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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Ruger P-series, the metal versions.   Beretta 92F. 
  2.   This.  Assuming the kids have good eyes, 300 yds with irons should be doable with a bit of practice.    While DSA likes to claim 0.5 MOA from their FAL's, I remain unconvinced.  A typical FAL is a 2-3 MOA gun.  While a 6" group at 200 yds won't impress a national match shooter, it's still adequate for the purpose you mentioned.  And they're fun because most people have no idea what they are.   The M1A is an excellent, choice as well.  Lots of options for them.   Bang-for-your-buck (pun intended), the Garand is hard to beat. 
  3. Most excellent!    There are various programs available for disabled hunters...  http://www.buckmasters.com/resources/badf/disabled-hunters.aspx
  4. Good stuff there.  I've told my wife repeatedly to never, ever stop for an unmarked car on the side of the road.  Find a gas station, store, anywhere there's people before you stop.  If that's going to be more than a 30 second trip, call 911 and explain what you're doing.  She might have to deal with an annoyed cop, but that's better than the alternative. 
  5. Given the .30-06 cartridge was developed in 1906 (hence the -06), a rifle made in 1911 should be fine, assuming the rifle itself is in good shape.  While production quality controls have improved tremendously since then, the basic manufacture of the steel itself hasn't changed much.
  6. If only they could somehow make breaking the law illegal.  That's the best long term fix.
  7. That sure didn't slow Lanza down much.
  8. I wish I could lose about 10 lbs so the bigger gun would be a bit more comfortable...
  9. Been there, done that.  Though thankfully I was just holding him rather than having him on my shoulders.
  10.   Do they not have school resource officers there?  Apparently not.  Seems like most schools around here have one.  Maybe it's just high schools. 
  11. I'm the nerdy engineer type and researched it considerably when my young'uns came along.  At the end of the day, this specific issue hasn't been studied adequately for me to draw any real conclusions.  Some doctors say "no problem", others say "no way".  So in the absence of real data... better safe than sorry. 
  12. Here's an article she might like....   http://www.corneredcat.com/article/practical-issues/concealed-carry-for-the-fashionable-woman/
  13.   If someone ever did that to me, I'd have to laugh.  I'd consider it my reward for the times I did the same thing 25 years ago...
  14.   Turbine engine repair.  http://www.standardaero.com/
  15.   Flares are one thing, pungi sticks are something else.  Intent to injure is the issue. 
  16.   Based on experience.  I'll be honest and say we tend to hire on the low end and have gotten what we've paid for more than once recently.  However, in this case I'd expect (hope) that we'd be a little more willing to pay for someone with skills.  The learning curve can be expensive in this business.      That was a really vague answer...   Honestly, I'm not sure where this one falls in the pay scale.  Somewhere between $12 - $20 per hour (plus OT) is my guess.    And I'll add that experience with and/or certification for magnesium would be viewed very highly. 
  17. If it's a minor spring replacement, why not DIY?   Otherwise, Predator Custom.
  18.   I like this idea but it might result in some retaliation.  Why escalate the issue?   The "smile for the camera" sign is a good idea.  Keep in mind that booby traps are illegal. 
  19. Bump.  Position open again, unfortunately.
  20. Interesting analysis of how it went down.  It clearly wasn't a over-night job.   http://news.yahoo.com/insight-republicans-engineered-blow-michigans-powerful-unions-061930181--business.html;_ylt=AvQ39Cd0jeJOXuo80I6M.wYJVux_;_ylu=X3oDMTIydWk2MTRkBG1pdANBVFQgSG9tZSBXaWRnZXRyb24gVGVzdCAxBHBvcwMzOQRzZWMDTWVkaWFBdHRXaWRnZXRyb25Bc3NlbWJseQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
  21. As far as I'm aware, "intent to go armed" is very vague on purpose.  Gives the lawyers something to argue about.  The interpretations seems to vary from "intent to do someone harm with a weapon" to simply having one accessible.    But I agree with the above... any property owned or used by an educational institution is a no-go.  Unless your simply picking up or dropping off a student.
  22. Its the time of year when we all start to think about New Year's resolutions. Losing weight is always a very popular thing. Everywhere you read about starting an exercise program always contains some statement to the effect of "consult your doctor prior to starting any exercise program." Most people (me included) tend to gloss over that statement. Folks, please don't ignore that advice. I lost a friend on friday because of it.   My friend Dwayne, who's always been a big boy, had really gotten big over the last year. The scale recently tipped past 300 lbs and he decided that was enough and it was time to lose some weight. Apparently his ticker wasn't up to the task. He suffered a massive heart attack while exercising with his family. He was exactly 2 weeks older than me (37).   Nobody likes going to the doctor. Which is your preferred source of info, your family doc or the coroner?   http://www.croleyfh.com/cgi-bin/CompanyInternal?stdout+115+croleyfh.com+2234+4+9103:Lcgi_html/   On a related note.... make sure you've got a decent life insurance policy. You never know when you'll need it.   /end of PSA.   :)
  23. Cool idea for a bullet magnet.  I guess they like being shot at...       Very true.  Regardless of what we like to think about the power of technology, wars are always won by simple attrition. 


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