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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Crossbreed has a "QwikClip" that's exactly as you describe.... http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/HotcakesStore/ProductViewer/tabid/113/slug/QwikClip/Default.aspx
  2. I'd also recommend you get the charging/starting system checked.  Could be an intermittent problem with the voltage regulator where it's not recharging the battery for some reason, or maybe a bad relay, or something (else) strange.    That said, I've had good luck (*knock on wood*) with Autozone Gold batteries.  There's two things I know of for lead-acid battery life... 1) check the water regularly, and 2) Don't let it discharge completely.  I check the water every time I change the oil and I probably have to add a little (distilled) water every other time.  If it's something that sits for weeks at a time, get a battery tender.  Car batteries are made for starting cars... a single huge current draw followed by a recharge cycle.  They're not made for sitting with the radio on for hours on end. 
  3. I'm guessing that the small town sheriff was pissed about the fake bomb threat and got a bit over zealous in his ensuing "investigation"(due process be damned), and it nearly killed him.  With no warrant, what the sheriff did is functionally B&E.  Knowing that, they let the guy go with the promise that they'll fix what they broke and hope he doesn't sue. 
  4. It would be nice if they also showed it as a percentage of the total county population.  The couple counties I looked at and state as a whole show roughly 10%.
  5.   There is such a thing as a "no knock" warrant that permit the LEO's to smash in with no warning.  They are typically reserved for apprehending violent felons where they expect armed resistance and having the element of surprise can be advantageous.  But, there's also plenty of instances where such warrants were served on the wrong people (wrong address, etc.) and innocent people got hurt or killed in the ensuing confusion.
  6.     I've heard a similar thing about getting behind the wheel of a race car... Your IQ gets divided by 3 when you strap in. 
  7. Amazing that the cop didn't shoot back.
  8. Heh.... my first thought when I read the thread title was ... "Get someone else to do it."  Apparently she already did.  :)
  9. Nice.   I hope they know one another.      Under duress I might admit to having put a note on a vehicle or two stating .... "If you ___ like you park, you'll never get any."
  10.     Paid, I think. 
  11. :rofl:
  12. Exactly. None of us were there to see what the attitudes of the coaches and players were at the time. I'm all for playing to best of your ability, but there's no reason to humiliate your opponent in a meaningless high school game. If this team is that much better than their opponents (several prior 70pt wins) they need to seek more worthy competition. Same reason why I've never understood division 1 college teams playing a community college. You don't get better playing lesser opponents. The officials should have called it at half-time.
  13. It pains me to see these folks ruin a perfectly good gun and smoking through all that ammo for no real purpose. But, it's neither my gun nor my money (and probably not theirs either), so to each his own.
  14. This is still the best one I've ever seen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGih7eWI3E
  15. Quite well. I don't play with it as much as I'd like, but that goes for most every toy I own. Too many hobbies I guess.
  16. That 28-135 has been on my list for a while and $300 is a good price.  It certainly seems like a very good "general use" lens.  Something a little faster would be nice (like the 24-70 2.8), but man the prices skyrocket into unaffordium territory in a hurry.    I've got access to the 60mm macro lens at work.  It's great at what it does, but I'd think the 50mm 1.4 would do 90% of what the 60mm macro will do.  A friend has the 100mm macro (got it on ebay for a song, the schmuck) and it seems more flexible and the price reflects that.  If you get a macro, the ring-light flash is a must.  A speedlite is too far off axis for close-ups unless you go remote.    I would agree that, in theory, the 18-55 and 50-250 might be fractionally better in their respective sweet spots than the 28-135 is at those same lengths.  But the 28-135 has it's own sweet spot too, and I'm not good enough to tell the difference anyway. 
  17. The top round in the 10 rd mag is obviously sitting much lower than the top round in the 5 rd mag.  I'd look closely at the lips on the mags, perhaps nothing more than a little tweak is needed.  But before I did that, I'd function test them.  Maybe it matters, maybe not... one way to find out. 
  18.   Not to get completely off-topic, but does it work reasonably?  It gets abysmal reviews. 
  19. Cerakote, duracoat, or parkerizing sounds like the best option to me. 
  20. RIP Obie.
  21.     It is pretty nasty, anything more than brief exposure will burn your hands... AMHIK...  Don't get it in the dog's eyes. 
  22. A few years ago, pre-beard... How are you guys posting pics from your phone?
  23. Meh.... appliances are pretty simple.  The hard part usually is just getting it apart without breaking anything else.  From what you describe, I'd remove that pump and check it carefully before I ordered the new part.  Could be jammed with debris or have a broken wire or switch.  Something easily fixed without spending $150 on a part. 
  24. That sure would make for a bad start to the day.    Dementia is nasty.  People who suffer from it can do some completely inexplicable, bizarre things.  Unfortunately it sounds like you're at the point of needing to treat your mom similar to the 4 yr old with regard to access to ways they may hurt themselves or others.  Kudos to you for taking her in and caring for her.  It's a tough row to hoe.
  25.     Really.    And yes, a bath with the detergent/baking soda/peroxide, followed by a bath with dog shampoo... repeat as necessary.   Last time it was 2 cycles on day 1 and 1 cycle on day 2. 


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