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Everything posted by peejman

  1.     This.  And a simple push-button type mechanical lock is likely faster and more reliable.
  2. You might consider putting a narrow black band around it before you sew it on. That might make the intent more clear, but I don't see anything wrong with what you suggest.
  3. Keltec.
  4. :)
  5. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.      If the family think this attempted robbery was out of character, clearly they didn't know their son's character very well. 
  6. Nice work.  I need an AK.   Maybe I'm just weird, but a "pristine" AK just looks odd to me.  Seems like they need some nick/dings/trench art.... gives them character. 
  7.     I went to UTC for a few years.  Being in the middle of downtown Chattown, it wasn't uncommon to encounter folks begging.  After a few experiences, the standard answer became ..."I'm in college, I don't have any money.  But I do have a meal plan and I'll get you something to eat if you're hungry."   Had exactly one guy take that offer.  Got him a great big tray full of food, which he sat down and ate immediately.  He seemed genuinely appreciative.              :wave:    :hat:    :cheers:
  8. Heh... my dog would've been hiding under me during a thunderstorm. 
  9.     If you shoot someone in the back there will be questions to be answered.  I'd prefer to avoid those questions.    In the case I referenced, even if the guy hadn't videoed it there would have been questions.  It's obvious when someone gets shot at point blank range while lying on the floor. 
  10. Told him to shoot the guy in the back?!?  :squint:    Um.... no.  Just ask that other guy about his "clean finishing shot".  :down:
  11. I do something similar at work. When I'm at my desk I generally have my headphones on. Sometimes I'm listening to music, sometimes not. Interesting what you can hear when people think you're not listening.
  12. Call 911 on speaker, find a spot with good cover, and tell them to GTFO. You didn't specify whether anyone else (kids or otherwise) might be upstairs too. If so, that changes things a bit.
  13. Exactly. I've never understood how people run or cycle with earbuds. They're oblivious to the world around them. I see that and it just screams "sneak up on me."
  14. No pics?   Tease.  :waiting:
  15. I'll second what Hozzie said.  Generally, dogs aren't that expensive unless you just have to have all the high dollar accessories.  For me, the biggest expenses have been the stuff they destroy.   Do lots and lots of homework on pure bred dogs... they can have a number of congenital issues that can be very expensive to deal with.   GSP's are VERY high energy dogs, a friend has one.  It runs, and runs, and runs, and runs, and runs..... The dog originally belonged to another friend's neighbor.  They gave it away because they just didn't have time to deal with it and their 3 kids.    I'd also recommend you think real hard about that before getting one.  If you're a single guy who works 10-12 hrs/day, raising a puppy isn't going to be easy.  Puppies need lots of attention.  Being stuck in a crate half the day is going to make training somewhat difficult. 
  16. 1. Depends on the level of concealment and the temp. If it's really hot or I need deep concealment, it's the 380 in my pocket. If not, the double stack .45 on my belt. 2. I haven't tried a lot of IWB holsters, but the Crossbreed I have is pretty comfortable. That said, the gjohnsoniv made OWB I have is more comfortable.
  17. Awesome! A Sharps is on my bucket list.
  18. I feel sure the engineers who designed it know more about it than I do, so I'd send it in.
  19. Large, heavy, and loud.... Yep!
  20. That sucks but it happens. My wife's car got whacked in a parking lot several years ago.
  21. What they said. Save up a little more cash and get the "nifty" 50mm 1.4. It's a fantastic lens. Keep an eye on B&H used section, KEH, and eBay. They can be had for good prices, but you gotta be quick.
  22. You've already got this resolved, but I'll throw my :2cents:  in anyway...   I had an old Crate amp that sounded like ass at anything below ear bleeding volume.  Being a college dorm and/or apt dweller, that typically didn't go well.  My solution to that was to buy a distortion pedal... a Boss, I think.  Using that, I could get the distortion I liked   :rock:   but keep the volume at a reasonable level.   I've ran across a screaming deal on a Peavy 212 Classic Chorus year ago and ditched the Crate.  A friend of mine in college who was quite a player had one, and the sounds he could get out of it amazed me.  It's a boat anchor, but it rarely moves these days.  I'm a hack, but it sounds good to my untrained ear. 
  23.     FTFY.    It's a legal system, not a justice system. 
  24. May be a bit far but Chilhowee Sportsman's Club is nice ... http://www.chilhoweesportsmansclub.com/
  25. I need to get my "storm" bag together.  This past week reminded me of that.    How hard would it be to access and use any sort of whistle or air horn when buried under said pile of rubble?  Obviously possible if you ended up in some sort of cavity where you could move around to some extent, but if you've ever been at the bottom of the "dog pile" you know that simply breathing can be difficult.  Getting a deep enough breath to blow a whistle or dig an air horn out of a bag might be impossible.   I've got a whistle that lives in my primary hiking pack but hadn't thought of one for the BOB.


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