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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Been there, done that, what they said. A fair price for a vehicle with a clear title and a fair price for one with a salvage title are quite different. He tried to pull a fast one and failed. That's all that happened.
  2. I find stuff like this both inspiring and depressing. It's inspiring in that kids dig music like this. It's depressing in that I really wish I'd started playing guitar when I was a kid and actually had time to learn it. I found the bass player and drummer quite impressive. The girl singing is really good but she needs to grow some angst... that angelic voice just doesn't quite fit.
  3. I'm digging this.... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4qhxvnMDf2E
  4. That's just a molding flaw. The halves of the die didn't seat properly. No biggie.
  5. Faked? That's an awful lot of blood for only a couple seconds.
  6.     Thanks much for the notice.... I missed the last one due to bad timing.  Merry Christmas to my wife!  ;)
  7. What they said. If there's something wrong, then why not.... they're your rifles so do what you want with them.
  8. Interesting that this isn't the first time. I'd like for one of our resident LEO's or law experts to weigh in on the legality of the road block. Honestly, I'd probably stop but tell them to pound sand when I learned what they were up to. I'd also probably call 911 to report/verify what they were doing.
  9.     The article/video said they were "federal contractors", not local cops.  I'm not sure about the legality of "contractors" setting up road blocks. 
  10. Check this out...    http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/North-Texas-Drivers-Stopped-at-Roadblock-Asked-for-Saliva-Blood-232438621.html   They're preying on the fact that most people are ignorant of the law and their rights, and are intimidated by a guy in uniform with a gun. Their claim that its voluntary is their legal "get out of jail free card" and they know few people will have the knowledge and cojones to tell them to f-off.    
  11. If you're a parent, I dare you to watch this and not get at least a little teary...   I did.   While they didn't seem that way at the time, it makes the difficulties we encountered with our little ones seem trivial.    http://vimeo.com/78393869       In a season of Thanksgiving, sometimes we have a lot more to be thankful for than we realize. 
  12. Picked up by Yahoo news...  http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/dad-breaks-school-pickup-rule--gets-arrested-220428879.html;_ylt=AuiBNp5UXzJYUbCkSbJFGjcJVux_;_ylu=X3oDMTJhdGJuYzZuBG1pdANBVFQgMyBTdG9yeSBKdW1ib3Ryb24gSG9tZSBDYWNoZWQEcG9zAzUxBHNlYwNNZWRpYUF0dFdpZGdldHJvbkFzc2VtYmx5;_ylg=X3oDMTFkcW51ZGliBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3BtaA--;_ylv=3
  13. Regarding adjustment of outdoor motion lights... If you crank the sensitivity up, a windy night will have them coming on regularly. Make sure that won't be too annoying.
  14. I think he's getting a better deal. CETME's aren't exactly the cream of the 7.62 battle rifle crop.
  15. Which one do you shoot the most accurately and quickly when firing a quick 3 shot group at 10 yds?  Hitting the target is 99% of the battle.  What happens after that is cake. 
  16. Believe me, I'd be much happier shooting the people who feed the critters rather than the critters themselves.
  17. The elk didn't die solely because of him. The park service had already labelled that animal as a "problem child" due to its willingness to accept food from people. The elk wasn't being aggressive, it just wanted a snack. This incident was just the proverbial last straw.
  18. From my perspective, there's not a lot of public land other than the WMA's and quota hunts. Most guys I know either own land or have permission or lease private property. I'd like to get in on that but it's hard to justify the expense, especially given how little time I have. Yet again, I'll say maybe next year.
  19.     No.  Inter-state transfers must go through an FFL.
  20.     Right.  I wouldn't mention it, but it would be good to have the policy handy in the event they ask and get excited about it.
  21. Print out the USPS policy that states they ship firearms and take it with you....   just in case. 
  22. Interesting twist to the story.  A simple call to 911 or the local sheriff's office to verify whether the officer could legally require the driver to pay could've answered that question on the spot.   If she really thought something dirty was going down, she should've called 911 when she drove off.  I've told my wife lots of times to never stop on the side of the road in the boonies.  ALWAYS drive to a public spot before stopping.   Call 911 and tell the operator what you're doing.    The 14 yr old should've stayed in the car.
  23. peejman

    Sks sights

    SKS sight adjustment...  http://www.surplusrifle.com/sks/sights/   I also have Tech Sights on my SKS.  I just prefer peep sights and the longer sight radius is nice.  I also had to dremel my stock a little to get the Tech Sight to fit.  Interestingly, the rifle shot quite well with the stock sights.  When I installed the Tech Sights, it was way off to the right.  I've got it back on target but the Tech Sight is cranked nearly all the way over.  I'd like to move the front sight a bit but haven't ever bothered to get the nifty tool.    The dust cover type scope mounts don't work very well.  The dust cover just isn't rigid enough to make a stable base.  The "scout" type scope mounts that fit up near the existing rear sight work better. 


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