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Everything posted by peejman

  1. Welcome!
  2. No argument. Charge whatever the market will bear. Last night I learned that my defiant works quite well as a mower headlight. Tough to get finished mowing when it gets dark 45 mins after I get home. The kids thought it was great fun as well.
  3. I hear lots of talk about issues with reholstering. How often to people do that? Do they just blindly jam the thing in the holster? The gun goes in the holster, very carefully, in the morning. It slides in under less than its own weight until it hits the retention. After checking the trigger/safety (again), it gets pushed the rest of the way. I fail to see how a reholstering discharge is such a significant problem.
  4. It's a school, I'd guess knives were already verboten.
  5. I now see that most sites say that the stuff in tins is corrosive. I was thinking of the boxes that say non-corrosive. I'd assume its the same stuff, but maybe not. The safest assumption is that it is corrosive and should be treated accordingly.
  6.   That's exactly what it is.  It's not the cheap corrosive surplus from many decades ago. It comes on stripper clips and is non-corrosive, so that helps justify the cost.  The bullets are only 150 gr so I'm guessing it's down-loaded practice ammo, which isn't necessarily a bag thing as the rifle is rather a cannon with the 200 gr loads. 
  7. What they said.  High energy working dogs can be a chore to deal with sometimes.  They're excellent companions and guard dogs, but if you're the type that works 10-12 hrs/day (and can't take the dog with you), this dog is not for you. 
  8.     ... and an indication of how much margin they're making. 
  9. I use this.  With a couple simple modifications, it works great.    http://www.homedepot.com/p/Brinkmann-Smoke-N-Grill-Charcoal-Smoker-and-Grill-810-5302-S/100606041
  10. :stunned:      :squint:      :rock:
  11. I did the bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeños a while back. Other than taking 3x as long as I thought to cook, they were delicious.
  12. Sweet! Read this.... http://7.62x54r.net/MosinID/MosinHumor.htm
  13. Exactly! How else do we get our wives to let us sit around drinking beer all day and doing very little actual work? "Oh gee hon', I can't take out the trash right now, gotta check on the smoker..." :)
  14. Yes, it has to have been a kingsnake. They're very similar in appearance to black rat/racer snakes. Either way, good reason to not kill any black snake. It either eats copperheads or it eats rats and other vermin.
  15. I got to see the 1st inning, the bottom of the 2nd, and that's it.  I'm happy for the Royals.  :up:
  16. Sorry for your loss.  I'll add to what 10-ring said... I think the HS Sport King may be closer to $600.  The old .22's just keep going up.  Everything else I agree with.
  17. Electric smokers.... Blasphemy! Where there's smoke, there must be fire. I have a small charcoal/wood smoker that only needs tended to every 1-2 hours.
  18. Hope so. :)
  19. Fraternities, because paying for friends just doesn't get any better than push-ups in a Hooters bathroom while wearing a diaper. ?
  20. Thanks. I assumed they weren't just for decoration.
  21. What they said, cool stuff. Probably a silly question, but how well do they work?
  22. I've always loved trains.  I think this country is doing itself a terrible disservice to let the railroads go. It's so much more efficient than long distance trucking, sad to see it go.  Our first house was within about a mile of the tracks near Kingsport.  When we first moved there, the trains would wake me up at night.  After a little time, I could tell which way they were going just by the feel.  When you could feel the vibration, it was a full coal train headed south.  When you could just hear it, it was an empty one coming back north. 
  23. I'm the same way. I like baseball but rarely get to watch a game. I got to see the 1st inning of game 1 and exactly none of game 2. I'm somewhat of a Cubs fan because the Smokies are their farm team, otherwise I like the Braves. And anyone who beats the Mets is good by me.
  24. It would appear that GA does require trailer tags with a few exceptions: https://dor.georgia.gov/general-registration-information   Obey the traffic laws and you'll be fine.  Keep the title and/or bill of sale handy. 
  25. I've heard mostly good things about the one here, though another local shop beat their price by a little and is more convienent for me.


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