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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Whatever you do, don't say that name 5 times into a mirror....
  2. Got more pics?  I can't see much in that one.
  3. If you've got collision at the least and definitely if you've got comprehensive, it should be covered.    I do know a guy who could handle the work, but he's here in Maryville.  I'm sure there's someone near you that can fix it. 
  4.   While I'm not in the city, this would indicate yes, the mayor is appointed by the city council....  
  5.     Yes, do tell....  :wave:         Similar stuff here.  I think it's just been too wet for several of the veggies.... tomato and okra in particular.  The melons will mold/rot if left on the ground.  You need to sit them on some straw or something that drains to get them up out of the dirt.  We've tried cantaloupe and watermelon in the past.  We got exactly one good cantaloupe and never got a watermelon much past football sized before they rotted. 
  6.   Hypothetically speaking, of course....
  7. Agreed, strip it and oil it.
  8. Welcome!
  9. An AK if you want to go that route or a savage bolt gun with irons in .243.
  10. An AK if you want to go that route or a savage bolt gun with irons in .243.
  11. Having spent time as a band geek, fans at any big school are horrible. It really doesn't matter, there's rude, obnoxious, assholes wearing their team colors at every stadium.
  12. Ah. Good for him.
  13. Cukes are finally rolling in. Maters are growing really slowly. Got a handful of okra, but a long way to go yet. Beans are done.
  14. The kits aren't that hard to assemble assuming you have basic mechanical skills. You'll need a receiver wrench at the very least. A few other things can make it easier. The big thing is how they headspace, which is different from most other rifles. I paid about $350 for my kit, plus another $350 for the upper (which is the firearm in a FAL), plus a bit more for tools, 922r parts, mags, etc. I've got about a grand in it.
  15.     I will admit to having carried past signs.... because I didn't seem them until subsequent visits.  Then I don't go there anymore.  I'm not eyeballing every square inch of the entrance for a sign.  If its not prominent, I'm not going out of my way to find it.    As stated above, there's very little case history of people being charged.  Those that have been charged were doing something stupid like open carrying past a sigh they knew was there, then argued with the property management about it, then got belligerent with the cops that showed up. 
  16.   Yes, except you need to do research and make darn sure you're not violating someone else's patent.  You can search the patent database, though it can be very confusing and difficult to find what you're looking for.  http://patft.uspto.gov/   Big companies employ people who specifically try to find ways around their competitor's patents.  I know because I used to do it.     SIG's AR arm brace thingy is a good example.  I'm told that some guy on arfcom thought of that several years ago and make a prototype for himself.  Some folks thought it was a cool idea but he didn't do anything else with it.  Lo and behold... SIG markets one a little while later.
  17. 9mm or .45 handgun and a flashlight.  I'd like to get an 18-20" shotgun, but just haven't gotten there yet.  I have kids and it's a whole lot easier to manage a pistol one-handed. 
  18.       Yep.  Hybrids and electric cars are generally not an economically viable option to a modern car.  Battery technology just isn't there yet.  Saving the planet is expensive.              Our cars have the same stuff.  It's amazing to me how many people don't have jumper cables.    And please consider fix-a-flat as a last resort, especially if you have aluminum wheels.  Not only does it completely gunk up the inside of the wheel and make it very difficult to balance, something in the fix-a-flat goop attacks aluminum.  I've seen aluminum wheels where it had been used that had considerable corrosion under the goop. 
  19.     The car must be loaded to a certain percentage of it's GVWR for the EPA testing.  So yes, the weight of the spare is irrelevant but no, a midget wouldn't help either. 
  20. It's more about a packaging and crash structure requirements than gas mileage.  They also take up precious trunk space.  It's not only the weight, packaging, and cost of the tire, it's also the jack and jack handle, the cover, and the structure in the car necessary to keep all of that breaking loose and flying around in a crash.  Spare tires are big and extremely rigid.  It's very difficult to package one in a modern uni-body construction car and have a significant impact on the crash behavior of the car. 
  21. He got off easy.  First, it let go.  Second, it didn't roll.    Stupid is as stupid does.
  22. Interesting.  Glad I don't pay city taxes or buy that newspaper.  ;)
  23. You probably want a hybrid rather than a true mountain bike.  The hybrid will be faster and more comfortable on the paved paths, while still being somewhat capable when it isn't paved.    You won't find much new in the $200 range... $400 is a little closer to reality for something with good components.  Sometimes you can find deals on Craigslist, but you've got to know what you're looking for.    Measure yourselves and determine the frame size you need.  It's important to be sure the bike fits you properly.  If it's uncomfortable, you won't ride it.   There's a ton of brands out there, the important thing is the components in the bike (shifters, derailers, wheels, etc.)  I'm not up on all the details like I used to be.  I'm sure someone will chime in with more info.  Don't be surprised if it resembles the classic 9mm vs. .45 debate.  ;)    Be prepared for a sore arse.  It takes some time to acclimate your back side to sitting on a bike seat for any length of time. 
  24.     ORSA is the place for high power. 


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