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Everything posted by peejman

  1. peejman

    New baby

    Sounds like my mom and sister when I was a kid. I recall being woken up on a Saturday morning to the sound of them yelling at one another again. I walked into the kitchen in my drawers, they paused and stared, I told them to shut the hell up, and walked back to my room. They were quiet after that. I think the shock alone is the only reason I got away with saying that to my mom. I'm glad I have boys. :)
  2. peejman


    It would appear the link is down.  Googling didn't help. 
  3.     4700 officers on the road helps explain that to me.  I had in mind a department about 1/10th that size.  Still, that's a lot.  Thanks for the info and for your service.
  4.     Slightly off topic I suppose, but this really jumped out at me....  That's 5 funerals every 2 years.  Maybe I'm showcasing my ignorance, but that's way more than I would have expected.   How big was the department?  All in the line of duty?  Feel free to ignore me if you don't want to talk about it... just having a hard time wrapping my head around that. 
  5.     Nope, education/rehab bird.  She was completely blind when they got her.  She's had surgery on both eyes and has some level of vision in each, though it's far from 100%.    http://www.upstatebirdsofprey.org/
  6. The only Daisy I currently have doesn't have enough oomph. I may use it as an excuse to upgrade, or I could just use the .22. If it meets its end at my hand by methods other than poison, it will end up consumed by a hawk or owl anyway...
  7. Foxes are fantastic vermin disposers, in addition to just being really pretty animals.    A big ass rat has taken up residence in one of my flower beds.  I wish a fox, owl, hawk, etc. would dispose of it for me. 
  8. I had a bad experience with Goldschlager once.  I'd guess the smell of this alone would make me gag.    My wife liked the JD Honey, I thought it was ok though if honey is what you're after, I'd just drink mead.
  9.   I think that had a lot to do with their price point.  People willing to pay double the market value for a high end AK have a tendency to be picky, and not unrightfully so. 
  10. peejman

    New baby

    Congrats!  Kids change everything.  For the better.  Mostly.  :)
  11. Cool.  The map shows them just off Chapman Hwy in South Knoxville.  Looks like they're a manufacturer only and sell through distributors.  Look to be fairly high quality with the associated price tag.   Factory direct pricing sure would be nice.    http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/component/virtuemart/shipping-rifles/ddi-waffen-milled-ak47-u-folder-rifle-detail.html?Itemid=0
  12. That's awesome! I've been trying to think of some sort of simple, reactive target for my son to shoot with his BB gun. This should perfectly!
  13. Cool.  :up:
  14.     No argument there.   I just got a little of the "talking out of both sides of our mouths" vibe.  Not pointing any fingers, just an observation. 
  15. Heh. My dog when I was a kid would eat several yellow jackets per year, every year. She'd chase them around snapping at them and eventually there would be the yelp, followed by the fat lip for several days. After the first few, we figured if she wasn't smart enough to figure that out, she deserved it. If you're going to be stupid, you'd better be tough.
  16. Forgive me if I'm missing something here... It's ok for any yahoo who can pass the HCP test to carry a loaded gun in any sort of manner and sit across from you and your family at a restaurant, or full up their car with gas at the next pump.... but it's not ok for a group of people serious enough about it to spend significant time and money to participate in a sport that improves their skills to stand around carrying loaded guns? Do you also wonder why cops feel the need to disarm a person carrying lawfully during a traffic stop or other encounter?
  17.     You ain't kiddin'.   Jamaica might beat it though.  Italy was bad too, but nowhere near the lunacy I saw in Jamaica. 
  18.     Depends on whether you believe the "shoot me first" theory. 
  19.     Excellent perspective here.  Thanks.
  20.     Indeed, fantastic movie.  Given the option, I'd much rather have subtitles than over-dubbed.  Crouching Tiger is one that immediately comes to mind as being horrible when over-dubbed. 
  21. Saw another one yesterday while getting the kids an ice cream cone.  It was somewhat comical as well, though in a different way from the one I saw the other day.  To each his own. 
  22.       Scruffy looking nerfherders, thank you very much.    :)
  23. I saw a guy open carrying in a restaurant at lunch last week.  The image it presented was rather comical IMO.  I saw a few folks notice, but no one did more than roll their eyes or shake their head.  This restaurant is frequented by detective types (cops not in formal uniform) and National Guard folks.  Even my wife said "really?". 


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