hawk weighs a whopping 4 lbs. We have a resident Cooper's Hawk that occasionally takes a dove off our bird feeders. My parents live on the lake in Soddy Daisy and regularly see the resident Bald Eagle pair.
  17. As has become common these days, circumstances conspired to prevent me from coming. I'd even thought enough ahead to collect a couple old railroad spikes to play with in the forge. Next time perhaps.
  18. Look for the clear paths through the water from the dam to the bank, that's were you'll see them.
  19. Big spiders eat big bugs.
  20. TN has a state leash law. Dogs are not permitted to run "at large", therefore the owner of the dog that comes out after you has already broken the law. If it was just me walking my dog, I'd react closer to DaveTN's posts. If my kids were involved, I grease that dog without a 2nd thought.
  21. Where would we be without the space program? Would an entrepreneur have funded that? The government has to do some things. A capitalist wants a return on his investment. Core research rarely provides a timely ROI. The stuff that's been funded by the current administration go from questionable to completely ludacris, but that doesn't mean we should stop.
  22. Dad's a woodworker and does various oil type finishes (tung, walnut, maybe linseed? ). I don't recall it being real difficult, just time consuming... lots of coats, depending on how you want the finish to look.
  23. This. I also prefer oil finishes. and...
  24. That looks really nice. Does he make similar stuff to hold things like phones, multi-tools, or spare mags?
  25. Of course they're plated, that's how you apply a copper jacket to a lead bullet. The devil is in the details however, plating can be a very touchy process. Sounds like they've had issues with their baths.


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